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– Do you still get that?

– Don't you have one?

– We are all enlightened to the bone, literally and figuratively. The system of analysis, long before you are born, knows what you will be like, and even recommends parents to conceive in this or that period. To be more precise, conception is completely artificial.

– I see," Ruthra replied with a kind of doom and shared the situation in his world, "we have it, but it's very individual.

Said was yet another reason for the silence surrounding the understanding of worlds.

They walked on, looking at each other alternately, looking around and turning around. When they had walked fifteen paces in silence, the Bedouin pointed to a tree a little farther away from them. They had almost reached some sort of settlement, near which two donkeys were tethered. "Strange that no one has followed us," thought Ruthra.

– We are afraid of development, afraid of the consequences," Rutra expressed his vision of such a method of birth and continuation of the human race.

His companion looked at him questioningly again. It was very hot. Ruthra wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve. The rabbi took out of his leather bag something that looked like a gourd. It was a kalebasa, a vessel made from the dried fruit of the bottle gourd. This or similar vessels for storing food, especially for drinks, had been used in the ancient world, and in some places even now, in different parts of the world, on different continents, so Rutra was not surprised at the Rabbi's suggestion to use a kalebat. He felt gratitude and some surprise – why Joseph, that is, he, did not have such a vessel. The Rabbi, having offered water, brought Rutra out of his reverie and continued his story about his worlds.

– You should be worried," he said, looking around while Joseph drank water. – At first we had it like you, too, and even blocked the pituitary gland through a chip so that it wouldn't ovulate, but then it all came to a bad end. Ladies began to use the reproductive system for their own purposes. To be more precise, the world was divided into male and female parts. Not all of it, of course, but the groups were huge, down to the countries. The battle began. That's actually why I'm here.

– What's the battle? Battle of the sexes?

– Yes, the great battle of the sexes. Women formed a matriarchal kingdom on the moon. Then they began to take over the countries. All of the Middle East and Asia Minor serve the matriarchy. The great Mairam reigns there.

– Oh, my God, wow.

– Yeah, that's the way it is. All because of a man's invention. He made it possible to fertilize an egg with a technique–" the rabbi hesitated a bit, "very classified, something with stem cells and chromosomes. And so it went. Women intercepted the technology and rejected men. And to be honest, they rejected men because men rejected them first.

– Android?

– Android.

– Light me in the dawn. It's the same everywhere.

– The worlds are parallel. What about you?

– We still have all of this experimentally, in its infancy, as it were. But it is a very promising direction.

– We too were enthusiastic about it at first, and then, when they let the genie out of the bottle....

They looked at each other again, and Joseph had an astonished look on his face. The Rabbi explained:

– The technology went first, but afterward the ladies took over and gave the males a shove.

– What do you mean?

Ruthra stopped. The look on his face showed that the effect of what the ISKI from the alternate worlds had said had not softened the blow; his face had become more tense. Seeing this, an already wary Rangit added:

– They made an android lover too, and now men were no longer needed. This became the premise of the battle. By the way, the ladies have equipped their android with the logic of power. He has had a program shoved into him that he must reach the number 100 to not be rejected by his androids. According to the program put into him, he must always maintain the integrity of his body.

– What do you mean…what do you mean by integrity?

– Well, his penis could be replaced," the "Bedouin" smiled, covering his mouth with his palm, "but not you?

– Ah. What penis is there to replace, so far we have only the heart, kidneys are replaced, that is more important vital organs.

Rabbi looked at Rutra in surprise:

– The heart can, but the penis can't?

Now Ruthra was hesitating:

– Indeed… it seems they even change the floor, but not like you, I think – zhizk! – and took off, put another one in place. No, it's a whole procedure. A surgical operation.

The ISKIN pressed his lips together and raised his eyebrows. Ruthra smiled in response.

– The ladies made his penis removable," the Bedouin continued with a chuckle, "and if he behaved badly, that is, not as they wanted, they would disable his erection, and sometimes… remove his penis altogether, as a sign of special punishment.

– I suppose a mentally healthy person should at least smile at this point," Ruthra said ironically, and then, not seeing Rangit's reaction, noted the fact of his multiple personalities and alien variation, "Don't worry, I've ascertained your sanity. You've touched on a very important concept of setting the so-called norm… normality.

– I apologize, I should remind you, I run bodies, but I am in no way the same person, by the way, as you are at the moment.

– I'm aware of that," Ruthra smiled broadly.

– No, Rutra Tigrovich, judging by your style of speech, you're talking to a human, and I'm just gathering information in this body, in this addon mission. You understand my role perfectly well. Perhaps I will transfer my essence into another body.

– Hmm. Yes indeed… now that you, or rather you, Rangit, have spoken in gamer terms, I have seen in reality who is in front of me. But I have to correct you – it's not you who flips your essence, it's me… or people like me.

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