Разговорный английский
A bag is both important and character-revealing. The effect of a beautiful dress will be spoiled by the wrong bag and still worse by an untidy or bulging bag. Never stuff your bag to capacity. A good bag need not be very expensive, but it should be well-cut and not fussy. Avoid unnecessary buckles, bows and all sorts of fancy work. The plainer the cut of your bag, the longer it will take you to tire of it. If you are plump don’t choose a round bag; it may be only a trick of the eye, but such a bag seems to add inches to your silhouette.
The final tip is that when you go to choose clothes — whether it is only a question of a new bag — go alone. If you take even your closest friend with you, you’ll probably end by buying what she likes instead of what you like. And it is positively fatal to take two or three friends. By the time you’ve listened to their conflicting opinions, you’ll have lost all confidence in your own judgement. And then when you get your purchase home, you will wonder what on earth made you decide on it!
If you need advice when you are buying clothes, rely on the saleswoman, who is an expert, and then choose whatever appeals to you. Remember that the clothes in which you feel happy are always the most successful clothes.
Remember that Enemy Number One both to chic and charm is untidiness. You can get away with a dress that is neither new nor expensive (if it is absolutely immaculate) but down-at-heel shoes, grubby-looking gloves, collar or cuffs, a creased skirt completely ruin the effect of a model dress no matter how expensive it may be.
Adapted from the “Everywoman ”
Vocabulary Notes
1 keynote —
2 to lead astray — сбиваться с пути 3 passing craze — преходящая мода
4 loose undatable style — свободный покрой, находящийся в моде длительное время
5 hairy fabrics — материал с ворсом
6 to divide the wear and tear — носить попеременно
7 perennial “Must” — вечная необходимость
8 don’t date — не выходят из моды
9 a dress that’s intended to partner it — платье, с которым предполагается носить шляпу
10 close-up look — взгляд (в зеркало) с близкого расстояния
11 to team up — объединять, подбирать
GEORGE. What! You are not dressed yet? We’ll be late, Tom. I’m sure.
TOM. No, we won’t. We have half an hour yet. Ma! Where are my socks?
MOTHER (coming in). You should know better where your socks are.
T. I mean the new socks that you —. Now, where is that tie, I wonder?
MOTHER. Aren’t you going to put on your new suit, Tommy?
T. Too much trouble.
G. I say, Tom, you just look at your tie — it’s all on one side.
T. What a nuisance this tie is. I’ll have to pin it, otherwise it won’t stay.
MOTHER. Tuck in your shirt; it’s almost half out. This is what it comes to when you don’t do things in time.
T. Well, Mother, what’s the use of arguing now. Couldn’t you possibly get me a clean handkerchief?
G. I say, Tom, are you really going to put on this coat?
T. Yes. What’s wrong with it?
G. You just look at yourself in the mirror and see what a fright you are.
T. Yes, it doesn’t quite match these trousers, but no time to change. Thank you, Mother. Well, George?
MOTHER. Tom your bootlace —.
T. I’ll lace it downstairs, Mother. Goodbye.
T. What can I do for you, sir?
С. I want to order a suit at your tailor’s, please.
T. Would you like to have it made of your own material?
C. No, I should like to see what you have.
T. What colour, sir?
C. Something in blue with a narrow white stripe, please.
T. Here is a piece lust the kind you want. It is fine, uncreasable, and it never fades.
C. Yes, I like it. Now, what have you of the latest designs?
T. Here is the magazine, sir. You may choose any fashion you like. How do you like this two buttons model suit?
C. Yes, it looks fine. I think I’ll choose this fashion.
T. With a waistcoat, sir?
C. No, without. I would like to have it lined with silk, please.
T. Yes, sir. Would you like to have your measure taken now?
C. Yes. How long will it take to have it ready?
T. About a week, sir.
C. Good. And when must I come to try it on?
T. In four days’ time, sir.
C. Must I pay now?
T. Yes, sir. Here is the receipt.
X. Everyday Services
CUSTOMER. Good morning. Oh, you are engaged, I see.
BARBER. You’ll be attended to in a moment, sir. Won’t you sit down? There’s the today’s paper on the table, sir. CUSTOMER. Which is it?
BARBER. “The Times,” sir. {After a short time.) Please, sir. A cut and a shave?
CUSTOMER. Only a shave, please.
BARBER. Your hair wants cutting, sir.
CUSTOMER. Does it? Well, let’s have a haircut as well.