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Происхождение альтруизма и добродетели. От инстинктов к сотрудничеству

170 Hartung, J. 1995. Love thy neighbour. The Skeptic, Том 3, № 4. Keith, A. 1947. Evolution and ethics. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, New York.

Глава 10

171 Sharp, L. 1952. Steel axes for Stone-age Australians. Human Organisation, лето 1952:17–22.

172 Этой мыслью я обязан Ким Хилл (Kim Hill), за что ей большое спасибо.

173 Layton, R. Н. 1989. Are sociology and social anthropology compatible? The significance of sociocultural resources in human evolution. B: Comparative Socioecology (под

ред. Standen, V. & Foley, R.). Blackwell, Oxford.

174 Chagnon, N. 1983. Yanomamo, the fierce people. 3-е издание. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York.

175 Benson, B. 1989. The spontaneous evolution of commercial law. Southern Economic Journal 55:644-61. Benson, B. 1990. The enterprise of law. Pacific research Institute, San Francisco.

176 Жак Kep был сослан на остров Хиос, где и умер в 1456 году. Его великолепный готический дворец является одной из главных достопримечательностей Буржа.

177 Watson, А. М. 1967. Back to gold — and silver. Economic History Review, 2nd series, 20:1-34.

178 П. Самуэльсон (P. Samuelson). Цитату см. Brockway, G. P.!993– The end of economic man. Norton, New York, c. 299.

179 Heilbronner, R. L. 1961. The worldly philosophers. Simon and Schuster, New York.

180 Sraffa, P. (ред.) 1951. The works of David Ricardo. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

181 Roberts, R. D. 1994. The choice: a fable of free trade and protectionism. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.

182 Alden-Smith, E. 1988. Risk and uncertainty in the “original affluent society”: evolutionary ecology of resource sharing and land tenure. B: Hunters and gatherers. Том l: History, evolution and social change (под ред. Ingold, Т., Riehes, D. & Woodburn, J.). Berg, Oxford.

183 Роберт Лейтон (Robert Layton), интервью. Пол Мелларс (Paul Mellars), выступление перед Королевским научным обществом. Gamble, С. 1993. Timewalkers: the prehistory of clobal colonization. Alan Sutton, London.

Глава 11

184 Gore, A. 1992. Earth in the balance: ecology and the human spirit. Houghton Mifflin, Boston.

185 Там же.

186 Brown, L. 1992. State of the world. Worldwatch Institute, Washington, DC. Porritt, J. 1991. Save the Earth. Channel Four Books, London. Цитату папы см. Gore, A. 1992. Earth in the balance: ecology and the human spirit. Houghton Mifflin, Boston. Предисловие к книге Порритта (Porritt) написал принц Уэльский.

187 Kauffman, W. 1995. No turning back: dismantling the fantasies of environmental thinking. Basic Books, New York. Budiansky, S. 1995. Nature’s keepers: the new science of nature management. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London.

188 Kay, C. E. 1994. Aboriginal overkill: the role of the native Americans in structuring western ecosystems. Human Nature 5:359-98.

189 Поузи Д. У. (Posey, D. W.).1993. Цитируется по ст.: Vickers, W. Т. 1994. From opportunism to nascent conservation. The case ofSiona Secoya. Human Nature 5:307-37.

190 Tudge, C. 1996. The day before yesterday. Jonathan Cape, London. Stringer, C. & McKie, R. 1996 .African exodus. Jonathan Cape, London.

191 Steadman, D. W. 1995. Prehistoric extinctions of Pacific island birds: biodiversity meets zooarcheology. Science 267:1123-31.

192 Flannery, T. 1994. The future eaters. Reed, Chatswood, New South Wales.

193 Alvard, M. S. 1994. Conservation by native peoples: prey choice in a depleted habitat. Human Nature 5:127 — 54.

194 Diamond, J. 1991. The rise and fall of the third chimpanzee. Radius Books, London.

195 Nelson, R. 1993. Searching for the lost arrow: physical and spiritual ecology in the hunter’s world. B: The biophilia hypothesis (под ред. Kellert, S. R. & Wilson, E. О.). Island Press, Washington, DC.

196 Harnes, R. 1987. Game conservation or efficient hunting? B: The question of the commons (под ред. McCay, В. & Acheson, J.). University of Arizona Press, Tucson.

197 Alvard, M. S. 1994. Conservation by native peoples: prey choice in a depleted habitat. Human Nature 5:127-54.

198 Vickers, W. T. 1994. From opportunism to nascent conservation. The case of Siona Secoya. Human Nature 5:307-37.

199 Sterman, A. M. 1994. “Only slaves climb trees”: revisiting the myth of the ecologically noble savage in Amazonia. Human Nature 5:339“57-

200 Там же.

201 Low, В. S. & Heinen, J. T. 1993. Population, resources and environment. Population and environment 15:7-41.

Глава 12

202 См. Brubaker, E. 1995. Property rights in the defence of nature. Earthscan, London.

203 Acheson, J. 1987. The lobster fiefs revisited. B: The question of the commons (под ред. McCay, В. & Acheson, J.). University of Arizona Press, Tucson.

204 Gordon, H. S. 1954. The economic theory of a common-property resource: the fishery. Journal of Political Economy 62:124-42.

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