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Frog and Toad / Квак и Жаб. 3-4 классы

Frog and Toad sat together, feeling sad.

Then Frog said, “I have to go home now, Toad. There is something that I must do.”

Frog went home. He found a pencil and a piece of paper. He wrote on the paper. He put the paper in an envelope. On the envelope he wrote: “A LETTER FOR TOAD”.

Then Frog ran out of his house. He saw a snail that he knew.

“Snail,” said Frog, “please take this letter to Toad’s house and put it in his mailbox.”

“Sure,” said snail. “I will do it very fast!”

Then Frog went back to Toad’s house. Toad was in bed, sleeping.

“Toad,” said Frog. “Get up and wait for the mail!”

“No,” said Toad, “I am tired of waiting for the mail.”

Frog looked out of the window at Toad’s mailbox. The snail was not there yet. “Toad,” said Frog, “you never know when someone may send you a letter.”

“No, no,” said Toad, “I do not think that anyone will send me a letter.”

Frog looked out of the window at Toad’s mailbox. The snail was not there yet.

“But, Toad,” said Frog, “someone may send you a letter today!”

“Don’t be silly!” said Toad, “No one sent me a letter before, and no one will send me a letter today.”

Frog looked out of the window at Toad’s mailbox. The snail was still not there.

“Frog,” asked Toad, “why are you looking out of the window all the time?”

“Because now I am waiting for the mail,” answered Frog.

“But there will be no mail,” said Toad.

“Oh, yes, there will,” said Frog, “because I sent you a letter!”

“Really?” cried Toad. “What did you write in the letter?”

“I wrote,” said Frog, “’Dear Toad, I am glad that you are my best friend. Your best friend, Frog.’”

“Oh,” said Toad, “that is a very good letter.”

Then Frog and Toad went outside to wait for the mail. They sat there, feeling happy together.

Frog and Toad waited for a long time. Four days later the snail came to Toad’s house and gave him the letter from Frog. Toad was very happy to get it.

A List

One morning Toad sat in the bed.

“I have many things to do today,” he said. “I will write them all on a list so that I can remember them.”

Toad wrote on a piece of paper:

A list of things to do today

Then he wrote: Wake up

“I have done that,” said Toad and he crossed out:

Wake Up

Then Toad wrote other things on the paper.

Eat Breakfast

Get dressed

Go to Frog’s house

Go for a walk with Frog

Eat lunch

Take nap

Play game with Frog

Eat supper

Go to sleep

“Good,” said Toad. “Now my day is all planned.”

He got out of bed and had breakfast. Then Toad crossed out:

Eat Breakfast

Toad took his clothes and got dressed. Then he crossed out:

Get dressed

Toad put the list in his pocket. He opened the door and went to Frog’s house. Soon Toad was at Frog’s door. He took the list from his pocket and crossed out:

Go to Frog’s house

Toad knocked at the door. “Hello,” said Frog. “Look at my list of things to do,” said Toad.

“Oh,” said Frog, “that is very nice.”

Toad said, “My list tells me that now we will go for a walk.”

“All right,” said Frog. “I am ready.”

Frog and Toad went on a long walk.

Then Toad took the list from his pocket again. He crossed out:

Go for a walk with Frog

Just then there was a strong wind. It blew the list out of Toad’s hand. The list flew high up into the air.

“Help!” cried Toad. “My list is flying away! What will I do now without my list?”

“Hurry!” said Frog. “We will run and catch it.”

“No!” cried Toad. “I cannot do that.”

“Why not?” asked Frog.

“Because,” cried Toad, “it was not on my list of things to do!”

Frog ran after the list. He ran and ran, but the list flew and flew.

At last Frog came back to Toad.

“I am sorry,” said Frog, “but I could not catch your list.”

“Oh, no,” said Toad. “I cannot remember the things that were on my list of things to do. Now I will just sit here and do nothing.”

Toad sat and did nothing. Frog sat with him.

After a long time Frog said, “Toad, it is dark. We should go to sleep now.”

“Go to sleep!” cried Toad. “That was the last thing on my list!”

Toad wrote on the ground with a stick: Go to sleep

Then he crossed out:

Go to sleep

“Good,” said Toad. “Now my day is all crossed out!”

“I am glad,” said Frog.

Then Frog and Toad went to sleep.

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