In what, how and for what liberty is acting?
The second assumption looks more reasonable because there is nothing external as well as there are no miracles in it.
As for contraposition by Berdyaev of ideal spirit and a «rough» matter, beingness in the respect that the matter cannot have spirituality, we note that based on the latest experimental data as well as theoretical models, in particular, based on the theory of superstrings, our Universe has more than ten measurements. Therefore the assumption is possible that these measurements, from the point of view of matter density, accommodate as though on the type of a ladder, approaching at its top to the point of a singularity, and, so-called, the point of a singularity is characteristic by lack in it of space and time. It turns out that there may be measurements in which matter, in our understanding, there is practically no, and mind which is present there, though not disembodied, but other. Apparently, souls descend to our world from there, passing all "ladder" of various measurements from bottom to top in what consists their cycle of development in our Universe. There can be a set of options including known option of the holographic Universes where all variety of the worlds is secondary and each their particle is only a holographic projection of a single reality. In other words, apparently, constant structures are only relatively independent subordinated substances which are manifested from integrity of fluid motion and then being dissolved back in it in never-ending process of a becoming. [1]
Anyway, it is clear that reasonable formation from another measurement can be retained in our measurement only by means of creation of our world, for example, in the form of symbiosis of a high-organized animal and field formation of the unknown to us type which we call soul. Thereby the eternal soul and a finite body are united temporarily, forming the person.
Apparently, other options, besides, that liberty belongs to mind, consciousness, is not available. It existed, exists and will exist, how long there is mind as its inalienable state which is capable to model a violation of any order without admission of chaos and, thereby, to promote development. Liberty as the everlasting dissatisfaction of consciousness also is valuable because liberty does not allow mind to fall to stagnation, calm and wellbeing. Liberty does not allow falling asleep to mind, does not allow for mind to become despondent and it always finds space for a output from any situation for mind.
It is possible to tell also that liberty is ability of soul as particles of Supreme Mind which external manifestation is consciousness, to counteract any circumstances. Degree of this rebelliousness to circumstances in planning of the actions and success of these actions depends on a level of development of concrete consciousness.
It seems by the cursory examination that the liberty of the individual fluctuates between two extremes: necessity and arbitrariness. If to understand as necessity any external order which is not entering into structure of consciousness, but which is reflected in it, and arbitrariness as the chaos, it is represented that liberty has to reckon with existing order and not reach chaos.
However, as we showed above, it is only an upper part of iceberg.
There are a lot of sides of liberty as a state of consciousness of the person, but existence of a similar state means that the person is capable to counteract anything, breaking any current order for the sake of acquisition of the new knowledge, new feelings, opening of the new horizons, without reckoning with any conventionalities of beingness.
Liberty for ordinary individual behavior is represented to the person as opportunity to do anything that soul will wish, to be free, as a wind. This representation is polar to common schedule of life where even the idler is compelled to eat, to drink, to put on, to consider desires and reasons of those who looks after him etc., i.e. the life schedule forces the person to do absolutely not that he would like in this moment.
Hence the idea of liberty arose as the dreams that, here, if was allowed to me, I would make such … And further the thought does not go. The person in the depth of consciousness understands that even if to allow emergence of a similar situation, he will be lost: he will not know plainly that to do or will start doing nonsenses.
Common life for the person is some bog and liberty for him is flight. But if he in a bog together with others can potter about somehow, he is not able to fly independently. However limitation in actions does not mean absence of liberty for the person. It always is with him, in his consciousness, time he makes decisions consciously and these decisions at all are not always dictated by this or that necessity, and makes actions according to them. The person does not understand that liberty is in his consciousness. Therefore there is an expression: to strive to liberty as to something external whereas, in practice, the external is only a means for return of the person to itself, to own soul.
For activity in society, for daily work liberty is represented to the person as space where he could act on own understanding, without pressure from outside, choosing that is pleasant and, doing it so as it turns out. But it won't work for anyone.
Therefore the person during life realizes in practice that liberty as something the external which he could receive and in which he could live, does not exist, in difference, for example, from bread, shout, bustle, in general, – of time and space.
On the other hand, the person does not produce liberty as a yarn, liberty, in fact, immediately does not depend on his actions, on the contrary, his actions, substantially, are compelled by circumstances up to his grave.
It is visible from here that liberty can be only by a state of consciousness, liberty depends on its level and it is changed together with consciousness. The high level of consciousness means high degree of probability of overcoming by the person of any obstacles, high degree of his liberty, ability to development, and low – its passivity, humility as well as desire simply "to go down stream".
All these reasoning and life realities allow to define liberty which is manifested in actions of the person in life, as the state of a dissatisfaction of consciousness by itself which is realized into development of ways of own change by means of exposure on existing beingness taking into account counteraction of beingness.
In other words, the everlasting dissatisfaction of consciousness with itself evokes its aspiration to be changed into own existence in the conditions of the resisting environment.
If living conditions do not allow the person to dominate completely over circumstances, nobody and nothing prevents him to strive for this: the approximation to an ideal is too, in a sense, finding of larger liberty.
Known expression: "At last I broke loose" means transition of the person to rough activity, i.e. being available dissatisfaction, blocked aspirations start being implemented. It is not necessary to think that liberty can be outside, round you. If there are no aspirations, be all to your services around, but anything it will not be necessary for you. The rich idlers who are quickly tired from life know about it well.
If the person, generally, does not show displeasure by life and to anything does not aspire, such passivity means temporary blocking its own aspirations by itself because of, as a rule, external pressure that is characteristic for "weak" consciousness. As a result, these aspirations, without finding itself a way out as there is no completely satisfied person, except the insane, latently destroy consciousness of the person and lead him to mental diseases.
Not the term "liberty" in this regard could be more precise, and the term "release" because consciousness does not wait for liberty, and always itself seeks to be released from the former, anyway to destroy it, to replace own shell, to be expressed in a new way. I.e. liberty as process of release is means for development of consciousness, development and represents the true purpose of consciousness, soul. There are no aspirations – there is no liberty also, there is no development also. The person in a similar state is not needed to own soul any more. She does not want to remain in him. And he gets sick and dies if he “will not revive the spirit".