Другой взгляд на Сталина (Запрещенный Сталин)
181. Ibid. , p. 376.
182. Merl, op. cit. , p. 377.
183. Ibid.
184. Robert Conquest, The Harvest of Sorrow: Soviet Collectivisation and the Terror-Famine (New York: Oxford University Press, 1986), p. 306. Stefan Merl, Wie viele Opfer forderte die ,,Liquidierung der Kulaken als Klasse««? Geschichte und Gesellschaft 14 (1988), p. 534.
185. Ibid. , p. 535.
186. Ibid. , p. 537.
187. Nicolas Werth, «Goulag: les vrais chiffres». L»Histoire 169 (September 1993), pp. 38--51. More details can be found in J. Arch Getty, Gabor T. Rittersporn and Viktor N. Zemskov. Victims of the Soviet Penal System in the Pre-war Years: A First Approach on the Basis of Archival Evidence. The America Historical Review, October 1993, pp. 1017--1049.
188. Werth, op. cit. , p. 44.
189. Conquest, op. cit. , p. 306.
190. Time, 18 October 1993, European edition, p. 50. Translated from the French translation.
1. Douglas Tottle, Fraud, Famine and Fascism: The Ukrainian Genocide Myth from Hitler to Harvard (Toronto: Progress Books, 1987), pp. 5--6.
2. The Nation 140 (36), 13 March 1935, quoted in Tottle, op. cit. , p. 8.
3. Tottle, op. cit. , p. 9.
4. James Casey, Daily Worker, 21 February 1935, quoted in Tottle, op. cit. , p. 9.
5. Tottle, op. cit. , pp. 13, 15.
6. Ibid. , pp. 19--21.
7. Ibid. , pp. 23--24.
8. Ibid. , p. 25.
9. Ibid. , pp. 4--31.
10. Ibid. , pp. 38--44.
11. Ibid. , p. 41.
12. New York Times, quoted in Tottle, op. cit. , p. 50.
13. Tottle, op. cit. , p. 51.
14. Ibid. , p. 61.
15. Ibid.
16. Ibid. , pp. 69--71.
17. Ibid. , p. 71.
18. Ibid. , p. 74.
19. Ibid. , p. 79.
20. Ibid. , p. 86.
21. Conquest, The Harvest of Sorrow, op. cit. , p. 334.
22. Tottle, op. cit. , pp. 111-112.
23. Ibid. , p. 112.
24. Ibid. , p. 113.
25. Ibid.
26. Ibid. , p. 115.
27. Ibid. , p. 118.
28. Ibid.
29. Ibid. , pp. 121--122.
30. Ibid. , p. 122.
31. Ibid. , p. 128.
32. Ibid. , p. 129.
33. Ibid. , pp. 58--59.
34. J. Arch Getty, Origins of the Great Purges: The Soviet Communist Party Reconsidered, 1933--1938 (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1985), p. 5.
35. Tottle, op. cit. , pp. 93--94.
36. Ibid. , p. 94.
37. Ibid. , p. 91.
38. Ibid. , p. 92.
39. Ibid. , p. 96.
40. Ibid. , p. 97.
41. Ibid.
42. Ibid. , p. 100.
43. Ibid. , p. 99.
44. Ibid. , p. 101.
45. Ibid.
46. Alexei Fyodorov, The Underground Committee Carries On (Moscow: Progress Publishers).
1. Trotsky, The New Course, p. 72.
2. Trotsky, The New Course, p. 85.
3. Trotsky, Lettres aux travailleurs d»URSS (May 1940). La lutte antibureaucratique en URSS II: La revolution necessaire 1933--1940 (Paris: Union generale d»editions, 1975), pp. 301--302.
4. Lenin, Eleventh Congress of the R.C.P.(B.). Works. vol. 33, p. 283.
5. Stalin, Speech delivered at the Eighth Congress of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League. Selected Works, p. 286.
6. Ibid. , p. 287.
7. Ibid. , p. 288.
8. Getty, op. cit. , p. 22.
9. On Deficiencies in Party Work and Measures for Liquidating Trotskyites and Other Double Dealers. McNeal, op. cit. , p. 183.
10. Ibid. , p. 99.
11. Stalin, Address to the Graduates of the Red Army Academies. Leninism, p. 364.
12. Getty, op. cit. , p. 105.
13. The Preparation of Party Organizations for Elections to the USSR Supreme Soviet under the New Electoral System and the Corresponding Reorganization of Party Political Work (27 February 1937). McNeal, p. 187.
14. Ibid. , p. 158.
15. Ibid. , p. 162.
16. Ibid. , p. 164.
1. Bernard, op. cit. , pp. 50, 52--53.
2. Gabor Tamas Rittersporn, Stalinist Simplifications and Soviet Complications: Social Tensions and Political Conflict in the USSR, 1933--1953 (Chur, Switzerland: Harwood Academic Publishers, 1991), p. 23.
3. Ibid. , pp. 1--2.
4. Ibid. , p. 23.
5. J. V. Stalin, Report and Speech in Reply to Debate at the Plenum of the Central Committee of the C.P.S.U. (3--5 March 1937). Works (London: Red Star Press, 1976), vol. 14, p. 241.
6. Ibid. , pp. 242--243.
7. Ibid. , p. 264.
8. Boris Bajanov, Avec Staline dans le Kremlin (Paris: Les Editions de France, 1930), pp. 2--3.
9. Ibid. , p. 7.
10. Ibid. , pp. 4--5.
11. George Solomon, Parmi les maitres rouges, Serie Anticommuniste du Centre International de Lutte Active Contre le Communisme (Paris: Editions Spes, 1930), p. 19.
12. Ibid. , p 36.
13. Ibid. , p. 19.
14. Ibid. , pp. 36--37.
15. Ibid. , p. 348.
16. Ibid. , p. 351.
17. Bajanov, op. cit. , pp. 105--109.
18. G. A. Tokaev, Comrade X (London: The Harvill Press, 1956), p. 33.
19. Zinoviev, op. cit. , p. 105.
20. Ibid. , p. 104.
21. Ibid. , p. 126.
22. Ibid. , pp. 110, 118.
23. Ibid. , pp. 111, 113.
24. Ibid. , p. 115.
25. Ibid. , pp. 118, 120.
26. Ibid. , p. 122.
27. Ibid. , p. 116.
28. Edward Hallett Carr. Foundations of a Planned Economy, 1926--1929, Volume 2 (New York: The MacMillan Company, 1971), pp. 7, 10--12, 20.
29. Ibid. , pp. 28--29.
30. Ibid. , p. 42.
31. Ibid. , p. 49.
32. Ibid. , p. 60.
33. Ibid. , p. 67.
34. Ibid. , p. 65.
35. Ibid. , p. 73, n. 3.
36. Getty, op. cit. , p. 94.
37. Stalin, Report to the Seventeenth Party Congress on the Work of the Central Committee of the C.P.S.U.(B.). Selected Works, p. 404.