Эволюция человека том 1: Обезьяны кости и гены 2011
GOREN-INBAR N., ALPERSON N., KISLEV M. E., ET AL. 2004. Evidence of Hominin Control of Fire at Gesher Benot Ya'aqov, Israel // Science, v 304. p. 72 5—727.
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HABGOOD P. J., FRANKLIN N. R. 2008. The revolution that didn't arrive: A review of Pleistocene Sahul // Journal of Human Evolution. V. 55. P. 187—222.
HAILE-SELASSIE Y., LATIMER B.M., ALENE M, ET AL. 2010. An early Australopithecus afarensispostcranium from Woranso-Mille, Ethiopia // Proc.Nat. Acad. Sci. USA. V 107. P. 12121—12126.
HEINZELIN J. DE, CLARK J.D., WHITE Т., ET AL. 1999. Environment and behavior of 2.5-million-year-old Bouri hominids // Science. V. 284. P. 625—629.
HENDRIE C. A., MANNION H. D., GODFREY G. K. 2009. Evidence to suggest that nightclubs function as human sexual display grounds // Behaviour. V 146. P. 1331—1348.
HENRICH J. 2004. Demography and Cultural Evolution: Why adaptive cultural processes produced maladaptive losses — The Tasmanian Case // American Antiquity. V 69 (2). P. 197—214.
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HOCKINGS K.J., HUMLE Т., ANDERSON J. R., ET AL. 2007. Chimpanzees Share Forbidden Fruit // PLoS ONE. V. 2 (9). P. e886.
HOLST PELLEKAAN S. M. VAN, INGMAN M., ROBERTS-THOMSON J., HARDING R. M. 2006. Mitochondrial Genomics Identifies Major Haplogroups in Aboriginal Australians // American Journal of Physical Anthropology. V 131. P. 282—294.
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HOWRIGAN D. P., MACDONALD К. В. 2008. Humor as a mental fitness indicator // Evolutionary Psychology. V 6. P. 652—666.
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JOLLY C.J., WOOLLEY-BARKER Т., BEYENE S., ET AL. 1997. Intergeneric Hybrid Baboons // International Journal of Primatology. V 18. P. 597—627. Journal of Human Evolution. 2008. V. Issue 3 (специальный выпуск, посвященный древнейшим "анатомически современным людям" из Омо).
JUNGERS W. L., HARCOURT-SMITH W. Е. Н., WUNDERLICH R. Е., ET AL. 2009. The foot of Homo floresiensis // Nature. V. 459. P. 81—84.
KAISER S.M., MALIK H.S., EMERMAN M. 2007. Restriction of an Extinct Retrovirus by the Human TRIM fa Antiviral Protein // Science. V 316. P. 1756—1758.
KJELDBJERG A. L., VILLESEN P., AAGAARD L., PEDERSEN F. S. 2008. Gene conversion and purifying selection of a placenta-specific ERV-V envelope gene during simian evolution // BMC Evolutionary Biology. V 8. P. 266.
KONOPKA G., BOMARJ.M., WINDEN K., ET AL. 2009. Human-specific transcriptional regulation of CNS development genes by FOXP2 // Nature. V. 462. P. 213—217.
KRAUSE J., ORLANDO L., SERRE D., ET AL. 2007. Neanderthals in central Asia and Siberia // Nature. V 449. P. 902—904.
KRAUSE J., FU Q., GOOD J.M., ET AL. 2010. The complete mitochondrial DNA genome of an unknown hominin from southern Siberia // Nature. V. 464. P. 894—897.
KRUGER D.J. 2008. Male Financial Consumption is Associated with Higher Mating Intentions and Mating Success // Evolutionary Psychology. V 6. P. 603—612.
LALUEZA-FOX C., ROMPLER C., CARAMELLI D., ET AL. 2007. A melanocortin 1 receptor allele suggests varying pigmentation among Neanderthals // Science. V 318. P. 1453—1455.
LALUEZA-FOX C., ROSAS A., ESTALRRICH A., ET AL. 2011. Genetic evidence for patrilocal mating behavior among Neandertal groups // Proc.Nat. Acad. Sci. USA. V 108. P. 250—253.
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