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Two boy guards took and hit Gulliver on his naked torso. He screamed.

The viscountess stopped the fighters:

– Enough! This is so that he understands and knows his place! And his place is the place of a slave!

The boy Gulliver croaked, shaking off drops of sweat on his broken skin:

– How not to understand! Then the last donkey will understand!

The girl stamped her small, chiselled foot and squeaked:

– Now sing! Until I got on a horse!

The boy-captain began to sing with reluctance;

Many troubles came to the Fatherland,

It all ended with a colossal rout...

Rejoice no more knights

Honor and praise to your home!

I am Gulliver, there is a great fighter,

You know, I can fight furiously...

Mars, this warrior is a good father,

And my treasurer hidden in a knapsack!

I'm running barefoot in the cold

The heels of the kruglyashka flash through the snow ...

I will deliver Fritz by force,

There will be victory in furious May!

From crossbows I destroy the orcs,

Cut off a dozen gnomes at once...

I need to bite the troll's nose,

I became a warrior to know very cheerful!

There is never such a thing for a boy

The end of the world, believe me, will not come ...

I will run forever barefoot

So that Cain does not celebrate victory!

Our homeland is a holy country,

We won't regret it, believe in life...

Although Satan attacks the people -

Will, blossom the tree of monarchism!

Hail Britain valiant land,

It contains the greatest glory of the Fatherland...

Saint Enomai once ruled

Girls are fighting orcism these days!

No, we will never give in to the enemy,

Let the sun shine over the planet...

A bright star shines with power,

We will have a bright place in paradise!

God Jesus is the master of all,

Evil crucified for humanity...

Thank him people

Be a little holy too!

The barefoot girl was waiting for the knight,

The armor was looking for something that cleans to a shine ...

It can be seen that such Pallas is fate,

To meet a knight with love, to be honest!

Happiness, I believe, will give progress,

Dead people in science will be resurrected...

Any know sex will be available,

We will be in ecstasy - the speakers will not crack!

The girl laughed and shook her finger.

– Well, you're a scoundrel! You forgot that you are a child now. And you will be a child for another thousand years. You even have a head start on us. The old life doesn't count. You still have ten full centuries ahead of you, and I have fewer viscountesses!

Gulliver nodded with a smile:

– I sympathize with you!

The girl muttered:

– Let's say something genius on this topic!

Gulliver again began to pour out popular expressions;

If you want to become God, don't be a monkey in the habit of imitating the unclean!

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