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Anderson P. Russia's Managed Democracy // London Review of Books. 2007. January 25.
Radyuhin V. Racial Tension on the Rise in Russia // The Hindu. 2006. September 16; Russian Federation: Violent Racism Out of Control. 2006. May 4 // Amnesty International, www.amnesty.org.
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Kissinger Н.А. Memorandum to the President, Subject: NSC Meeting, November 6 — Chile. 1970. November 5, www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv.
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Keane D. South American Leaders Dream of Integration, Continental Parliament // Associated Press. 2006. December 9.
Campbell D. Argentina and Uruguay Shun US Military Academy // Guardian. London. 2006. April 6; Costa Rica Quits US Training at Ex-School of the Americas // Agence France-Presse. 2007. May 19.
Burbach R. Ecuador's Government Cautiously Takes Its First Steps // NACLA News. 2007. February 19, www.nacla.org.
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Там же; Ecuador Expels World Bank Representative // Agence France-Presse. 2007. April 27; Latin Leftists Mull Quitting World Bank Arbitrator // Washington Post, Reuters. 2007. April 29; Cal-lan E., Guha K. Scandal Threatens World Bank's Role // Financial Times. London. 2007. April 23.
Wines М. Shantytown Dwellers in South Africa Protest the Sluggish Pace of Change; Smith B. et al. China's Emerging Labor Movement. 2006. October 5 / Commondreams.org, www. commondreams.org. «Четыре миллиона рабочих! — удивлялись представители американской группы борьбы за права рабочих. — В США мы отметили зарождение нового масштабного социального движения, когда в 1999 году в "битве за Сиэтл" приняло участие 60 тысяч человек».