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Россия и Южная Африка: наведение мостов

Johnston F. Great Days. L.: Bell, 1940.

J?kai M. Gr?f Benyovszky M6ric?letrajza, sajat eml?kiratai?s utleirasai. Budapest, 1967.

Jones D.I. Communism in South Africa, Presented to the Executive of the Third International on Behalf of the International Socialist League, South Africa. Johannesburg, 1921.

Journals of Jan van Riebeek. Vol. I. 1651–1655. Cape Town; Amsterdam: A.A. Balken, 1952.

Juta R. The Cape Peninsula. L., 1927.

Kling G. Benyowszky. Emp?reur de Madagascar // Encyclop?die mensuelle d’outre-mer. Paris, 1956, juin. No. 70.

Kolb P. Description du Cap de Bonne-Esp?rance. T. 1–3. Amsterdam, 1743.

Krivitsky W.G. I was Stalin’s agent. L.: The Right Book Club, 1940.

Langer W. The Diplomacy of Imperialism. Vol. I. N.Y.: Knopf, 1951.

[Leguat F.]. Voyage et avantures de Fran?ois Leguat, et des ses compagnons, en plusieurs isles d?sertes des Indes Orientales. Vol. 1–2. Londres, 1710.

Lepecki M. Maurycy August hr. Beniowski. Zdobywca Madagaskaru. Warszawa, 1959.

Letters of Olive Schreiner, 1876–1920 / ed. by S.C. Cronwright-Schreiner. L., 1924.

Major I.S.K.Soboleff. Cossack at Large. L.: Peter Davies, 1960.

Mazon A. Un maitre du roman russe Ivan Gontcharov. Paris, 1914.

Mda Zakes. The Heart of Darkness. Oxford University Press, 2000.

Millin S.G. The Measure of My Days. Johannesburg: Central News Agency, 1955.

Millin S.G. The Night is long. L.: Faber and Faber, 1941.

Mendelssohn: South African Bibiliography / Sidney Mendelssohn (1910). Vols. I–II.

Ohnet G. L’Inutile richesse. Paris, 1896.

Olderogge D.A. The Study of African Languages in Russia // Russia and Africa. M., 1966.

Oldest Pilot in the World // Springbok, 1987. Nov./Dec.

Oxford History of South Africa / ed. by M. Wilson and L. Thompson. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1969.

Pearson H. Bernard Shaw. His Life and Personality. L.: Collins, 1943.

Pearson H. G.B.S. A Postscript. L.: Collins, 1951.

Peires J.B. The Dead will arise. Nongqawuse and the great Xhosa Cattle killing of 1856–7. Johannesburg: Ravan Press, 1989.

Plomer W. Father and son: 1939 // Plomer W. The Dokking thig and other satires. L.: Jonathan Cape, 1945.

Ralph I. Dream Life and real Life. L.: T. Fisher Unwin, 1893, 1897, 1912.

Ramaroson L. , Giambrone N. Teto anivon’ny riaka. Fianarantsoa, 4-?me?dition, 1971.

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Report of the South African delegation to the 20th anniversary celebration of the Soviet Union held on the 7th November 1937. Manuscript // W.H. Andrews papers, Mayibuye Centre for History and Culture in South Africa, University of the Western Cape.

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Result of a census of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope as on the night of Sunday, the 17th April 1904. Cape Town, 1905.

Result of a census of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope, taken on the night of Sunday, the 7th March, 1875. Capе Town, 1877.

Result of a census of the Transvaal Colony and Swaziland, taken on the night of Sunday the 17th April 1904. L., 1906.

Roux Edward. S.P. Bunting. A Political Biography. Cape Town: Published by the Author, 1944.

Sacks Benard. South African Personalities and Places. Johannesburg: Kayor Publishers, 1959.

Schreiner O. Closer Union. Cape Town, [n.d.].

Schreiner O. Dreams. L.: Fisher Unwin, 1890, 1891 (twice), 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1897, 1903, 1905, 1907, 1908, 1912 (twice), 1913, 1914, 1915, 1917, 1919, 1923 (twice), 1930…

Schreiner O. Thoughts on South Africa. L.: T. Fisher Unwin, 1923, 1927.

Schreiner O. Trooper Peter Halket of Mashonaland. L., 1897, 1899, 1905, 1926 (twice), 1950, 1974…

Schreiner O. Woman and Labour. L.: Virago, Leipzig: Bernhard Tauchnitz, 1911.

Selections from the Smuts Papers. Cambridge. 1968.

Shalkop A. Stepan Ushin. Citizen by Purchase // The Alaska Journal. History and Arts of the North. Anchorage, Spring 1977. Vol. 7. No. 2.

Shaw B. The Rationalization of Russia. Westport (Connecticut): Greenwood Press, 1977.

Shaw B. Everybody’s Political What’s What? L.: Constable, 1945.

Shimoni G. Jews and Zionism: The South African Experience (1910–1967). Cape Town: Oxford University Press, 1980.

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