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“Just going through a hard time, you know. And also, this tape that I found in the morning. It’s very weird, Smith.”

“Can I see it?”

Birds flew over their heads, flying to sit on the stones near the water. Locals gather at the same time as always for quarter of a decade at this bay. The bond is strong with each other knowing exactly what to expect – birds expect food, locals expect the company, the company of another God’s creation.

“Good day! The 2nd day, the same route as yesterday – to the west!”

Menny forest. First discovered back in the 18th century, when foreign invaders depicted it in their journals – very-very old journals. A very interesting reputation of the forest resided by a very rich ecosystem – depictions involve signs, feelings, instincts about the forest. Instincts of betrayal, hatred, satanic predisposition. Might be that the invaders were not welcomed in these lands.

“What were you doing here, Margo?” – Smith asked himself.

Chapter 4

‘Margaret is alive?’

The bright balcony at the seaside was lit in a very moody way; Limned by the Sun someone’s figure appeared like a shadow in the room. The beach full of people was in action before the still picture of this room not that far away from it and only the journal pages with the pen scrubbing on its surface passionately could be heard which disturbed the beautiful silence of the room, but with a purpose.

“Summer’s coming.” – she said and looked out the window after writing the last word in the diary:


Sounds reached the room from downstairs – steps, heavy steps. She took the diary and instantly put it in the crack between wooden flooring. Steps now could be heard clearer with the floor creaking, intensifying the suspense, but deciding to take her time she opened it once again, writing something in a rush.

“Listen, I’ll send you my help to find that diary, ok?”

“What? What do you mean ‘I’ll send you my help’? Can’t you clarify?”

“I need to go, Charlie, I’m in a hurry. You’ll find my guardian where my diary is in the room, ok?”

Margaret fleet in the distance, leaving him with no time to say anything.

“Margo! Damn you! Always doing it your own way.”

The door to the room bathing in sunlight opened and a man walked in.

“Good day, Ms. Margaret. The food is ready, we’re waiting.”

A tall figure stood in the doorway, halfway in. His deep voice broke the silence and solitude and was continued by him uncomfortably staring at the ground.

“You two can wait.” – she said and sat back down. He glanced at her once again and closed the door.

Atlas was running through the open field – a new part of the forest was discovered by the group.

“Hey, look!” – a little girl screamed; The sky was totally occupied by the birds.

“Something’s not right here.” – Isaac stated standing by Smith. He was in his 40’s but looked younger.

“What is it?” – Smith asked.

“Birds… They do not fly south this time of the year, something is happening.”

A sad tale of the birds

The sky caught her attention. Birds, freely flying, brought her to walk to the window near the balcony – the window was almost as big as the door leading to it.

“Wow.” – she said quietly. The Sun, standing near the horizon, was ready to disappear into the unknown, to be substituted by its grey sister. Mesmerized by their dance she unconsciously started imitating them, walking to the balcony, and flipping her hands desperately. Wings slowly started showing through her skin and feathers around it started forming – beige feathers with brown spots. They rapidly formed leaving even Margaret in shock, but it stopped as the metal corset which appeared to be around her back held it in place. And as she looked back at the sky, in despair – the birds were in the distance, not recognizing her existence even slightly anymore, heading right to the south.

“Why, God…” – her mouth uttered, shaking from frustration with head dropping low under the moody evening sky colored in dark blue tones.

Chapter 5

A sad smile appeared on his face as he was looking out of the car window, at the sea standing motionless and the horizon above it; owls were hooting nearby.

“Everything’s good, Atlas, don’t worry. Just going to be in there for 15-20 minutes and we’ll come back.”

“Come on, Josey. Where are you at?!” – he thought to himself.

A car came closer on the left side, colored in the orange colors of the Sun. It was Josephine, looking at him, smiling. She rolled down her window and Smith rolled it down simultaneously.

“Hey. How’re you doing? Let’s check it out, don’t really have a lot of time today, got to go to the cinema.” – she said loudly.

“Cinema? What are you, in your teens?”

“Just on a date. I think it’s quite cute, you don’t think so?”

Smith got ready to get out of the car and she continued shortly.

“You should really see someone. I can set something up for you if you want to?”

She stopped and looked at him with a slight grin on her face. He kind of froze with his hand on the handle of the door and looked at the ground.

“Yes.” – he said calmly.

“You want me to set something up? Really?”

Her question followed very fast, strangely fast, like she was waiting for that answer. Smith’s answer followed:

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