ГУЛаг Палестины
humiliations - Immigration officials must be fully responsible for that. This is what they did it to punish me!
Actions to influence or even administratively invade medical institutions and personnel for extorting false medical reports, creation of
false medical documents were committed in both my mother's and my cases. Tricks with my x-ray, delivery of receipts or calls for
tests I've never done, other manipulations are threat to my own heath or even life! (Doc. 1-7, 9-25). Our children are tremendously
suffering from that situation as well as from artificial delays in extension of their student authorizations and other essential papers.
My wife and my mother became suicidal, nervous and suffering from depression.
I never received any answer to my letter to the Minister of Immigration (Nov. 1-6 2000) and to Immigration Complain Board (Nov. 30).
4. In spite of persecutions we have contributed to Canadian society as much as we could. We had no conflicts in civil life. We
worked. We have accommodated in spite of artificial obstacles - thanks to ordinary Canadians. Even in Federal Immigration some
people tried to compensate the damage, done to us by others. I have participated in tenth of musical festivals and events. My wife is
a hard worker. Our children are recognized talented musician and ballerina (OTHER PUBLICATIONS
Manipulation of medical data for political persecutions is the end of the civilized society
– December 2000
1. List of documents
2. Complaint on Immigration actions and decisions
3. Complaint against refusal to allow medical examinations.
4. Disagreement with the decision of Imm.Med.Serv. from November 23, 2000.
5. Copy of a complaint made to Montreal Chest Institute.
6. Short descriptions of events - end of 1999 - beginning of 2000
7. Lev GUNIN - "The Source Of Our Problems"
8. Wider detailed description of events before December (Sept.
– Nov. 2000)
9. Resume of the visit to MCI December 4 2000.
10. The whole immigration story
11. Other English publications on Internet about persecution of family GUNIN
To Human Rights Organizations
(AI, HRW, UNHRC, etc.)
December, 2000. Montreal, QUEBEC
– Introductory Document
From Lev GUNIN Full immigration story: {www.total.net/~leog/Righs/LevGunin/indexX.htm}
former refugee claimant
(tel. 514-49-1294) December 2 2000
Introductory Note
1. Because violations and injustice are so outraged and unbelievable that it is difficult to speak
about them without emotions, I decided not to write a special description of events. Instead I
am handing you over a number of documents, which will speak for themselves.
2. Below I am listing these documents with comments and explanations about each.
Manipulation and falsification of medical data is the most dangerous and tremendous violation
of human rights. Most letters from Immigration were anonymous, but only few marked here on
that regard as examples.
Document 1:
Complaint on Immigration actions and decisions submitted to Immigration Complain Board
(like attempts to cause damage to victim's heath). Theoretically falsification and blatant
manipulation of medical data can lead to a forcible treatment from diseases, which one do not
have (it could be lethal).
Document 2:
Complaint against refusal to allow all my family members medical examinations.
Document 3:
My disagreement with the decision of Imm.Med.Serv. from November 23, 2000.
Document 4-a:
A shortened description of events, which manifested abuse of power, ungrounded secrecy,
misconduct and criminal manipulation of medical data. Document 4-b is a supplementary
description about the source of my problems. It is crucial for understanding the mechanism
behind the persecutions.
Document 5:
Fifth is a copy of a complaint made to Montreal Chest Institute.
Document 6:
A wider description of events, with more astonishing and outraged details. This document is
not enclosed but available on Internet: {www.interlog.com/~syedma/dstand/leo201127.html}
Document 7a, 7b, 7c, 7d:
M-me Roy's rulings: illegal intervention into medical matters by non-medic, violation of the
procedural requirements of the marriage interview stage, prejudicial ruling of IMS before my
mother's medical exams for the landed immigrant status.
Document 8:
Complaint to Immigration about extension's of employment authorization sabotage from May
15 2000.
Document 9:
Resume of my visit to MCI December 4 2000.
Document 10-a