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New – by the opposite – proof of the presence of God

But nevertheless consciousness on its multiple holographic level, achieves a main goal: it forms and retains every instant quite workable environment, in which it can be and work in the particles, finding in a result and life, and opportunities for development. Besides, this holographic picture carries out the major function: it in itself expresses and animates the hidden Uniform, who otherwise and would remain unmanifested, and anything wouldn't be.

1.4. The ratio between consciousness and things.

how a holographic projection of Uniform so and the environment of each individual consciousness, or his "now" are formed by single consciousness through individual consciousnesses of countless living beings and their sense organs. Holographic projection is fully being formed, more precisely, updated discretely by the single consciousness which is the set of all individual consciousnesses, and "now" of each individual consciousness is formed by it through sensations of own carrier (the body) with the hidden support of the single consciousness on the basis of Uniform.

In that respect really there is no things without consciousness and – consciousness without things, inasmuch things themselves are hidden in timeless Uniform and consciousness updates only what is in its disposal in a holographic projection through identified by him copies of things (the passive) from Uniform.

Therefore, things in this process of updating of a holographic projection are connected with consciousness, time it forms on their basis, more precisely, on the basis of the passive from Uniform, copies of things and updates by them the previous copies in a holographic projection, but not indissolubly, inasmuch every "moment" of the update makes a certain duration behind which through a pause there comes the following updating. These "gaps" make time in which the infinite is manifested as finite infinitely. Otherwise information on things for consciousness would remain hidden in Uniform, or Uniform wouldn't be manifested in the projection that means a non-existence for it, but we don't observe this, so how the changing world is open to us.

Thus, it is possible to state: without consciousness there is no matter, and without matter there is no consciousness, but it doesn't mean their sameness – one is the active, another is the passive, but they are merged completely only in Uniform as the infinite and timeless; and in a holographic projection they exist as the finite infinitely, but discretely, or in time. Thereby they have an opportunity to be divided in each process of updating of a projection.

In this temporary process before each individual consciousness through sensations of its carrier arises possible separately to investigate things getting to their essence and along with that – to live among things in beingness which is arisen as a result.

For clarification note that it is pointless to state unequivocally the following:

– matter (things) exist irrespective of consciousness, and the consciousness is a product of self-development of matter (Marx, Lenin);

– matter depends on consciousness, for example, matter, Universe are created by God out of nothing (Christianity);

– matter and consciousness coincides, for example, matter and sensations are one and the same (Avenarius, Max);

– consciousness, or spirit exists only as one-only, doing what it self believes, or self-develop, according to Hegel; Berkeley also has considered, that matter, as such, is absent, but there is only a disembodied spirit.

In a holographic projection all things – material, high-frequency formations – are formed by consciousness in the form of copies from Uniform and therefore depend on it and from consciousness, i.e. they are formed by consciousness on a basis of the infinite and timeless Uniform which can't directly be present in the finite formations of a infinite holographic projection which thereby are in this projection in time, and in this regard, things, as the passive and merged in Uniform, don't depend on consciousness and remain in timeless Uniform in the same "dissolved state". The only way they can stay there – out of time conjointly, including and consciousness itself.

Thus, information copies of things from Uniform for continuous updating of a holographic projection are formed by consciousness, but don't arise in itself so how to identify in Uniform things on the basis of the previous copies and own form-building abilities, thanks to what consciousness "chooses" from Uniform some other form of a thing and copies it, updating thereby the previous copy, can only consciousness having access through sense organs of the carriers into Uniform in one form or another. Therefore, in this relation, things, more precisely, their copies in the projection of Uniform, depend on consciousness which forms them, but nevertheless without the passive from Uniform consciousness is incapable to form the corresponding copies.

In this model isn't present not only any self-development of matter, but it also isn't required inasmuch consciousness and things in copies don't arise in a holographic projection, but exist as polytypic material formations discretely in infinity of updating which is "produced" by single consciousness.

If to proceed from the position presented by us, matter can't depend completely on consciousness, for example, it cannot "produced" from nothing by spirit or God, first, because in timeless Uniform consciousness coincides with things (the passive) so how in this type of infinity there are no changes and everything is merged together, representing potentially everything and along with that – nothingness; secondly, in a holographic projection of Uniform matter (things in copies, or the passive) is separated from consciousness (particles-copies of the single consciousness, or the active), making thereby the certain base for development of consciousness, that in the form of environment provides the opposition to consciousness which is necessary for its development.

Thereby consciousness in the temporary twin of Uniform – the holographic projection – doesn't coincide with things though consciousness itself also forms things in copies, by which are updated every "moment" the previous copies of things in irreversible sequence.

The very same consciousness cannot but be separated from the copies of the things around him ultimately in beingness for their own development and life among the copies of the things in the finite indefinitely, i.e. discrete.

At this, time for each individual consciousness in beingness is represented as passing smoothly whereas in its basis – a holographic projection – time is irreversible sequence of durations, separated by pause.

These durations ("moments", more precisely, updating positions) exist not in itself, but are formed during information discontinuous process of identification (recognition) of things from Uniform for consecutive updating of previous copies of things in a holographic projection.

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