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Secrets & Mysteries of the Sephardim

Armchairs were set up for the duchess and the infante, and another row was set up with benches and chairs for palace dance teachers, leaders of the competition, and other guests.

Before the competition started, the royal dance master approached the duchess and asked permission to sit behind her.

Isabella agreed and said, “I hope, sir, you have followed my instructions regarding the invited couples.”

“Oh, yes, I assure you, Your Highness! I followed your instructions to the letter. All the dancers are children of the highest nobility and well-known people with exceptional credentials. So, if fortune smiles on one of them and he or she is invited to serve in the palace, you will not be disappointed.”

When it was time to start the contest, the royal dance master ordered the host to begin. The music started to play, and they began to dance.

The royal dance master, apparently desiring to show off his knowledge, moved his chair closer to the duchess. He began to comment and gossip animatedly on this or that couple’s merits or lack thereof. The duchess pretended to listen, but she wasn’t paying attention. She watched the infante from time to time and saw he wasn’t interested in the dancers.

Seeing this, Isabella would repeatedly interrupt the dance master without watching until the end, and other pairs came onto the stage.

After many unsuccessful viewings, Isabella was beginning to think her idea to hold this performance had been a mistake. Then the second to last group of dancers came on stage, and Fernando started to perk up.

The music began to play, and the couples twirled around the stage.

It was evident the infante was observing them intently.

The duchess covered her face with her hand fan and looked through the fan holes at the infante’s eyes. First, they expressed interest, but the longer the dance went on, the brighter his eyes shined.

As the couple approached the edge of the stage, Isabella tried to determine to whom the prince was paying attention. She soon realized it was the female who had charmed him. She also was captivated by her.

She was certainly different from the others. She had snow-white silky skin, azure eyes, and an unusual grace.

The dance master noticed the duchess’ gaze, “Oh, yes, Your Highness. I see you are an expert in dancing. You correctly drew your attention to that couple. However, for this lovely young senhorita, they picked the wrong partner. Let’s not concern ourselves with him and look at how this young lady moves around the stage!

“It seems this senhorita does not touch the floor. She hovers like an angel, circling the surface of the stage. Also, please pay attention to her perfectly proportionally folded body and smooth, light hand movements. See her beautiful shoulders and neck. Look at how majestically she holds her head in relation to her elegant, supple back.

“And, most importantly,” he said, “pay attention to her expressive eyes. I admire your taste, duchess. This is the brilliance to brighten the royal halls during any celebration and make our school of the arts incomparable!”

Isabella turned to the dance master and said, “Perhaps, you are right, sir. We will discuss her candidacy later. Now, tell me. How many performances are left?”

The dance master glanced at the sheet of paper and answered, “Only one, Your Highness.”

The duchess turned to the infante and, covering her mouth with the fan, asked, “Infante Fernando, have you made your choice, or do you want to watch the rest of the performances? Honestly, I’m a bit tired and would like to return to the castle.

“In that case, we can both return to the palace,” Fernando said. “Of all the contestants, the young lady in the white dress is the best candidate to become my partner in pair dances. The dance master had so much praise for her.”

“I agree,” said Isabella.

When the dance was over, Isabella rose from her chair and turned to the dance master. “Sir, I am somewhat tired. In addition, it’s time for us to return to the castle. Please invite the young lady you have recommended to the palace tomorrow. I want to talk to her.

“By the way,” the duchess asked, “What is her name, and what noble family does she come from?” She started to head for the door. The dance master looked at his notes as he followed behind the duchess. He said excitedly: “Isabel Zarco. She’s the daughter of the founder of the Madeira settlement, Jo~ao Goncalves Zarco.” 25

Isabella suddenly stopped and exclaimed, “Jo~ao Zarco? The one-eyed sea captain? How unexpected! That’s great,” said Isabella.


Jo~ao Goncalves Zarco (c. 1390 – Nov. 21,1471) was a Portuguese explorer who established settlements and recognition of the Madeira Islands and was appointed first captain of Funchal by Henry the Navigator.

She covered her eyes with her fan and had some pleasant memories.

“Oh, Your Highness!” exclaimed the dance master, “You know the governor of the Madeira Archipelago?”

“Members of the royal family should know the heroes of Portugal,” she said.

“As soon as his daughter appeared on the stage, I immediately noticed her majestic, regal posture. Now I understand where she got it from. Admiral Zarco is from an old Jewish royal family. From the family of King David, if my memory serves me right.

“It will be an honor to have such a beautiful member of his family in our royal arts school,” she continued. “Oh! If only I had known her before! I would’ve made her my lady-in-waiting.” 26

The next day, Isabel Zarco appeared at the appointed time in the duchess’ Royal Reception room. Isabella sat in the queen’s chair. To the left and behind the chair stood servants. The duchess was dressed in a magnificent white dress. She wore precious jewelry that sparkled in the light.


A lady-in-waiting or court lady is a female personal assistant at a court, attending to a royal woman or a high-ranking noblewoman. Historically, in Europe, a lady-in-waiting was often a noblewoman but of lower rank than the woman to whom she attended. Although she may either have received a retainer or may not have received compensation for the service she rendered, a lady-in-waiting was considered more of a secretary, courtier, or companion to her mistress than a servant.

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