Обратная сторона обмана (Тайные операции Моссад)
Глава 27
Finlay Marshall, «Bazoft cleared of spying, says Observer» Press Association Newsfile, 17.3.1990.
David Connett/Tim Kelsey/Julian Nundy, «lnside Story: Who was this man who was hanged as a spy?» The Independent, 18.3. 1990.
David Leppard, «Ex-police chief reveals Bazoft talks at Yard», The SundayTimes, 18.3.1990.
Anton Ferreira, «lraqi chemical threat seen as response to fears over lsrael», The Reuter Library Report, 10.4.1990.
Charles Miller,
Steve Weizman, «Slain weapons expert helped Israel improve big guns», The Reuter Library Report, 13.4. 1990.
«lraq: Evidence was faked to smear Bazoft», Observer, 10.6. 1990.
Michael Kneissler, «So killte ich Saddam Hussein», Wiener, 2.2. 1991.
Petre Huck «Iraq: Saddam's superguns», Australian Financial Review, 27.3.1992.
«How Britain armed Saddam «, Observer, 15. 11. 1992.
Richard Norton-Taylor, « Director tells how he foiled supergun plot», The Guardian, 1.7.1993.
Глава 28
Ken Gross /J.D. Podolsky, «As Israel tries to smother his book, a former Mossad spy spills some dark secrets of that shadowy service», People, 1.10.1990.
Jamie Lamb, «A mystery story», The Vancouver Sun, 17. 11.1990. «lnside the Mossad «, Newsweek, 24.9. 1990.
Joshua Brilliant, «Ex-Mossadnik said to be „greedy, ambitious“, The Jerusalem Post, 11.9.1990.
Gagy Baron, «Israel turned to a Canadian court because Mossad wanted to buy time: Ostrovsky refused a financial offer in return for not publishing. A high source „The book would have gained prominence anyway“, Yediot Aharanot, 19.9.1990.
lan Black, «Agency chiefs mop up after Mossad book», Manchester GuardianWeekly, 23.9.1990.
« Victor Ostrovsky and Mossad «, El Aharam, 9.4. 1992.
«lsrael rejects charge of kidnapping Shiite cleric», AFP, 8.4. 1992.
« Lebanon – April 8 – Israel denies Sadr kidnapping», APS Diplomatic Recorder, 11.4.1992.
«Mossad background» APS Diplomat Strategic Balance in the Middle East, 7.9.1992.
«How Israel blew up Saddam bomb». The Sunday Times, 16.9. 1990.
Angel Guerra, «Publisher did not claim writer's life threatened» The Toronto Star. 3.10.1990.
Bertrand Desjardins, «Un ex-agent se met a table et devoile des secrets», LeJournal de Montreal, 26. 1. 1991.
«Les Etats-Unis sont-ils manipules par Israel ?», Le Journal de Montreal, 26.1.1991.
«Detruire la bombe de Saddam!
Batsheva Tsur, «Navy saved Ethiopian Jews in '80s». The Jerusalem Post, 18.3.1994.
Antonio Carlucci, «ll Mossad e nudo», Panorama, 14. 10. 1990.
Mike Anderson, «Deception and controversy» Metro, Bd.lll, Heft IX, November 1990.
«Tony Brown's comments», Washington (D. C.) Informer, 3. 10.1990.
Art Winslow, «Mossad's cover story «, The Nation, 22. 10. 1990.
Mark Kennedy, «Spy inquiries touched off by allegations» The OttawaCitizen, 5.2.1992.
Dan Raviv, «On angry spy», The Toronto Star, 6.10.1991.
«Mossad's dirty laundry «, Antigo (Wise.) Journal, 31.10. 1990.
Jane Hunter, «Steven Emerson: A journalist who knows how to take a leak», EXTRA!, Oktober/November 1992.
Robert Fife, « Israeli spying detailed», The Ottawa Sun, 15.5. 1992.
Глава 29
« Norway police lets Mossad question Palestinian asylum seekers» The Reuter Library Report, 18.9.1991.
« Intelligence chief resigns after scandal» Associated Press, II. 10. 1991.
«Norway: Asylum organization files action against Secret Service» Inter Press Service, 8. 11.1991.
lrwin Block, « Rights groups want release of Palestinian» The Gazette (Montreal), 19. II. 1991.
« Canada Deports former PLO colonel to Algeria « The Reuter Library Report, 26.2.1992.
«Mossad said to offer cash in return for PLO killing – paper» The Reuter Library Report, 24.4. 1992.
«Norway lets Palestinians stay after Israeli interrogation row» The Reuter Library Report, 17.1.1992.
« Israel – Oct. II – Mossad scandal in Norway « APS Diplomatic Recorder, 12.10.1991.
«Norway: Mossad agents allowed to interrogate Palestinians» Inter Press Service, 27.9.1991.
«Norwegian Intelligence service confirms Mossad cooperation» Agence France Presse, 18.9.1991.
Miriam Jordan, «Arrest of four Israelis in Cyprus puts Mossad in spotlight» The Reuter Library Report, 25.4. 1991.
Katherine McElroy, «Cyprus: Israelis fined for attempting to bug Iranian embassy» Guardian, 10.5.1991.