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«Me? Make him tea?!» – My eyes went wide at that statement.

– No, Misha, you don't have to: I won't be long» Harry told me.

Phew! I was certainly looking forward to human life, but I certainly wasn't going to make people tea!

I felt the urge to leave them to talk in private. Besides, I felt superfluous – this was their human family and their human relationships, and none of this was my business.

Quietly leaving the kitchen, I hid in my bedroom. It now seemed to me that living in the same house with Mary had not been the best idea, and that I had rushed into this decision. Mary was too much. Too much.

After about ten minutes, Harry left.

Mary knocked on my door.

– Misha, can I come in? – She asked.

– Yes, come in» I answered.

Mary came in and sat next to me on the bed.

– Why did you leave? – She asked.

– I was sorting out my things. – I nodded at the empty bag.

– You weren't mad that Harry came round?

– No. What did you two talk about?

– He said it was very rude of me to come without telling my family or you.

– How did he find out?

– Aunt Mel rang him… Are you tinting your eyebrows? – Mary suddenly asked, looking intently at my face.

– Yes. Alas, I can hardly see them» I replied with a smile.

– No, you can see everything! It's silly to tint your eyebrows.

– Well, you can definitely see them! – I said with a laugh. – You're a brunette!

– Listen, I'm going to meet some old friends. Would you like to come with me? I'll introduce you! – Mary offered.

I was terrified of her offer: No new acquaintances! I've had enough of people!

– No, thank you, I'd better go to the post office to wait for a letter from my mother» I said.

– Well, as you wish! I'll go and get ready. – Mary went out, and I heard her rummaging through her wardrobe and humming some children's song.

I quickly put on my sneakers, grabbed my jacket, grabbed my passport, wallet and house keys, put them all in my purse and left the house. After a bit of thought, I got on my blue bike, determined to try it out, and rode down the flat alley, looking around to make sure I didn't miss the post office.

Thanks to the advice of passers-by, I successfully made it to the post office, where a registered letter from my mum was waiting for me. But when I left the building, I discovered that the bicycle I had carefully leaned against the lamppost had disappeared without a trace. I was distraught: Wow, had my bike been stolen?

I looked around, hoping to see my bike, but it was gone, and I was left to stand outside the post office and wonder. On the one hand, it was funny: my bike had been stolen! How human of me!

«But it's not my bike, it's Mary's! What do I do?» – This thought made me angry: I've only been here for two days and already my bicycle has been stolen! – What do people do in such cases? Go to the police!» – I said to myself.

Thanks to the same kind passers-by, I found the police station. The policemen were very nice to me and even offered to drive me home, as it was quite far from the station, but I refused in favour of a regular bus.

I was very pleased with myself, for I had behaved sensibly, carefully, like a real young lady, and had even been to the police station.

At home I found that Mary had gone.

«I should have got her phone number. Why didn't I think of that before?» – I thought with annoyance.

My neighbour came back around ten o'clock in the evening. She was cheerful and flushed. She thought I was asleep, so she tried not to make any noise in the hallway, and went quietly to her room. On the way, Mary stumbled over something and cursed under her breath with a word I didn't know.

I went in to see her.

– Oh, did I wake you? – Mary frowned, pulling off her warm grey sweatshirt.

– No, I wasn't asleep. So, how was your time?

– I had a great time! You should definitely come with me next time! I took off my piercing, see?

I looked at her nose: indeed, the earring was gone, but there was a small but rather repulsive hole. I felt uncomfortable, so I looked away.

– Mary, I wanted to say… Don't swear… My bike was stolen» I said in an apologetic tone.

Mary giggled, which surprised me: our bicycle was stolen and she was laughing!

– It's not a big deal! I've had it stolen six times, and that's because it doesn't have a lock on it! – she said cheerfully. – Don't be upset! Tomorrow we'll go to the police and report it.

– I've already reported it» I said, feeling proud of what I'd done.

– All the more reason to report it. Oxford is a city of bicycles, and they go missing a lot, but they're always found. You left them a phone number, didn't you?

– Yes, and the address too… And I wondered why the policeman was smiling like that! – I laughed: when I gave him my address, he looked at me with a smile. He must have taken this particular bicycle theft report more than once.

–Do you mind if I borrow the bathroom for a couple of hours? – Mary asked, pulling a large fluffy towel out of the cupboard.

– No, of course not. I'm going to go to bed. – I got to my feet. – Just give me your phone number, just in case.

– Okay, write it down.

Mary dictated her number to me and I wrote it down on my smartphone.

Mary started going through the nightstand.

– Where the hell is that gel? Did I forget it in Scotland? Misha, can I borrow yours?

I was a bit taken aback, but I brought her my shower gel.

«I must make sure I drink blood tonight when Mary's asleep, it's the third day». – I thought as I locked myself in my bedroom.

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