От межколониальных конфликтов к битве империй: англо-французское соперничество в Северной Америке в XVII-начале XVIII в.
Справочные издания
American National Biography: In 19 Vols. New York etc., 1999.
Burpee L. J.The Oxford Enciclopaedia of Canadian History. London; Toronto, 1926.
Cassell's Companion to Eighteenth Century Britain / Ed. by S. Brumwell, W. A. Speck. London, 2001.
Dictionnaire biographique du Canada. Toronto; Quebec. Vol. I: 1000-1700. 1966; Vol. II: 1701-1740. 1969; Vol. HI: 1741-1770. 1974.
Dictionnaire de biographie frangaise (depuis 1933).
Dictionary of American Biography: In 22 vols. New York; London, 1928-1958.
Dictionary of Canadian Biography. Toronto; Quebec. Vol. I: 1000-1700. 1966; Vol. II: 1701-1740. 1969; Vol. Ill: 1741-1770. 1974.
Dictionary of National Biography: In 22 vols. Oxford; London, 1921-1922.
Le Jeune L.-M.Dictionnaire generate de biographie, histoire, litterature, agriculture, commerce, industrie et des arts, sciences, moeurs, coutumes, institutions poli-tiques et religieuses du Canada: 2 t. Ottawa, 1932.
U.S. Bureau of Census. Historical Statistics of the United States, Colonial Times to 1970: In 2 vols. Washington, 1975.
Association of Canadian Map Libraries — Association des Carthoteques Canadi-ennes. Canada. Historical Maps — Cartes historiques. Ottawa, 1980.
Atlas de la Nouvelle France. Quebec, 1968
Atlas of American History / Ed. by J. T. Adams. New York, 1943.
Atlas of the Historical Geography of the United States / Ed. by Ch. O. Paullin, J.K.Wright. Washington; New York, 1932.
Historical Atlas of Canada / Ed. by D. G. G. Kerr. Toronto, 1961.
Historical Atlas of Canada / Ed. by L. J. Burpee. Toronto, 1927.
Trudel M.Atlas historique du Canada frangais. Des origines a 1867. Quebec, 1961.
Ресурсы интернет
Colonial American History and the Early Republic to 1812 / URL: http://web.uccs.edu/~history/index/colonial.html
Colonial Charters, Grants and Related Documents / The Avalon Project at the Yale Law School / URL: http://www.yale.uccs.edu/~history/index/colonial.html
Colonial North America / Internet Modern History Sourcebook / URL: http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/modsbook07.html
Documents Relating to American Foreign Policy. Pre-1898 / URL: http://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/prel898.htm
The New World / University of Georgia Libraries. Hargrett. Rare books SzManuscripts Library. Rare Maps Collection / URL: http://www.libs.uga.edu/darchive/hargrett/maps
United States — History — 1600-1775. Colonial Period. К 12 Resources / URL: http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/colonial.htm