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Озеро в алмазах. Lake of Diamonds. Ein See aus Diamanten. Un lac en diamants. Un lago de diamantes. Um lago em diamantes

The ship shook and the whole wedding party

That moment was on the brink

Who had to jump

and swim to save themselves

And all began to flee from the ship.

Who sailed on the log that was carried off the ship,

Who was simply on the lap to save himself.

But all were scattered as they could,

And we'll never know their fates.

Only the bride, Annuta, was rescued.

A boy came to her rescue.

Annuta was brought to the shore,

And there, at the Magi's, the blacksmiths lived.

And the blacksmith's son, called Berkut,

On a boat on the sea was sailing.

When he saw the maiden, he changed his course,

To the shore, he quickly rushed ashore.

The maiden he rescued and led to the blacksmiths,

In that hut that he himself dwelt in.

For almost two weeks, Anyuta lived,

Not knowing, not remembering her life.

And how she was almost alive,

And how in the storm she was rescued by the sea.

The blacksmith fell in love with the young beauty,

And Anyuta liked him, too.

And love began to dance among the people.

And everyone, dreaming of marriage.

In love, it's nice to be

And they'd all be happy to be

But one day, at the blacksmith's house,

A party came to the blacksmith's house to get the goods.

Swords, they would have what was ordered,

By the sovereign himself.

And the sovereign of that island,

Lives in a community.

And rules over a faceless people.

With two sons, good fighters,

He prepares someone for the throne.

Whoever finds a bride first,

The one who gets the crown.

Two brave sons, but different in spirit,

One is fair, and the other is bolder.

And so they too came to the blacksmiths,

When they saw a maiden not of our blood.

The older son said:

–"Let's take her away,

A beauty for the support of our roots.

But Berkut was embarrassed, No, I will not give her away,

I'll never give my bride to anyone.

Then the eldest son ordered the fire to be set on fire,

That hut where the blacksmith lived.

The bride was tied up and thrown into a boat,

And Berkut was beaten by two soldiers.

The two sons came back to their father,

And the older one decided to get married.

He said: Here's the bride I brought you,

Get ready for the trial, sir.

Let the wedding be the most glamorous of all,

Let the people at the wedding rejoice

But the bride is sad, she's sad, she's sad.

How can she be, she doesn't want to be

To be somebody's wife, she doesn't want to be

But then the maid came to help,

And says to Anyuta:

At your wedding, when you're getting married,

We can swap with you.

Under the veil you can't see who's who.

And this way you'll be saved from the wedding.

I just love my eldest son,

But he doesn't know it.

And since I'm a maid, where can I find him

In the guise of a wife.

This way I'll make my dream come true,

And you have your interest.

I agree, said Anyuta.

That's all, I live…

Now we just need to get ready.

The wedding ceremony, all the people came,

To admire the young wife.

But the maid was under the veil,

And the girl was fleeing.

No one noticed the switch,

The groom only found out afterwards.

Well said, sir.

Now you are king,

Your maid is your queen.

"Anyuta ran, but as long as she could.

And her strength was all gone.

She lay quietly on the ground,

To rest by the pier.

And then someone's voice called Anyuta,

And it was the blacksmith.

He followed in her footsteps,

Looking for her everywhere, trying to find her.

And then he found her, lifted her up and embraced her,

And happiness knew no bounds.

Now I'll never give you away

I'll always be by your side.

As the years passed, Anyuta lived with her husband,

And enjoyed her life.

And year after year she gave birth to children,

Two handsome sons.

And one day, when they were grown up,

Two sons, Stepan and Procopius.

Went to the sea for their dream,

To the town where Anyuta was from.

And there they arranged their lives,

And all were very happy.

The tale of this story is fiction,

But there's truth in the tale.

A man is destined to love,

And to be reborn for love.


Instinct for life

Family. An ordinary husband and wife,

And with them joyful children,

Two sons and little Vetta.

And somehow of great love,

And faith in happiness without limits,

A hero was born in that family.

And in that family again an event.

But I'll say differently about the hero,

Not everyone can praise the destiny,

But to live and rejoice in every attention,

That makes one love his life.

The boy that was born to a couple in love.

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