Quantum entanglement and parallel worlds
Chapter 4. Pre-flight debriefing
Let us remind ourselves and look at the above from a different perspective. Throughout human history, information and knowledge have been the most important weapon and value. They were killed, hidden, paid for, organized alliances and waged wars. The modern clans that run society carefully conceal how they govern the masses of earthlings. They disguise themselves, give out false ideas, play the spectacle of friends and enemies, and hide new technologies. Although it may seem to the average citizen that he is restricted in his freedom, he is controlled tacitly and invisibly – total control is needed first of all for the protection of this very citizen. After all, the "digital" war between each other is waged not only by special services, i.e. clans of society management, but also by "dark" personalities united in hidden groups. In our world, the world of people, there are also other worlds, worlds hidden from the gaze of the average person. For example, looking at the beautiful terrestrial world, we do not see magma and boiling core in the center of the earth; only an occasional reminder of it in volcanic eruptions. Here, too, we sometimes learn about the existence of the secret world indirectly through echoes and consequences that are difficult to conceal.
In order to preserve peace, society and human peace, it is necessary to control not only technologies of chemical, bacteriological and nuclear weapons production, but also ordinary wiretapping of telephone conversations. For example, a sufficiently competent chemist can produce potent slow-acting poisons, scatter them in a room, and a person will die in a few weeks or months. And the cause of death will be virtually impossible to establish. And there is much more, up to connection to your phone and hidden broadcasting of a special program that will secretly adjust you, program you for certain actions.
And then there is the hidden, alternative history and science. It can be considered alternative insofar as it is quite real. After all, it is known that history is written by the victors, then alternative history is the history of the defeated. But it is real. Likewise, science is real. Once the experiments of alchemists were forbidden, that is, alternative to official science. But many things were alternative in the perfectly scientific community. Let's remember Copernicus, Giordano Bruno, and Einstein is still being "kicked".
Perhaps there are already advanced technologies hidden from the public, such as: a chip in the brain, direct communication with a supercomputer, a "second brain", powerful and informed, in the form of artificial intelligence. These are tremendous possibilities. Agree, fiction is so quickly entering our lives as a reality that we no longer realize whether something is real or fiction. After all, we still disbelieve whether there were people on the moon, and we believe in tomatoes with fish genes. Because the moon is far away and tomatoes are on the counter. This kind of thing is not even described in science fiction. Now think, why not believe in what is described now.
For example, in one fantasy novel, the main character planned an experiment to implant a cloned thymus gland into an elderly person in order to test the possibility of rejuvenating the body. Studying this method, he came to the conclusion that it is easier to clone an exact copy of a person, and then to transfer the mind, consciousness, i.e. the spirit of a person into the body.
The thymus gland has the ability to slow down the body's biological clock. This tiny immune organ does serious work to rejuvenate the entire body.
I'll remind you. It seems absurd and fantastic at first glance, but it's much simpler than that. Cloning is no longer a secret. Rapid growth of the organism was achieved with the help of technologies long used in animal breeding, and the transfer of consciousness, which although it seems incredible and miraculous transmigration of souls, is actually a technique of launching pre-scanned, recorded in a special program of chemical reactions of the brain.
Further on in the novel, scientists are presented with an even more fantastic, improbable idea: to send the recorded digitized memory through interactions of entangled pairs to distant space. Now I will tell you how it can be done from the scientific point of view. It is realistic to realize entangled pairs communication, it is scientifically called quantum entanglement. That is, while our technology does not allow such a possibility, but the idea itself is quite real. In the novel, this technology was used to send as if a person's consciousness, so to check whether it worked or not, you could only when this very consciousness returned to the original body, that is, to learn about everything from the person personally. There was certainly a risk of its non-return. And in reality there would be that too. At least in the initial experiments. In fact, it will be something comparable to the first human flight into space. Was there a risk of Gagarin's death? Of course there was! Is there a risk for astronauts going into space to die even now with all the advanced technology? Of course there is!
Such technologies for transferring consciousness from one brain to another are already being conducted in secret laboratories. Let's remember the MK-Ultra program, which was conducted by the CIA. In a nutshell: in this program, "zombification" and personality substitution took place with the help of psychotropic substances and hypnosis. The program was super-secret, and after it was so classified that it was officially declared closed. Such experiments were conducted in many countries, including the USSR. And it began, at least officially so it is known, with Nazi Germany.
Of course, you won't find official information in open sources, and as for closed sources – I can't refer to documents. Therefore, I will give general information – where and what. Although this general information already indicates that work is being carried out and, of course, the results are classified. Even within the framework of preserving know-how. You understand the advantage of this. If you perform cloning and transfer consciousness there.
Here's an example from public sources.
The Human Brain Project (HBP) is a large human brain research project founded in 2013 in Geneva, Switzerland. The project involves hundreds of scientists from 26 countries and 135 partner institutions. The HBP project is unprecedented in its scale and the largest in the history of human brain research, with a budget of 1.6 billion dollars.
Similar projects have been launched in the US (BRAIN Initiative), China (China Brain Project) and Japan (Brain/MINDS).
Scientists have been able to transfer human consciousness (though not completely) into a computer. Now researchers are trying to upload human consciousness not only into a computer, but also into another human organism.
There is a lot of information about such works, conducted in the USSR, already in open sources. In her interviews and partially in her book "Brain Magic and Labyrinths of Life" academician Natalya Bekhtereva tells about such works carried out in secret research institutes in the USSR. Back in the days of the Soviet Union, being a secret communicator, I myself knew about such works directly from telegrams marked "top secret". And from negotiations – even more "frank" information. Here I should specify that I heard similar and more incredible information in negotiations, of course, in a closed network, not from the military, but directly from the employees of secret research institutes, because I was at the facility where they were testing new types of weapons. And the scientists talked about everything they were working on. So, according to them, this technology in the USSR was developed by a secret academician, who after an unauthorized test on himself died. There was, of course, and another version, which was put forward by colleagues: the academician transferred his consciousness into a younger employee, and made his body dead. A brilliant alibi.