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Причудливые деревья

11. Battiscombe E., Trees and Shrubs of Kenya Colony, Government

Printer, Nairobi.

12. Black J. M., Flora of South Australia, III, 613, Adelaide, 1948.

13. Воse, J. C., Growth and Tropic Movements of Plants, Longmans, Green and Co., London, 1929.

14. Botting D., Island of the Dragon's Blood, Wilfred Funk, Inc., New York, 1958.

15. Вrоwn С. В., Camp Life in British Guiana, 1876.

16. Вurki11 I. H., A Dictionary of the Economic Products of the Malay Peninsula, Government Printer, Singapore, 1935.

17. Center A. L., The Boojim Tree of Baja, American Forests 67, June, 1961.

18. Chamberlain C. J., Gymnosperms, Structure and Evolution, University of Chicago Press, 1935.

19. Chamberlain C. J., The Living Cycads, University of Chicago Press, 1919.


Сhampiоn H. G., Nature, 131, 1933.

21. Chittenden F. J., -Royal Horticultural Society's Dictionary of Gardening, Oxford University Press, 1951.

22. Сосkburn J., Journey Overland from the Gulf of Honduras, London, 1735

23. Сооke M. C., Freaks and Marvels of Plant Life, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, London.

24. Соpisarоw M., Nature, 130, Oct., 8, 1932.

25. Corner E. J. H., The Durian Theory or the Origin of the Modern, Tree, Annals of Botany, 13, 1949.

26. Соrner E. J. H., The Life of Plants, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, ' 1964.

27. Corner E. J. H., Wayside Trees of Malaya, Government Printer, Singapore, 1958.

28. Cowen D. V., Flowering Trees and Shrubs in India, Thacker, Spink, and Co., Bombay, 1965.

29. Da1e I. R., Greenwау P. J., Kenya Trees and Shrubs, Buchanan's Kenya Estates, Nairobi., 1961.

30. Dalziel J. M., Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa, Crown Agents-for the Colonies, London, 1948.

31. Daubenmire R. F., Plants and Environment, John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York, 1959.

32. Degener O., Plants Hawaii National Park, Author, Waialua, Oahu, Hawaii, 1930.

33. De la Rue E. A., The Tropics, Alfred A. Knoft, New York, 1957.

34. Dinter K., Neue Pflanzen Deutsch-Sudwest Afrika, 45, 1914.

35. Dixon D., These are the Champs, American Forests Magazine, Jan.-Feb 1961.

36. Durocher-Yvon F., Seychelles Botanical Treasure, La Revue Agricola (Mauritius), XXVI, 2.

37. Eсkert A. W., American Forests, Oct., 1961.

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39. Ernst, Botanische Zeitung, 1876.

40. Ewart A. J., Flora of Victoria, University of Melbourne. 1930.

41. Fairсhi1d D., Exploring for Plants, Macmillan, New York, 1930.

42. Fairchild D., Garden Islands of the Great East, Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1943.

43. Fawсe11, Rend1e, Flora of Jamaica, British Museum, London. 1910—1936.

44. Find1eу R., Journ. Roy. Hort. Soc., London, Feb., 1962.

45. Fоgg J. M., Gardeners Chronicle, August 22, 1964.

46. Fоuntain P., The Great Mountains and Forests of South America, Longmans, Green and Co., London, 1904.

47. Fоxwоrthу F. W., Malayan Forest Records, № 3, 1927.

48. Vоs Francis, American Horticultural Magazine, 42, July, 1963.

49. Francis W. D., Australian Rain Forest Trees, Forestry and Timber Bureau, Canberra, 1951.

50. Francis W. D., Development of Buttresses in Queensland Trees, Proc, Roy, Soc, Queensl. (Australia), 36, 1924.

51. Hill F. L., Plant Collecting in Australia, Journ. of Royal Horticultural Sociely, London, July, 1956.

52. Hogg R., The Vegetable Kingdom and Its Products, London. 1858.

53. Hohenkirk L. S., Journ. Bd. Agr. Brit. Guiana, 12, 3, 1920.

54. Hоlttum R. E., The Flowering of Tembusu Trees in Singapore, 1928 – 1935, Gardens Bulletin, Singapore, 9.

55. Hоward R. A., 999 Survived, Survival experiences in the South Pacific, Adtic Pub. T-100, Feb., 1950.

56. Hui-Lin Li, American Horticultural Magazine, 40, 3, July, 1961.

57. Hume H. H., Hollies, The Macmillan Co., New York, 1953.

58. Hutсhinsоn J., A Botanist in Southern Africa, Gawthorn, London, 1946.

59. Huxley J., Exotic Plants of the World, Hanover House, New York, 1957.

60. Irvine F. R., Woody Plants of Ghana, Oxford University Press, New York, 1961.

61. Journ. Jap., Bot, 6(1); 5, 1929.

62. Journ. Roy. Hort. Soc., LXXXIX, 6, June, 1964.

63. Kennedy J. D., Forest Flora of Southern Nigeria, Lagos, 1936.


Кerner A., Natural History of Plants, Blackie and Son, London. 1902,

65. Krutch J. W., The Forgotten Peninsula, New York, 1961.

66. Kurz S., Forest Flora of British Burma, Calcutta, 1877.

67. Laing, В1асkwell, Plants of New Zealand, Whitcombe and Tombs,. Christchurch, 1964.

68. Lemee A., Dictionnaire... Phanerogames, II, 514, 1930.

69. Lewis C. F., Observations on the Ago of the Australian Grass Trees, Victorian Naturalist, 72, Dec,, 1955.

70. Lindleу J. and Moore Т., A Treasury of Botany, Longmans, Green and Company, London, 1884.

71. Lord E. E., Shrubs and Trees for Australian Gardens, Lothian Publishing Co., Melbourne, 1964.

72. Macmillan H. F., Tropical Planting and Gardening, Macmillan, London, 1948.

73. Mас Оwan P., Agricultural Journal (Cape of Good Hope), 13, 406, 1898.

74. McCarthy E. F., Hoyle, Journal of Foresty, Nov., 1918.

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