Practical Course. Past Life Recalls
When you find a tree and receive a mental confirmation of its willingness, try to remember the image of the entire tree, not just individual branches and leaves.
Now let's proceed to the practice itself
In solitude, turn off your internal dialogue and imagine a green meadow where your tree is growing. Whether it is day or night, your consciousness will guide you. Observe the tree as a whole and in detail, then approach the tree and embrace it. Merge with its trunk and mentally become one with the tree. Your tree begins to grow and expand in size.
There it is, towering above the other trees and houses, surpassing the mountains, reaching into the clouds… Don't stop, continue growing! You need to enlarge the tree until its branches are among the stars in space. At the same time, its roots remain firmly grounded in the Earth, and you can always return back thanks to these roots.
Now detach yourself from the tree and feel yourself in the vastness of space. Here, there are no clouds or atmosphere, but beautiful large stars surround you. Observe the constellations, the Milky Way, and the nebulae. The cosmos is infinite and magnificent, it should not scare you with its airless expanse and coldness because you are in your energetic body, not in the physical one. You feel very well, and you can freely fly among the stars
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