Избранные труды
Friedmann G. La crise du progres. P., 1936.
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Harris D. B. Problems in formulating a scientific concept of development // The concept of development. Minneapolis, 1957.
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Husserl E. Ideen zu einer reinen Phдnomenologie und phдnomenologischen Philosophie. Bd. 1. Haag, 1950 а.
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Jacobson R. Linguistics glosses to Goldstein's «Wortbegriff» //Journal of individual psychology. Vol. 15. 1959. N 1.
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Ogden C., Richards I. The meaning of meaning. L., 1953.
Parsons T. The structure of social action N. Y., 1937.
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Parsons T. An approach to psychological theory in terms of the theory of action // Psychology: A study of a science. Vol. III. N. Y., 1959.
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