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Quantum entanglement and parallel worlds

And now let's think about what would happen if something like this were to happen someday, like a space flight now, and the consciousness would not return to the original body, but would remain there, in that body… and would remember the original one. That is, the consciousness is from here, from the Earth. After all, there were and are scenarios when astronauts cannot return to Earth. In the case of other worlds, there's a time frame to consider. If even the very influence of particles and, consequently, the transfer of consciousness is fast, the time when the consciousness will live there will not necessarily be proportional to the Earth time. In this case it is logical to send a child, a teenager, who will have time to correct the failure in the system. Time to live there while fixing here, or even cooler, because the world should be identical, so maybe he will grow up and fix the failure in the system there. These are the paradoxes that await us when implementing such a method.

Although… it depends on what kind of failure. It will be almost impossible to influence the processes "out there" from here. It will be impossible to guess exactly what a person will encounter. Perhaps the world will be an exact copy with minimal differences, for example, the test subject will like something there that he was deprived of on Earth. Or perhaps – the air, the sun, the seasons… everything will be the same, only the circumstances, the living conditions will be different. Maybe there this person will find himself in other relationships with people, will go to another school, will learn another profession, the story of love will be successful or unsuccessful. After all, the basic idea is that these worlds, in fact, can not be completely different. It is only in fantasies they are different. And in idea – life can be born only in similar conditions as ours. As for the differences… there are already differences. Just look closely at how different we all are. All inhabitants of the planet.

If we look even more deeply at the ordinary things that seem to us to be incredibly complex and unsolved mysteries, they can also be simple. For example, the miracle of life. Agree, both living matter and non-living matter have a common basis: everything around us consists of molecules. Only in living matter these molecules are united in a certain chain of signal transmission; guided by a running algorithm, they copy themselves using the whole environment. This algorithm, its launching, is the mystery.

However, all secret things come to light at some point. Since life is born from life, perhaps the "inanimate" brain signals that give birth to the mind are this algorithm that builds molecules into a system of relationships, intelligently copying each other as a whole. Imagine, with this technology it will be possible to calculate the code of human mind, that is, the way we think, transform it, direct it with a beam in space to the target and, affecting the molecules, put them together in a living cell, and then create a reasonable being. Then, already being the source of its thought, compel it to do what is necessary. You will say – fantastic, but I will tell you: if rays, for example, radiation can knock down the "bricks" of life and destroy the organism, why should not there be a mechanism that collects them into a structure that can independently copy its own similar? After all, the action of creating something, the same painting, sculpture, writing a program for a computer, or even the process of conception, is also the transformation of thought into action. It is a certain set of influences of one thing on another. Pay attention – each separate unit of DNA code is inanimate, but the whole is the main cell of life. In fact, this technology will make it possible to create a reasonable person out of a creature without intelligence and, practically taking possession of it, to control with the help of thoughts that supposedly spontaneously came into his head, to realize any actions that this creature could afford physically (and even more). First, it would become real to influence inanimate matter… and life could be created. Even if primitive, it will still be a sensation. Secondly, the already created life can be brought to such intellectual stuffing that will create everything, including space technology. That is, being in the consciousness of this new man, literally being his personality, it is possible to create a civilization.

A child in the role of a little astronaut is logical and not logical at the same time. Such a grandly risky and ingenious idea would be a difficulty even then if it were a matter of conventional spaceflight in a real human body. The human-launched Voyager 1 spacecraft reached the limits of the solar system in 35 years. For interplanetary flights, if we overcome radiation, it will be relevant within the solar system. But it takes 40,000 years to fly to the nearest star. In that case, we can't even on Earth predict events. The child (or children) must grow up in flight, gain a base of knowledge and experience, complete the mission, and return healthy, sane, even if old. Flying to the stars, even at superluminal speeds, takes a long time for a person whose life in the timeline is but a blink of an eye for eternity. A light speed of 300,000 kilometers per second is grandiose for earthly distances, but impossible for earthlings, according to the formula E=MC2. It is impossible for material objects at all. Only that which has no mass, i.e. light, radio waves, can travel at this speed. And now pay attention! Even if it were ten times the speed of light, it's still negligible for cosmic distances. Imagine a billion years. Even if you fly not ten, but a hundred thousand times faster than the speed of light – you will not have enough human life on Earth, even, perhaps, the life of civilization to reach the limits of the universe.

Chapter 7. Flight of Reason

Infinity has everything in it, yes. And if we have presented an infinity where there is everything but no repetition of this moment, which is now happening, then it means only one thing: we have presented a still limited infinity. Difficult? Unbelievable? Einstein wasn't understood by everyone either, even in the scientific community. Someone will answer me: not everyone understands, and not only Einstein.

While collecting material for this book, I read the reasoning of a very intelligent person on the net: "…Imagine that in ancient Rome there is a man convinced of the existence of atoms. Notice that he is right! But what happens if he starts searching? He will demand to be given diamond hammers and hundreds of slaves to crush rocks to the smallest particles, and then he will ask for giant sapphires to polish them and make huge lenses to view atoms. Clearly, the outcome of his quest will be negative…" That's the comparison.

Such examples can be given in different interpretations. For example, the sphericity of the Earth was known in the ancient world. Here is a reference: "The earliest theory about the Earth's sphericity was put forward in the 6th century BC in Greece. The philosopher Aristotle was a student of Plato. He gave three examples to prove the sphericity of the Earth: 1) the farther you go north, the higher Polaris is; 2) stars are visible in the south that are not visible in the north; constellations on the equator are high; 3) the shadow of the Earth falling on the Moon during a lunar eclipse is always round."

Even now, many people can't make scientific sense of his arguments. I will say more: even when it was technically possible to check it, when it was possible to improve the fleet to the appropriate level and realized a voyage proving it… not everyone believed it. What then, there are "unicums" even now. But the fact of proof became a fact not because of the fact that there were powerful ships compared to the ancient ones, but because they developed the science of navigation, invented appropriate instruments. So now we think that for flights into deep space we need, though improved, but still the same devices and technologies that we already have. However, something fundamentally new is needed. To give an example I can say that at that time, when they started to heat houses in cities with coal, they drew a picture of the future, where the elevator raises coal to the upper floors. And science-fiction writers, and not only them, outlined the future transportation problem as a problem of cleaning horse manure. Or for comparison we can take a vacuum cleaner and a broom: the function is the same, but the technological difference is fundamental....

The most important thing is that our mind ends up in distant worlds, not our body. The body is material, it will not fly above the speed of light.

Now let's think about the moral and spiritual side of the process.

Imagine, we have to take a child, he must have a connection with us, there must be a person he trusts unconditionally or with whom he is on very good friendly terms. There must be people whose advice and counsel the baby listens to. So imagine if that child there reveals the secret of the event that happened here, before the onset…

Based on our hypothesis, he'll get there under exactly the same conditions. Then the same people will be there. Now imagine if the child has a fight with them there.

If we send a child to a world that mirrors us, is reflected through us, then yes, but if he or she gets into a world through which we are reflected, then the opposite will happen – uncontrollable events will occur. If, of course, the worlds influence each other by the same mysterious connection of entangled pairs. After all, if particles influence each other, then the influence on the particle that is there will affect the behavior of the particle that is here. And there are billions of particles involved in this process.

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