Psycho-cosmic energies and Russia
V. A. Chereshnev, A. G. Gamburtsev, T. K. Breus. A man and three of his surrounding environments. Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2007, vol. 77, № 7, pp. 618-627.
Note that the correlation is of the same order as the statistical relationship between the Earth's rotational velocity and cereals growth.
A relationship is identified between the Earth's rotational velocity and the frequency of various diseases per 100000 population at the scale of decades.
As the Earth's rotational velocity is growing – the number of diseased in Russia is also growing at the scale of individual years. As the Earth's rotational velocity is falling – the number of diseased is also falling at the scale of years. Evidently, this is one of the factors that influences the number of diseased. But at this point in time we have such trends agreement.
We are used to relating people's morbidity to medicine funding, solar activity, etc. But here the Earth's rotational velocity as a factor simply dominates all the other. Naturally, it remained outside of the scientific analysis framework. This is often explained by social transformations of that time. Indeed, in the countries where there was no redeployment these trends are less pronounced. Although in the countries with no redeployment and higher medicine funding the relationship between the morbidity rate and the Earth's rotational velocity is weaker, nevertheless it still exists.
But this does not exclude possibility of the hypothesis that cosmic energies related to the Earth's rotation particularly affect Russians. And it may happen that this is not only one of the factors of the morbidity rate growth in our country (similar relationships occur in Ukraine, Byelorussia), but also of the social transformations. We shall not repudiate such a possibility.
A relationship was identified between the frequency of accidental deaths and the Earth's rotational velocity.
In case of Russia this relationship is more pronounced than for other countries for a relatively long period of time.
Ref.: N. I. Konyukhov. Psycho-cosmic energies: protests, revolutions, development breakthroughs. – M.: 2016, pp. 66-96.
A relationship was identified between the accidental deaths rate and the Earth's rotational velocity.
A relationship was identified between the birthrate, mortality rate and the Earth's rotational velocity.
Correlation was identified between the mortality rate in different countries and the Earth's rotational velocity: in Russia, Ukraine and Byelorussia it is boldly related to changes of the Earth's rotation acceleration on ten-year time frames.
The change of the Earth's axial rotational velocity through decades matches the disease dynamics in all countries, especially in Russia.
A relationship was identified between the moments of setting the outstanding sports records and the Earth's rotational velocity.
Setting of outstanding sports records is not so much related to the solar activity, but rather to the Earth's axial rotational velocity.
This gives reason to conclude that with the decline of the Earth's rotational velocity people undergo qualitative changes.
These changes affect mental, psycho-physiological processes, and cerebration. This was proven by electroencephalographic and other studies of thousands of people at the Biruch and Bemkon research centers.
A relationship was identified between the Earth's orbital velocity and the EEG frequency of the subjects.
Ref.: E. N. Konyukhova, A. R. Khayrullin. Change of EEG frequency and skewness coefficients among subjects depending on the Earth's orbital and axial rotational velocities. In the book: Fundamental and applied problems of neurosciences: functional skewness, neuroplasticity, neurodegeneration. Proceedings of the Second All-Russian Scientific Conference with international participation. M.: 2016, p.
This is related to the changing results of various types of human activity.
A relationship was identified between the Earth's rotational velocity and the frequency of terrorist acts.
Ref.: N. I. Konyukhov. Psycho-cosmic energies and terrorism. M.: 2016, p. 7.
A relationship was identified between the Earth's rotational velocity and the number of talented people born.
A relationship was identified between the Earth's axial rotational velocity and the indicators of intelligence testing, as well as IQ change of the subjects.
A) For annual cycles
Ref.: N. I. Konyukhov, O. N. Arkhipova, E. N. Konyukhova. Manager's intelligence: for practitioners and researchers. M.: 2015, p.
Calculations by A. R. Khayrullin.
B) For decades