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Secrets & Mysteries of the Sephardim

“You don’t have any more appointments?” Pedro asked.

“No, dear.”

“Then would you release the servants so you and I can discuss something privately?”

Isabella waved her fan to her ladies-in-waiting, and after bowing, they left.

“My dear, I have good news,” Pedro said. “The council has discussed your proposal for a marriage alliance between Prince Afonso and infanta Isabella. And all members unanimously approved the enterprise. There was one condition, however. They would like the engagement to be announced before the coronation and the wedding to be after the coronation.

“So, my dear, since you want to play Cupid, nothing is preventing you from thinking about ways to make our daughter and our nephew fall in love,” the duke continued, laughing.

“Oh, Pedro, you are so witty,” Isabella answered with a smile. “However, I have some unpleasant news that concerns this conversation. And it could complicate our plans.”

“What is this unpleasant news?” Pedro asked.

“Afonso had come to see me before you came in. Guess what he asked me? He said he wanted to continue his dance training with Isabel Zarco. He said he thought her teaching methods were more progressive than that of our chief royal dance master.”

“Oh!” exclaimed Pedro. “Perhaps Afonso is right. I also noticed the head dance master is a great dancer and skilled teacher, but he is very conservative and doesn’t know any of the modern dances or movements.”

“Perhaps you are right, Pedro, but I’m not talking about that,” Isabella said. “It seems to me your nephew is very interested in this dancer.”

Pedro said, “It looks like you might be right, my dear. I just ran into him at the door. I have never seen him so excited before. It was like he was falling in love.

“And I agree with you that this may complicate the situation,” he said. “As long as Isabel Zarco is here, he will not pay attention to our Isabella.

“What should we do?” he asked Isabella.

“We have some options,” Isabella said. “We could grant Senhorita Zarco’s request to teach only at the art school because of her workload. But this may make Afonso suspicious. We can try this scenario later if needed.”

She continued: “We need to come up with a scenario that will have our daughter going to another city or country for some reason. We could ask Afonso to do us a favor and accompany her. We could also ask him to stay with her to ensure she is safe. After all, he always dreams of doing something chivalrous. So let him prove himself by doing this for us.”

“It’s a good idea,” Pedro said. “I even know the right place to send them: To my sister, Isabella, 32 Duchess of Burgundy. 33 I received an invitation from her yesterday. She has invited our family to her son’s fifth wedding anniversary.

“I am sure you have not forgotten that five years ago, at the age of 7, Charles married Catherine, daughter of Charles VII, King of France,” he said. “My sister would like our children and my late brother’s children to participate in this celebration.


Isabella of Portugal (Feb. 21, 1397 – Dec. 17, 1471) was Duchess of Burgundy and the third wife of Duke Philip the Good. Their son was Charles the Bold, the last Valois Duke of Burgundy. Born a Portuguese infanta of the House of Aviz, Isabella was the only surviving daughter of King John I of Portugal and his wife, Philippa of Lancaster.


The Duchy of Burgundy (/'brndi/; French: Duch'e de Bourgogne) emerged in the 9th century as one of the successors of the ancient Kingdom of the Burgundians, which after its conquest in 532 had formed a constituent part of the Frankish Empire. Burgundy is a historical region in east-central France, but it has given its name to several larger political formations; at its peak, in the 15th century, the duchy of Burgundy was one of the most powerful states in Europe.

“I can say you and I are currently very busy with important government affairs. However, we have decided to send Isabella and Afonso. She is their aunt and was always kind to Edward and me. I’m sure she will happily receive her niece and nephew and host them with love.

“We should inform her immediately so she can prepare for their arrival. And, we will have to reveal our secret to her so she can create the conditions for the youth to help them get closer to each other,” the duke continued. “Burgundy has many beautiful and romantic places where young people can spend time together. And by the will of heaven, the role of Cupid will pass to my sister. That way, Afonso won’t be suspicious.

“We will pray our plan comes true. Do you agree, dear?”

“Oh, that is an excellent, well-thought plan, Pedro,” Isabella said. “I could not suggest anything better.”

“In that case,” Pedro said, “I will prepare a message for my sister and get permission for this trip of the prince and infanta at the council’s next meeting. And if it’s approved, I will send an urgent message to my sister.

“After the council’s decision, we should share our plans with Isabella,” Pedro said. “We must explain to her that our family’s safety depends on her. I’m sure she’ll understand.

“I am assigning you so many tasks, my dear,” he continued. “Will you find some of them to be uncomfortable?”

“I am happy to deal with such important state matters,” answered Isabella. But, Pedro, she asked, “Do you think it prudent to discuss this important matter at the council’s next meeting?”

“You have a point, my dear. It won’t be at the next one. Because this is an urgent matter, I will convene the Privy Council again tomorrow. And, the day after, at our family breakfast, we will tell Afonso and our family of the decision.”

After saying goodbye to Isabella, Pedro left the hall and went to his office to prepare a message for his sister.

The next day, after the council approved the trip, Pedro informed Isabella. Isabella went to her daughter’s chambers. Entering her room, the duchess asked Isabella to excuse the servants and invited the infanta to the table for a conversation.

“My darling, you are 12 years old, and I have waited a long time for you to reach an age when you could discuss our family’s problems and offer solutions. The opinion of every family member is very important to us in any discussion. I know you are a very responsible and conscientious person. And you will always try to do everything you can to keep our family safe. Am I right?”

“Oh, Momma,” the infanta said, “it is so unexpected to hear your flattering opinion of me. Of course, I love everyone in our family very much. And I would never advise anything that would bring harm to our family.

“But I must ask, Momma. You said someone could harm our family? I am confused. I have always believed our high position protected us. No one would dare try to harm us.”

“I, too, thought that was the truth when I was young,” the duchess said. “Unfortunately, the higher your status, the more instability there is and the more envious your enemies are. And the higher your status, the more you get injured when you fall. Therefore, we must always be vigilant.”

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