Дурное семя
Thinard F. Le grand bysiness des plantes. Plume de carotte, 2015.
Williams C. Medicinal Plants In Australia. Volume 3: Plants, Potions and Poisons. Rosenberg Publishing, 2012.
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Hurley M. The worst kind of pain you can imagine’ — what it’s like to be stung by a stinging 21etree. https://theconversation.com/the-worst-kind-of-pain-you-can-imagine-what-its-like-to-be-stung-by-a-stinging-tree-103220.
Roux J.-C. La culture de la coca, une plante andine d’usage millenaire. In: Mollard E., Walter A. (eds.). Agricultures singulieres. Paris: IRD, 305–310. 2008.
Глава 1. Плакучий сад
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Глава 2. Им нужна наша кожа
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Глава 3. Растения-пришельцы
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Глава 4. Апчхи!
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