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– Don't mention it» I asked, feeling awkward and inexplicably ashamed: I was embarrassed to hear what Mary's brother thought of me. I didn't even feel bad that Harry had said that about me, and called me skinny.

– Just ignore it. People will soon get used to you and stop admiring you, and when you start studying, your fellow students will realise that you're also very smart» Mary advised me.

– I don't think I'm smart» I said. – I think they're all geniuses compared to me. You don't know how much I hate it when everyone stares at me like a mannequin in a shop window! I'm just an ordinary person!

– Be patient! – Mary threw it back at me.

– I was just flirted with by a guy from the bookshop» I grinned, remembering that.

– A guy? Tall? Blond? – Mary asked. Her eyes lit up.

– Yeah, I think so. Why, do you know him? – I wondered.

– How could I not? It's Andrew: I dated him this summer.

– And he was flirting with me! – I cringed. – God, that's disgusting! Ew!

– Don't be like that: he's a really nice guy. – Mary opened the tap and started washing her hands. – He and I parted very well, as friends. We just realised we weren't right for each other.

– Still, I feel really bad about it» I frowned.

– But Andrew doesn't know we're friends, and when he finds out, he'll be embarrassed, and he'll apologise for a long time, you'll see. The meat's ready! I'll set the table. Will you keep me company?

– Okay, I'll just change and come back» I answered and went to my room.

As I sat on the bed, I thought about how busy my second day had been. It was my second day living away from home and my vampire environment. My second day in the human world.

I changed into an old pair of jeans and a T-shirt and went back to the kitchen.

– I made you a salad: it's just tomatoes and cucumbers» Mary said, sitting down at the table.

I looked at the table by the window, where there were plates, forks, a large teapot, two mugs… And a deep plate of salad.

– Mary, you shouldn't have! – I felt terribly uncomfortable, and then I was afraid I'd have to eat the nasty stuff.

– I don't mind! – Mary replied, cutting into pieces the roast meat on her plate.

«She's so anxious to please me! It's so touching!» – ran through my head

– Thank you for taking care of me, but I can only eat fresh vegetables» I found myself seeing that the salad had been drizzled with sunflower oil.

– What a shame! Damn, there was no hurry! – Mary said annoyed. – But I'll get some fresh…

– No, don't! I'm not hungry! – I exclaimed hastily.

She raised her eyebrows in surprise and sat back in the chair from which she had already risen.

– You're awfully strange! – said my neighbour. – But I won't insist.

– Thank you. – I sat down opposite her.

While Mary ate her lunch, I sat on a chair with my hands on the table and looked out of the window. It was an incredible sensation to sit next to someone who was eating roast meat and potatoes and drinking tea. And it's going to happen a lot.

– When do you start school? – Mary asked.

– Monday» I said. – And I'm a little nervous.

– Of course you are. Do you know anyone there?

– No, nobody at all. But that's no problem.

Mary took a sip of tea.

– It must be so exciting: new people, new acquaintances! Are you going to join any hobby groups?

– I don't know yet» I admitted. – I have to…

Suddenly there was a persistent loud knock on the door.

– Who is it? Are you expecting someone? – Mary asked me.

– I don't know anyone here but you! – I answered, surprised at the unexpected visitor, and listened: someone was shuffling from foot to foot, his heels clicking on the stairs.


– I'll get it, and you have your food» I said, rising from my chair.

– Thank you» Mary said.

When I opened the door and saw the guest, I was surprised to see Harry Smith.

– Good afternoon, Miss Mroczek» he said kindly.

– Good afternoon» I replied. – I don't think you called me that formally yesterday. Why did you come?

– I came because of Mary. I sincerely apologise on behalf of our family for the inconvenience» he replied.

– What inconvenience? – I didn't understand.

– Mary's arrival: she shouldn't have come and interfered with you, since you're renting-» Harry began.

– It's nothing! Mary didn't inconvenience me at all! – I interrupted him. – I'm even pleased that we're going to live together. Your sister is an amazing girl.

– And I thought you were very unhappy about her coming. Then I should lower the rent for you.

– Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Mary is not a burden to me, and there is no need to lower the price» I said hastily, thinking that Mary would be surprised to see that she had been repaid some of the rent, and would investigate why.

– But…

– That's my last word. But why are we standing on the doorstep? Come in, we're just having lunch.

I went inside, Harry came in too, took off his grey jacket and shiny black shoes, and made his way into the kitchen.

– Brother! What are you doing here? – Mary exclaimed cheerfully: she was washing the dishes. – I'd give you a hug, but my hands are wet!

– Hello, Mary, I've come to find out how you got here» said Harry, sitting down on a chair.

– Would you like some tea? Misha will make you some now.

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