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When I stepped on the ground, I noticed a lot of people approaching my house.

I had to drive them away for a long time and even guard my house when it was already night. Towards morning, I dozed off and was woken up by a small noise coming from a lonely old man outside my house.

This man, as it turned out, came up in the early morning and tapped the wings of the house with a cane, after which they melted and flowed down. A foreign object disturbed the quantum equilibrium of the plasma wing. I didn't have time to write down the composition of the metal in the plasma state in a hurry, because I had tried many components before and didn't want to waste time on it. I added a pinch of one substance or another.

I didn't manage to restore the exact composition of the wing for the house even after a few years, receiving new compositions every day. I couldn't use the other wing for spectral analysis, or rather, I tried, but I also broke it by accidentally touching it. And after тогоit melted completely and flowed to the ground, often substances, freed from quantum bonds, volatilized.

In one day, I stopped all attempts to restore the physical and chemical composition of the flying wing and switched to repairing the roof of the same house.

The Baron

In a remote forest, hidden from human eyes, lived a dog named Baron. Once it had owners, but when they were gone, it went into the forest, thinking to find its relatives. He was unusual in that he could talk. No, not just bark or howl, but in real words and phrases.

Baron grew up among other dogs, but always remained lonely because of his way of communicating. Other dogs were afraid of him, not knowing how to react to such an unusual creature. The Baron himself felt like an outcast.

One day, fate led him to meet a young boy named Tim, who lived with his parents on the edge of the forest. When Tim saw the Baron, he realized that he had never seen such a dog before.

Baron and Tim became best friends. Tim taught the dog to speak in other words, and the Baron helped Tim learn the secrets of the dog language. They spent days and nights together, their friendship growing stronger by the moment. The Baron became more cheerful.

In the next vacation, they managed to go on vacation with the dog to another country. Only animals that didn't know the "sit"command were allowed on planes.

The Baron understood when people understood him and always greeted him with loud squeals, he was used to it. One morning, he ran off into the woods for a walk while his new owners were sleeping in the bungalow in the morning. Despite the good care and delicious food from his new friends, he didn't have enough communication with his own people, even though they still didn't want to accept him into their team.

Running to the edge of the palm trees, he saw people who were not so dressed as in the city where he lived.

He asked the people in strange clothes where the local dogs lived, but no one even looked at him, only the people looked around among themselves, did not even pay attention to the dog, and then continued to plan the boat out of a large tree trunk.

"They don't want to talk to me," the Baron thought, and walked slowly back to the bungalow, where his young friend Tim and his parents were wandering around shouting as they approached.

– B-a-a-a-r-o-o-o-n!


The night fog was thick on the doorstep as Richard left the house for a walk with his faithful dog Bailey. The breeze of the autumn wind tickled his face coolly, and the leaves rustled softly under his feet.

A few minutes later, Richard noticed that the forest was changing before his eyes. The trees became increasingly lively and dense, which penetrated through the foliage of the forest.

… my heart started beating faster.

So suddenly, they saw a ring of fire floating above the ground above the seaweed near the shore. Bailey began to squeal like a child, but Richard felt no fear, if only a little, and the need to see and unravel, to understand the unusual phenomenon in the middle of the forest, roused him, and the fear disappeared.

The first thing Richard felt afterward wasthe cosmic silence and lack of hunger. He completely forgot about his usual need for food. Surprisingly, his body began to extract energy from the surrounding environment, fueling the unusual energy sources around him. The dog was no longer there.

Richard witnessed a tribe of giant ancient trees that communicated with each other through their roots,creating a network of intelligent communication. He visited the city of underwater creatures that breathed water and possessed the magic of the oceans. From afar, he watched the life of human birds that can fly over gorges, he saw dinosaurs grazing peacefully in a meadow like cows.

Richard didn't know how much time had passed, but he wanted to go back home, because he was getting uncomfortable and even scared.

And he decided to go back home, and just as he thought about it, he appeared next to the tree where he got into the portal, his dog was sitting.

– I looked for you there and didn't find you."

Bailey wagged her tail and began to curl around his feet. So they returned home. The dog ran ahead and constantly showed Richard the way.

When they got home, he found that the calendar had the same date on it when he left for the woods. The refrigerator, which had been broken before, he began to use instead of a shelf for books.

He wanted to tell them everything he had seen and gone through, but no one believed him.

But it became difficult for him to communicate with people, people shunned him, avoided him, old friends thought that he was crazy. So Richard decided to go back to the forest where he had passed through the portal before, but he couldn't do it. The forest has completely changed, or rather, it has burned out, and only the firebrands of this place remain. He started walking in different directions in hopes of getting into the portal, but each time he felt that it was getting harder and harder for him to walk.

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