Другая наука. Русские формалисты в поисках биографии
Kapterev S. Dokumental'nyi ffliuzion: Otechestvennyi kinodokumental-izm – opyty sotsial'nogo tvorchestva, and: Poetika kino (2-e izdanie): Pere-chityvaia «Poetiku kino» and: Fenomen kino: Istoriia i teoriia [Review article] // Kritika: Explorations of Russian and Eurasian History. 2005. Vol. 6. No. 1.
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Kujundzic D. The Returns of History. Russian Nietzscheans After Modernity. Albany: State University of NY Press, 1997.
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Lalee-Waller M. Les romans de V. Sklovskij, etapes dune evolution: 1914–1930. Paris: Universite de la Sorbonne; Ser.: Literatures, 1984.
Levaco R. Eikhenbaum, Inner Speech and Film Stylistics // Screen. Journal of the Society for Education in Film and Television. 1974. Vol. 15. No. 4.
Leyda]. Kino. A History of the Russian and Soviet Film. N.Y.: Macmillan, 1960.
Matejka L. The Roots of Russian Semiotics of Art // The Sign. Semiotics around the World. Ann Arbor: Michigan Slavic Publications, 1980.
Mayne]. Kino and the Woman Question. Feminism and Soviet Film. Columbus: Ohio Univ. Press, 1989.
Metz Ch. Та Cinema: Tangue ou langage? // Communications (Paris). 1964. No. 4.
Mitchell S. Marxism and Russian Formalism // Russian and Slavic Titerature / R. Freeborn, R.R. Milner-Gulland, C.A. Ward (eds). Tondon, Cambridge, MA: Slavica, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1976.
Monas S. Introduction // V. Shklovsky. A Sentimental Journey: Memoirs 1917–1922. N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1970.
Moranjak-Bamburac N. Автоинтерпретация и постанализ // Russian Titerature. 1994. Vol. XXXVI. No. 1.
Morson G.S. The Heresiarch of Meta // PTT. Journal for Descriptive Poetics and Theory of Titerature. Tel Aviv. 1978. Vol. 3.
Morson G.S. The Boundaries of Genre. Dostoevsky’s Diary of a Writer and The Traditions of Titerary Utopia. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1981.
Perisic V.R. Ruski formalizam i knizevna istorija. Novi Beograd: Ideje, 1976.
Piper D.G.B. Formalism and the Serapion Brothers // The Slavonic and East European Review (Eondon). 1969. Vol. XEVII. No. 108.
Pomorska K. Russian Formalism and Its Poetic Ambiance. The Hague-Paris: Mouton, 1968.
Pomorska K. Russian Formalism in retrospect // Readings in Russian Poetics: Formalist and Structuralist Views / E. Matejka, K. Pomorska (eds). Cambridge (Mass.): The MIT Press, 1971.
Pomorska K. The Eegacy of Opoyaz // Russian Titerature. 1983. XIV-4.
Pratt S. Eydia Ginzburg and the Fluidity of Genre // Autobiographical Statements in the XXth Century Russian Titerature / J.G. Harris (ed.). Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1990.
Pujante Sanchez J.D. Mimesis
Riffaterre M. Text Production. N.Y.: Columbia Univ. Press, 1983.
Rimmon-Kenan Sh. Narrative Fiction. Contemporary Poetics. Eondon; N.Y.: Methuen, 1983.
Robinson D. The Spatiotemporal Dialectics of Estrangement // TDR. 2005. Vol. 51. No. 4.
Rosengrant S. The Theoretical Criticism of Jurij Tynjanov // Comparative Eiterature. 1980. Vol. 32. No. 4.
Schefski H.K. The Changing Focus of Ejekhenbaum’s Tolstoi Criticism // Russian Review. 1978. Vol. 37.
Schoenle A. Authenticity and Fiction in The Russian Titerary Journey. 1790–1840. Cambridge, MA; Tondon: Harvard Univ. Press, 2000.
ScholesR. Fabulation and Metafiction. Urbana-Champaign. Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1979.
Segre C. Viktor Shklovsky, or The Structures of Pity // Segre C. Semiotics and Titerary Criticism. The Hague: Mouton, 1973.
Shapovaloff L. The Russian State Institute of Art History: Its contribution to literary scholarship and its liquidation // Transactions of the Association of Russian-American Scholars in the USA. 1972. Vol. VI.
Sheldon R. Sklovskij, Gor’kij and the Serapion Brothers // The Slavic and East European Journal. 1968. Vol. XII. No. 1.
Sheldon R. Shklovsky’s «ZOO» and Russian Berlin // Russian Review. 1970. Vol. 29. No. 3.
Sheldon R. The Formalist poetics of Viktor Shklovsky // Russian Eiterary Triquarterly. 1972. No. 3.
Sheldon R. Viktor Shklovsky and the Device of Ostensible Surrender // Slavic Review. 1975. No. 1.
Sheller M. Automotive Emotions. Feeling the Car // Theory, Culture, and Society. 2004. Vol. 21. No. 4/5.