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Save Yourself, Beauty

This thought bewitched Leah, and she leaned back on the hard back of the chair. She started to feel nauseous. Apparently, the lack of food has affected for two days. There was a white cloth in front of my eyes.

– What was there, Leah? – Vlad touched her lower lip and carefully walked over it, so that her heart stopped and then beat faster, her whole body contracted and softened afterwards. The pleasant shaking shook her hands, and Lie was ashamed of it. – In your old life? Let me guess. You must have had a young man. – The vampire drew her lips with his thumb, enjoying the softness of her skin. – But so boring. Mediocre. There was nothing to talk to him about. The heart was always beating right in his presence. All of your peers are miserable bozos, who are only interested in easy-to-reach girls and regular sex. Isn't that right, Leah? And you want another one. Not dry, but also not concerned hero of our time. By the way, about heroes. My Italian beauty, Tesoro mio (with Italian. – my treasure) will you not feed?

Leah moved her eyebrows without understanding such a drastic change in the subject.

– He brought it in recently, and the vampire didn't wait for an answer and grabbed a piece of the plate on the table. Only now the girl noticed that Anton was no longer in the dining room. – You can't starve yourself. – He brought a piece to her lips. She lowered her gaze at the white fruit with black dots. – Come on, Leah.

She looked at him silently, burning her eyes while keeping her lips tightly closed. About how much Vlad traveled, Leah had already been heard. About his passion for foreign languages too. The vampire suddenly softened, stunned by her struggle.

– Who is the hero of our time? – Suddenly he asked, returning to the same subject. – Romantic BDSM Shik? – The vampire twisted like he remembered something else. – The knights used to perform feats for their loved ones, could not breathe on them, experiencing the most genuine and tender feelings, and what now? Now a couple of lame jokes, and the girls are ready to move their feet immediately. It's boring," Vlad said tiredly, looking at the fruit between his fingers.

– Is there a need for a hero at all? The hero died," Leah murmured dryly.

"Lia awaited their meeting with a longing heart. Why did she now feel that Vlad was not enough for her to exist? She gathered with spirit, adjusted herself to the long-awaited meeting (if you can call the wait half an hour long). I didn't want to be confused, I wanted to show my erudition, talk to him until the morning, discussing philosophy.

The girl entered a cozy cafe with wicker chairs. She only took a sneak peek at the guests present, who were not so many. The smell of freshly made coffee hit her nose, and Leah concentrated her eyes and thoughts on only one thing, on him, her recent acquaintance. She approached Vlad very carefully and saw the title of the book he was holding: "Ni ницche's words "God is dead" by Martin Heidegger.

– Are you interested in Nietzsche's statement? – She asked Leah enthusiastically, while Vlad was in no hurry to get away from reading.

– Yes. Many literally understand it. And in fact…

– The destruction of morality, interrupted by Leah. – Decline of morality. I know.

– Heidegger understands Nietzsche's words more as the death of philosophy.

– However, philosophy only does what moves around. There's nothing new here.

The owner shook his head with his hand and stared intently at the face of a new acquaintance. With real admiration.

– What's your name?

– The Leah.

– Only two syllables, and how beautiful. My sin, my soul, is Li-i: the tip of the tongue makes its way two steps down the sky, to push the teeth on the second. It's me.

The girl caught her breath from what she said. She tried to answer something, but could not, and the interlocutor was silent. Leah would like to know what he was thinking about at the time, but there was no strength to imagine: she just stared into his foggy eyes.

– That's… Nabokov? – Leah murmured, vaguely remembering the beginning of the work.

– That's right. "Lolita". And that's what you read.

Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.

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