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Словарь американских идиом: 8000 единиц

[get the hook] See: GET THE BOUNCE(2).

[get the inside track] See: INSIDE TRACK.

[get the jitters]{v. phr.} To become very nervous or excited. •/I always get the jitters when I sit in an airplane that’s about to take off./

[get the jump on] or [have the jump on]{v. phr.}, {slang} To get ahead of; start before (others); have an advantage over. •/Don’t let the other boys get the jump on you at the beginning of the race./ •/Our team got the jump on their rivals in the first minutes of play, and held the lead to win./

[get the last laugh] See: HAVE THE LAST LAUGH.

[get the lead out of one’s pants]{v. phr.}, {slang} To get busy; work faster. •/The captain told the sailors to get the lead out of their pants./ •/The coach told the players to get the lead out of their pants./

[get the lowdown on]{v. phr.} To receive the full inside information on a person or thing. •/We need to get the lowdown on Peter before we can decide whether or not to hire him./

[get the message] or [get the word]{v. phr.}, {slang} To understand clearly what is meant. •/The principal talked to the students about being on time, and most of them got the message./ •/Mary hinted to her boyfriend that she wanted to break up, but he didn’t gel the message./ Compare: THE PICTURE.

[get the picture] See: THE PICTURE.

[get the runaround] See: RUN AROUND.

[get the sack]{v. phr.}, {slang} 1. To be fired or dismissed from work. •/John got the sack at the factory last week./ 2. To be told by one’s lover that the relationship is over. •/Joanna gave Sam the sack./ See: GET THE AX and GET THE BOUNCE(2).

[get the show on the road]{v. phr.}, {informal} To start a program; get work started. •/It was several years before the rocket scientists got the show on the road./ Compare: GET THE BALL ROLLING.

[get the third degree] See: THIRD DEGREE.

[get the upper hand on] See: UPPER HAND.

[get the word] See: GET THE MESSAGE.

[get the works] See: THE WORKS.

[get the worst of] also [have the worst of]{v. phr.} To lose; be defeated or beaten in; suffer most. •/Joe got the worst of the argument with Molly./ — Often used in the phrase "the worst of it". •/If you start a fight with Jim, you may get the worst of it./ •/Bill had the worst of it in his race with Al./ •/Jack traded his knife for a few marbles; he got the worst of it in that trade./ •/The driver of the car got the worst of it in the accident./ Contrast: GET THE BETTER OF(2).

[get through]{v. phr.} 1. To finish. •/Barry got through his homework by late evening./ 2. To pass a course or an examination. •/I got through every one of my courses except mathematics./

[get through one’s head]{v. phr.} 1. To understand or believe. •/Jack couldn’t get it through his head that his father wouldn’t let him go to camp if his grades didn’t improve./ •/At last Mary got it through her head that she had failed to pass the test./ 2. To make someone understand or believe. •/I’ll get it through his head if it takes all night./

[get through to]{v.} To be understood by; make (someone) understand. •/The little boy could not get through to his housemother./ •/Deaf people sometimes find it hard to get through to strangers./ •/When the rich boy’s father lost his money, it took a long time for the idea to get through to him that he’d have to work and support himself./

[get to]{v. phr.}, {informal} 1. To begin by chance; begin to. — Used with a verbal noun or an infinitive. •/George meant to save his dollar, but he got to thinking how good an ice cream cone would taste, and he spent it./ •/On a rainy day, Sally got to looking around in the attic and found some old pictures of Father./ •/I got to know Mary at the party./ •/I was just getting to know John when he moved away./ Compare: TAKE TO(2). 2. To have a chance to; be able to. •/The Taylors wanted to go to the beach Saturday, but it rained and they didn’t get to./ •/Did you get to see the king?/ Compare: GET AT(3). 3. See: HAVE TO.

[get to first base] or [reach first base]{v. phr.} To make a good start; really begin; succeed, •/Joe had a long paper to write for history class, but when the teacher asked for it, Joe hadn’t got to first base yet./ •/Suppose Sam falls in love with Betty. Can he even get to first base with her?/ •/George wants to go to college and become a teacher, but I’ll be surprised if he even reaches first base./ •/If you don’t dress neatly, you won’t get to first base when you look for a job./ Compare: FIRST BASE.

[get together]{v.} To come to an agreement; agree. •/Mother says I should finish my arithmetic lesson, and Father says I should mow the lawn. Why don’t you two get together?/

[get-together]{n.} A party; a gathering. •/I hate to break up this nice get-together but we must leave./ •/We manage to have a get-together with our old friends once or twice a year./

[get to the bottom of]{v. phr.} To find out the real cause of. •/The superintendent talked with several students to get to the bottom of the trouble./ •/The doctor made several tests to get to the bottom of the man’s headaches./ Compare: GET TO THE HEART OF.

[get to the heart of]{v. phr.} To find the most important facts about or the central meaning of; understand the most important thing about. •/You can often get to the heart of people’s unhappiness by letting them talk./ •/"If you can find a topic sentence, often it will help you get to the heart of the paragraph," said the teacher./

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