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Озеро в алмазах. Lake of Diamonds. Ein See aus Diamanten. Un lac en diamants. Un lago de diamantes. Um lago em diamantes

Through no fault of his own, was ill from birth.

But the "golden" mother lived her soul with him,

And every moment the child was cherished.

No matter what the neighbors judged,

And said, why do you…?

You torment him, and you yourself are in sorrow,

You're destined to be born with a lot.

And my mother said to them:

And she covered their words with her hand,

You don't understand the power of a man,

He, too, needs to experience happiness.

And a happy man, even if he's sick.

It is not given to him to be like everyone else,

But if he breathes, he's happy with his life,

And he wouldn't want to complain to his fate.

That's not how this couple's fate turned out.

And all his cares were thrown to him.

He was cherished, loved and caressed

And they didn't shed a tear for their family.

As the years went by, Roma grew up and enjoyed life.

No one insulted or blamed him.

And he didn't seem superfluous in that family,

He just lived as he should.

And then one night, at night time,

When everyone had long since gone to bed.

Only Roma, reluctantly in bed,

He couldn't sleep and went out for a walk.

And in the kitchen he found matches,

And he suddenly wanted to know

How his mother uses these things,

And what it is possible to set fire to.

But the power of waiting for desire,

Momentarily brought to the house fire,

And Roma of all not understanding,

What to do, he did not expect it.

At first he watched the flames burn,

And only then, when in the smoke.

The flames made him clearly suffocate,

And realizing he had to save his family.

His instincts for life led him to the impulse,

He began to call, to knock, to shout for his family.

Through sleep, all the inhabitants naturally awoke,

When the apartment was filled with smoke.

Naturally everyone was in shock.

But the main thing that they were given to understand.

That a man who had no purpose in life

Was able to feel that he had to survive.

And in that family from now on, the feeling of life is sacred,

And everything is given for it with a soul.

When fate is prejudiced against you,

But life is ready to change it.

History leads a man.

To live, life needs to be understood,

And for it to be given with an answer,

A family must nurture it with love.


A man at the altar

A man lived like all ordinary people,

Loved, suffered, held on, grew up.

But like everyone else, he succumbed to his will,

As life flowed, so did he carry it.

But then one day a thought occurred to him.

How terrible it is to live, but to be a stranger in life.

All men live like that, in other people's destinies,

But we don't want to dig into our own fate.

Why was he born into this mundane world?

He never thought How he would live later on.

But every day he believed in a miracle,

That his life would strike a chord in that hour.

And in the episodes of life bathed,

That man went up to the altar.

To ask God if he was right in his deeds,

That every day he gives his life.

To which the Almighty, with signs, let him go,

All the truth that was born in his eyes.

Thou man look'st upon life playing,

And only yourself betrayed by untruth.

No one will ever move life,

You're a man's master but yourself.

And only the righteous path you'll build for yourself.

When in life thou shalt love thyself.

Then it will be like the kingdom of God,

When God and man are at one with him.

Wise deeds will be needed as air,

To live with your soul, soaring high…



Everyone knows what they dream of.

Of soul, of balance, of life.

And they're all just thoughts,

And in deeds, it's not what happens.

Which leads to the manifestation of rudeness,

To an attitude of disorder.

Unwillingness to move to action,

And "hangs" the inhibition of life.

These are all but ridiculous difficulties,

Like balance, like the scales of stability.

There are black and white stripes,

In this world it's all acceptable.

Everyone sees it differently,

Everyone makes mistakes.

It's just a sign of the breath of life,

The desire for superiority.

We don't see the signs of attention,

We don't know how to feel reciprocity.

It's all acceptable in everyone,

It's just a test of reasonableness.

expecting something ridiculous

Coveting what fate has not ordained.

Taking from others what they don't need,

As if in our hands would be better.

Everything depends on what's done,

And looking for something better wouldn't be worth it.

For everyone has a wheel of stability,

But not everyone uses it.

See the essential, see the difficult,

Allow those, other possibilities.

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