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– Not only him, but the whole of Spain is buzzing like a beehive! Henry had never missed an opportunity to bed young beauties before, but always returned to Catherine. But Anne Boleyn is different. She's been poisoning his mind for years now, and it's unheard of! He's never held on to the hem of the same lady's dress for so long.

– Then there is something special about this woman," Alienor concluded in a deep voice. – I do not pity the Queen one bit: she is older than Henry, and she has not brought him an heir, and he needs one. Not only the King needs him, but all England needs him!

– Hush, my love, keep your tongue! – hissed at her daughter Lady Norton and pulled so hard on the lacing of the kirtle that she even exhaled – so tight it was tightened. – Catherine is a great woman! Her parents are Isabella and Ferdinand! When she was young, Henry was delighted with her beauty and married her, despite neither the warning of his stern grandmother nor the displeasure of the court…

– You said it yourself, Mother: "When she was young!" – giggled the girl, setting aside her comb and straightening the folds in the hem of her rich dress.

– 'But you never saw her once; how can you laugh at her? – Lady Norton grumbled unhappily. – I saw her in the hall, and even dared to say a word to her, and she answered me so affectionately… Catherine is still beautiful, and her bearing is so majestic that you will know without a word that the Queen of England stands before you. She is beloved by the people, as is her daughter Mary. And mark my words, my dear: Anne Boleyn will not win the battle for Henry's heart. He will return to his lawful wedded wife's bedroom and conceive a son with her.

– And what will become of Anne? – Alienor asked indifferently.

– She will be sent home, or worse, banished from the court and her name shamed forever… Ah, my beautiful daughter! You shine like a ray of sunshine in a dark room! – Lady Norton walked round her daughter, and, taking her thin delicate palms in her own, added: – You will outshine everyone! Even that dishonourable favourite of the King's!

– Alas, mother, I cannot outshine Brigid," said Alienor, somewhat irritably.

Blond, with eyes as blue as the summer sky, Alienor was a beauty, and she knew the value of her beauty. Yet her humble friend, her named sister Brigid, copper-haired and blue-eyed, surpassed her in beauty. It was Brigid who was called the " The Flaming Rose," and at this moment, when the Norton castle was visited by the king, Alienor felt a slight envy for her.

"What on earth is that! Brigid is like a sister to me! If the king pays attention to her, it would be a sin not to be happy for her! – The girl's mind raced, and a slight smile appeared on her face. – And Brigid herself wants no other fate than to be the wife of that libertine William… He tried to kiss me. Twice. But I taught the fool a good lesson by tearing out a thick lock of his hair! And Brigid seems to be in love with him… Poor soul!"

– You may be second to her in beauty, but in all other things you are the one who holds the primacy: you play the lute and harp beautifully, sing as sweetly as the birds in May, and dance as gracefully as a white swan floating on the river. Why should you be afraid, my angel? – with a proud smile for her daughter's success, Lady Norton said.

– I'm not afraid, Mother! There is not a shred of fear in me! – Alienor frowned. – Find a maid to do my hair for me, and find me the prettiest hood the castle has to offer.

– To entrust such a thing to a maid! I will do your hair myself, my dear," said the lady of the castle, grabbed a comb and began to do Alienor's hair. – As soon as the king and Queen change their clothes, the feast will begin. Your father has ordered everything fresh for the table… Also, your favourite harp has already been laid out for you: we will make Henry hear your voice and fall in love with it… Ah, I hope he dances with you and never once looks at Brigid!

– Brigid is like a sister to me, Mother. Don't speak ill of her," the girl reminded her mother in a cool tone.

– Of course, my angel, I know that, and I wish her nothing but happiness," smiled Lady Norton, thinking to herself that in the struggle for the King's attention, friendship and sisterly love fade as quickly as the sun goes out on winter days. – I heard your cousin was interested in our beautiful Brigid… They would make a good match.

– Oh, no, he's not worthy even of Brigid's little finger. Skinny as a skeleton, ugly, stupid dwarf! – snorted Alienor.

– Owen is your uncle's heir, and when he dies he will inherit his lands and castle… Don't forget the position of the Guise family. Who else would want to marry the daughter of a disgraced former councillor?

– Someone will. She's so beautiful that if some single prince from Europe saw her, he'd take her away and put her on his throne without a word.

– That is why, my daughter, Henry should see and hear you and not her," said Lady Norton meaningly. – Shine like a gold ring in the sun, sparkle like a pure emerald, be lively and laughing, and the King of England himself will fall at your feet.

– Oh, mother, you forget that his heart belongs to Anne Boleyn! How can I compare with her in the art of seduction? No, I don't need a king for nothing! A handsome young duke is enough for me! – Alienor laughed, and her mother sighed patiently and continued her hard work.

When Alienor and Brigid, accompanied by her parents, entered the hall, which was already packed with at least a hundred guests who were part of the retinue of His and Her Majesties the King and Queen of England, their beauty was immediately noticed, and in a few moments the girls were surrounded by Henry's young retainers, including Anne Boleyn's older brother George. This nobleman hovered around Brigid, but quickly found her dull and dreary and turned his attention to her friend. Soon the copper-haired Miss Guise, despite her unique appearance, was standing against the wall, next to Queen Catherine's Spanish ladies-in-waiting, and Alienor was laughing and joking in the crowd of admirers. Indeed: Lady Norton had not lied when she said that Alienor always gets the upper hand over her almost-sister. Who needs a beautiful but dim jewel when you can have another, less beautiful but shining one?

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