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– I promise, you little extortionist.

Misha smiled broadly.

– But how are you doing? – I hurriedly turned the conversation to another topic.

– Everything is magical! We moved to Stockholm.

– I know that, Martin told me. What else?

– Nothing interesting yet. That's true.

– What about your husband?

– Oh! Fredrik got an invitation from the Royal Swedish Orchestra to play the nyckelharpa! – Misha 's eyes shone with pride.

I remember him playing that strange instrument. He's a virtuoso, you can't argue with that. But I knew Fredrik very well.

– And he refused," I said in an affirmative tone.

– Yes… But it would have been great… You know, we even had a little fight about it… – Misha grimaced.

I know how much she loves Fredrik, and that every disagreement is like a thunderclap for her.

– … but then they made up. I just want to make sure his talent isn't wasted!

– I don't think he sees it that way. – I said with a laugh.

– No, of course not… By the way, do you know who will celebrate with us? – suddenly asked Misha.

– Martin told me. Brandon? – I replied grimly.

– No… Brandon left literally five minutes ago…

– Yeah?" I interrupted my sister. – I'm sorry. Why?

– Mariszka said that Cedric and Brandon can't stand each other," Misha explained in a sad tone. – And when Cedric saw Brandon, he suddenly had something very urgent to do. Brandon ended up giving little Cedric presents and leaving. And Cedric suddenly said that his important business could be taken care of tomorrow. There.

The world was colourful again. He's gone. I won't see him. I won't be forced to smile at him and say false phrases. That's a relief. He's gone.

But I won't stay at the Morgans' all night. I'll leave the party at 12:00 and fly to Toronto at 8:06.

– And what was the reason for their mutual dislike? – I asked.

Cedric and Brandon can't stand each other. It's obvious. Since when? As I remembered, they'd had a few words at Mariszka's wedding, and they hadn't acted as detached as they did now.

– I don't know, but Markus said they've always been at odds… Come on, let's go! You've never seen Cedric, have you? Only in pictures? – Misha grabbed my hand again and we almost ran towards the front doors.

That's true. I've never seen my nephew. But Misha sent me pictures of him every month, so my laptop had about a thousand pictures of Cedric: Cedric drinking blood from a bottle, Cedric playing with Aunt Misha 's hair, Cedric sitting in his father's arms and making a grimace, Cedric running around the yard, Cedric… There didn't seem to be any activity that Cedric wasn't doing in the pictures. But I got all these pictures from Misha. And none from Mariszka. I don't care. It didn't bother me.

We hurried up the wide stone stairs to the huge main hall of the castle, and I was immediately embraced by Mscislav, my other older brother.

Misha fled to her husband.

– Ah, there you are! And did not miss me, apparently, for nine years! – said my brother with a laugh.

– I missed you, although, in truth, there was no time to be bored! – I said cheerfully, and gave him an appraising look. – Damn, I'd forgotten how handsome you are! But that bowtie doesn't suit you, take it off immediately!

– It was a present from my mum for my last birthday. If I take it off, she'll be sad and her heart will break," Mscislav whispered theatrically to me.

– 'If you don't like that bowtie, darling, just take it off. You don't have to wear it just to please me," I heard our mother's joking voice.

I cast a glance at those present: Mum was standing next to Mariszka not far from us. She caught my gaze and smiled warmly at me.

Mariszka only raised her eyebrows, as if to say, " Look who showed up!".

– Oh, thank you, Mum, but I really don't wear bow ties, – Mscislav sighed with relief and immediately pulled the stupid black butterfly off his neck. – Next time give me a scarf and I'll be extremely pleased.

– No, you buy your own scarf, and I only give bow ties! – Mum parried this witticism.

We laughed casually.

It's nice that even my parents have a sense of humour sometimes.

– Mum, you already look our age, where are you going to get any better? – I said as I approached her.

My mother was beautiful. And Mariszka was a copy of her. And so was Martin.

Me, Misha and Mscislav looked like my father.

– It's not my fault, darling. My beautiful daughter. Another one. How I love you, my girls. – Mum hugged me gustily, and I squeezed her in an answering hug.

Now that I knew she didn't disapprove of me for sleeping with men (vampires, naturally), I felt respect for her. But my mother didn't know that in addition to vampires, I also slept with mortals. Oh, she would be devastated by this news. But she would never find out. I'm very good at keeping my secrets.

– Hi Mariszka, it's good to see you too," I said sarcastically to my sister, who stood there with her palms folded on her stomach and just staring at me.

– Hi. Honestly, we were expecting you back for Cedric's first birthday, but apparently your nephew isn't as important to you as your career. Congratulations, by the way, you're a celebrity now," Mariszka told me in a calm tone.

Bloody ulcer. She knows how to hit a nerve.

I wanted to answer her with a sharp witticism about her beautiful way of greeting long-awaited guests, but the tired look of my mother, who knows that between me and Mariszka there is nothing but dislike, stopped me from this idea. So I smiled strainedly.

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