Стив Джобс. От первого лица
Жизненный опыт
Wolf Gary. Steve Jobs: The Next Insanely Great Thing; The Wired Interview // Wired. 1996. February. URL:
Цель компании
Morris Betsy. Steve Jobs Speaks Out // CNNMoney.com: Fortune. 2008. February. URL:
Lubenow Gerald C., Rogers Michael. A Whiz Kid’s Fall: How Apple Computer Dumped Its Chairman // Newsweek. 1985. September 30. URL:
Goodell Jeff. Steve Jobs: The Rolling Stone Interview // Rolling Stone. 1994. № 684. June 16. URL:
Krantz Michael, Jackson David S., Maloney Janice, Booth Cathy. Apple and Pixar: Steve’s Two Jobs // Time. 1999. October 18. http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,992258-2,00.html
Компьютер как орудие труда
Memory & Imagination: New Pathways to the Library of Congress. Directed by Michael R. Lawrence. Baltimore, MD: Michael Lawrence Films, 1990. Videocassette.
Неразбериха с номенклатурой изделий
Apple Worldwide Developers Conference. 1998.
Интересы потребителей
…С годами я перестал…
Arthur Charles. Steve Jobs: The Guru Behind Apple // The Independent. 2005. October 29. URL:
…Как-то мы долго обсуждали…
Wolf Gary. Steve Jobs: The Next Insanely Great Thing; The Wired Interview // Wired. 1996. February. URL:
Дизайн товаров и интересы потребителей
Levy Steven. An Interview with Steve Jobs On the Fifth Anniversary of the iPod // Softpedia. 2006. November 4. URL:
Заслуги перед человечеством
Imbimbo Anthony. Steve Jobs: The Brilliant Mind Behind Apple. Pleasantville, NY: Gareth Stevens Publishing, 2009.
Schlender Brent. How Big Can Apple Get? // CNNMoney/ Fortune. 2005. February 21. URL:
Создание новых технических средств
Cohen Peter, Snell Jason. Steve Jobs at D: All Things Digital, Live Coverage // Macworld. 2007. May 30. URL:
Творчество и технология
Millan Mark. How Steve Jobs’ Pixar Experience Helped Lead to Apple’s iCloud // CNN Tech. 2011. June 10. URL:
HertzfeldAndy. Credit Where Due // Folklore.org. 1983. January. URL: http://www.folklore.org/StoryView.py?project=Macintosh&story=Credit_Where_Due.txt&topic=Retreats&sortOrder=Sort%20by%20Date&detail=high&showcom-ments=1
…Пройденный путь…
Hertzfeld Andy. Credit Where Due // Folklore.org. 1983. January. URL: http://www.folklore.org/StoryView.py?project=Macintosh&story=Credit_Where_Due.txt&topic=Retreat& sortOrder=Sort%20by%20Date&detail=high&showcom-ments=1
...Организация – это…
Reinhardt Andy. Steve Jobs on Apple’s Resurgence: «Not a One-ManShow» // Bloomberg Businessweek. 1998. May 12. URL: http://www.businessweek.com/bwdaily/dnflash/may1998/nf80512d.htm
Причины недовольства покупателей
To All iPhone Customers. Open Letter // Apple’s Web-Site. 2007. September. URL:
Лояльность клиентов
Voices of the Innovators: The Seed of Apple’s Innovation // Bloomberg Businessweek. 2004. October 12. URL:
Давид против Голиафа
InfoWorld. 1982. March 8 (accessed online through Google books).
Сроки исполнения
…Послушайте, парни…
Hertzfield Andy. Real Artists Ship // Folklore.org. 1984. January. URL: http://www.folklore.org/StoryView.py?story=Real_Artists_Ship.txt
…Настоящий мастер…
Hertzfield Andy. Real Artists Ship // Folklore.org. 1984. January. URL: http://www.folklore.org/StoryView.py?story=Real_Artists_Ship.txt
…Думается мне…
Sheff David. Playboy Interview: Steven Jobs // Playboy. 1985. February.
…«Слухи о моей смерти…»…
Apple Media Event for the iPod. Yerba Buena Center for the Performing Arts. San Francisco. 2008. September 9.
Принятие решений
Paik Karen. To Infinity and Beyond! The Story of Pixar Animation Studios. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 2007.