Тайна Туринской плащаницы. Новые научные данные
13. Bucklin, Dr. Robert. "The Medical Aspects of the Crucifixion of Our Lord Jesus Christ", Linacre Quarterly(February 1958)
14. Bucklin, Dr. Robert. "The Shroud of Turin: Viewpoint of Medical Pathologist", Shroud Spectrum International,13 (1984)
15. Bucklin, Dr. Robert. "The Pathologist Looks at the Shroud", Second International Congress, The Shroud and Science(Turin, Italy, October 7–8, 1978)
16. Bulst, Werner, SJ. "The Pollen Grains on the Shroud of Turin", Shroud Spectrum International,10 (1984)
17. Bulst, Werner, SJ. The Shroud of Turin.Milwaukee: Bruce Publishing Company, 1957
18. Cameron, Averil. Procopius and the Sixth Century.University of California Press, 1985
19. Clari, Robert de. The Conquest of Constantinople.New York: Octagon Books, 1966
20. Crispino, Dorothy. Shroud Spectrum,28-29
21. Currer-Briggs, Noel. The Shroud and the Grail.New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1987
22. Dobschutz, Ernst von. Christusbilder.Leipzig: Hinrichs’sche, 1899
23. Dreisbach, Rev. Albert R. "Did Peter See More than an Empty Shroud?" History, Science, Theology and The Shroud(Proceedings of the Symposium, June 22–23, 1991 at St. Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri), 1991
24. Drews, Robert. In Search of the Shroud of Turin.New Jersey: Rowman & Allanheld, 1984
25. Eusebius of Caesaria. The Ecclesiastical History of Eusebius Pamphilus.Translated by Rev. C.F. Cruse. New York: Dayton & Saxton Press, 1842
26. Evagrius Scholasticus. The History of the Church.London: Samuel Bagster & Sons
27. Filas Francis, SJ. The Dating of the Shroud of Turin from Coins of Pontius Pilates(Cogan Productions, a Division of ACTA Foundation, January 1984), 3
28. Frei, Dr. Max. "Nine years of Palynological Studies on the Shroud". Shroud Spectrum International, 3(1982)
29. Gervase of Tilbury. Otia Imperialia
30. Grabar, Andre. The Beginnings of the Christian Art, 200–395London: Thames & Hudson, 1967
31. Grabar, Andre. Christian Iconography: A Study of Its Origins.London: Routledge & Kegan, 1969
32. Green, Maurus. "Enshrouded in Silence", Ampleforth Journal,74,1969
33. Hachlili, Rachel and Ann Killebrew, "Was the Coin-on-Eye Custom a Jewish Burial Practice in the Second Temple Period?" Biblical Archaeologist(Summer 1983)
34. Haralic, Dr. Robert. Analysis of Digital Images of the Shroud oj Turin.Spatial Data Analysis Laboratory, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, Blacksburg, 1983
35. Hoare, Rodney. The Turin Shroud is Genuine: The Irrefutable Evidence.London: Souvenir Press, 1994
36. Howard, George. The Teaching of Addai.Chicago, CA: Scholars Press, 1981
37. Jackson, Dr. John. "Foldmarks as a Historical Record of the Turin Shroud", Shroud Spectrum International11, 1984
38. John Damascene, St. John Damascene on Holy Images.Translated by Mary H. Allies. London: Thomas Baker Press, 1898
39. Jones, Alexander, ed. The New Testament of Jerusalem Bible.Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, 1969
40. Jumper, Eric, Kenneth Stevenson and John Jackson. "Images of coins on a Burial Cloth?". The Numismatist,July, 1978
41. Lampe, Professor. Lexicon of Patristic Greek.Cambridge, England
42. Liddel, Henry George and Robert Scott. A Greek-English Lexicon.Oxford — Clarendon, 1887
43. Marinelli, Emanuela. La Sindone: Un’Immagine "Impossible".Milano: Edizioni San Paolo, 1996
44. McDowell, Josh. Evidence that Demands a Verdict.Campus Crusade, 1979
45. Meacham, William. "The Authentication of the Turin Shroud: An Issue in Archaeological Epistemology", Current Anthropology24, June 1983
46. Meacham, William. "On the Archaeological Evidence for a Coin-on-Eye Jewish Burial Custom in the First Century
A.D.", Biblical Archaeologist,49 (March, 1986)
47. Mingana, A., ed. Woodbrooke Studies.Volume 2. Cambridge: W. Heffer & Sons, 1928
48. Morgan, Rex. The Holy Shroud and the Earliest Paintings of Christ.Manly, Australia: The Runciman Press, 1986
49. Morgan, Rex. "Did the Templars Take the Shroud to England? New Evidence from Templecombe", History, Science, Theology and The Shroud(Proceedings of the Symposium, June 22–23, 1991, at St. Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri), 1991
50. Pfeiffer, Heinrich, SJ. "The Shroud of Turin and the Face of Christ in Paleochristian, Byzantine and Western Medieval Art, Part I", Shroud Spectrum International,9 (1983)
51. Phillips, George, tr. The Doctrine of Addai, the Apostle.London: Truber & Company, 1876
52. Phillips, Dr. Thomas. Nature,337, 1989
53. Picknett, Lynn and Clive Prince. Turin Shroud: In Whose Image?New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 1994