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– Are you in mourning? – I joked, walking slowly toward Cedric.

– You're so clever," he said without turning round.

I didn't think his joke was funny at all, but I decided to keep playing the game.

– Who?

He didn't say anything.

I walked over to him and looked at his face with a grin.

Cedric didn't seem to notice me; he remained silent, staring out the window.

– Your mother is very upset about your absence," I said, not uncomfortable with his coldness toward me.

He said nothing.

– Cedric, this is getting annoying! – I said in an annoyed tone and slapped him lightly on the shoulder.

I think my gesture made him a little angry, because his eyes on me were angry. Frowning eyebrows, stern face, scowl. He's so handsome, this vampire, this hermit. And he's still alone. He's not in love with anyone. He's free. But at the same time, it's like he's disconnected from everything that has to do with feelings. Just coldness.

– I didn't call you, Maria, and I don't intend to entertain you," Cedric said in a quiet but simply icy tone.

He'd never felt any friendly feelings for me. Nor have I for him. I was just trying to play a little game, but I realised that this time I'd hit an impenetrable rock.

– I don't need to be entertained. I always find my own entertainment," I smiled sweetly.

– Doing inappropriate things with mortals?

My breath caught in my throat. How did he know?

– Calm down. It's your business. – Cedric grinned, as if he could see the horror of losing my innermost secret on my face. And so close to my parents' ears.

– Where did you…" I whispered, taking a step away from him.

I realised now that playing with him had been a bad idea. He was stinging my soul with his words, the way a wasp stings soft human flesh.

– You're careless. Markus saw you.

– M-Markus?

The news made me feel creepy.

My brother-in-law has seen me. With a mortal. He could have told Mariszka. And she would surely rush to share this "magical" news with our parents. Oh, no. No!

– But he only told me. So your secret is safe," Cedric said quietly, as if to comfort me.

– Yes, you can keep a secret like no one else," I whispered with a smile. – But you can't judge me.

– You're right. And I don't judge you. – Cedric turned his face away from me and stared out the window again. And I realised that was the end of our conversation.

– Your mum's upset, Cedric. You have to come with me. – I headed for the door, not bothering to persuade him.

– They're not bored, believe me. – I heard a cold reply.

– As you wish. – I grinned sarcastically and left the room.

Walking back to the hall, I felt awful. Horribly dirty.

Why is Cedric Morgan always so honourable? Cold. Always so… Clean? Has he never done anything reprehensible? Not once in his life? In almost three centuries? It's hard to believe, but it seems to be true. And that's why his moral purity embarrassed me. It depressed me. Next to him, I felt covered in fresh, horrible-smelling dirt that soaked into my skin that I could never wash off.

"What's all this sniffling, Maria?" – I said to myself to get rid of this oppression.

I was used to spitting on everything and everyone. But sometimes my reason failed me, and then the feeling of disgust at my dirty soul haunted me, tormented me. And at that moment it seemed to me that, even just being near Misha, I was committing a blasphemy.

As I walked into the hall I'd left only three minutes ago, I forced myself to square my shoulders again, lift my head proudly, and walk up to the Morgan seniors with a smile. Hell, I promised them I'd get back with Cedric. Oh, well. I tried.

– I'm not surprised. Don't take it personally, sweetheart,' Lady Morgan told me with a smile.

But I could see the cruel disappointment on her beautiful face when she saw me. Without Cedric.

– Oh, not at all, Mrs. Morgan. At least I've breathed the air of seclusion," I said in a calm tone, sitting down in the chair next to me, which was now vacant. Mr. Morgan's away somewhere. – Besides, your son looked so peaceful, I didn't want to take him away from his euphoria.

– Peaceful? Cedric? – Mrs. Morgan questioned quietly, incredulity in her voice.

– That's what it seemed to me. – I shrugged and put my foot on my leg. – Misha told me that you're planning to look for a new place to live next year?

– Yes, but we're not sure if we want to move. But I'm leaning towards Iceland. Quiet, peaceful place. Not much in the way of hunting, but we're willing to put up with the inconvenience.

– You should live in Toronto. Believe me, it's paradise," I suggested. But, remembering that I might be seen with mortal lovers, I added. – You're right, though: Iceland is the place to be. Beautiful scenery for filming. I'm thinking of hiring an Icelandic woman as a model… It should be very interesting.

– I'm sure it would," Lady Morgan said with a smile. – I think we'll be seeing those pictures in the best glossy magazines again soon.

– Glossy is not the way… I prefer aesthetics. Maybe in the near future. – I stroked my chin thoughtfully with my fingers, already imagining my own exhibition in the best galleries in the world. But alas, in the present, I'm stuck on the glossy step. But it won't be for long. I promise. It's time to improve my skills and channel them into something truly worthy of a photographer, like reportage photography. Hmm, I'll do that right after I shoot that strangely beautiful Icelandic woman whose hair and eyebrows are so white they made even me marvel. I'll surround her with cold landscapes and icy beauty to emphasise her own. Most importantly, she's not a model at all, just a nurse in the hospital of her tiny village in the west of the island. She'll be the best thing I've ever done. And then I'm going to kill her. Her blood intrigues me. The wind of Iceland seems to be playing in her veins…

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