Текстология Нового Завета. Рукописная традиция, возникновение искажений и реконструкция оригинала
J. Harold Greenlee, An Introduction to New Testament Textual Criticism, Grand Rapids, MI, 1964,160 pp.; London, 1976; 2nd ed., Peabody, MA, 1995.
Bruce M. Metzger, The Text of the New Testament: Its Transmission, Corruption, and Restoration, Oxford, 1964, xii + 270 pp.; German trans., Stuttgart, 1966; Japanese trans., Tokyo, 1973, 2nd ed., 1999; Chinese trans., Taipei, 1981; Korean trans., Seoul, 1984; Italian trans., Brescia, 1996; Russian trans., Moscow, 1996.
Harold K. Moulton, Papyrus, Parchment and Print; the Story of how the New Testament Text has Reached Us (World Christian Books 57), London, 1967, 77 pp.
Jack Finegan, Encountering New Testament Manuscripts: A Working Introduction to Textual Criticism, Grand Rapids, MI, 1974, 203 pp.
J. J. Thierry, Korte geschiedenis van tekst van het Nieuwe Testament, Kampen, 1982, 132 pp.
Kurt Aland and Barbara Aland, Der Text des Neuen Testament, Stuttgart, Grand Rapids, MI, 1982; English trans, by E. F. Rhodes, Grand Rapids, MI, 1987, 338 pp.: 2nd ed., Grand Rapids, MI, 1989, 366 pp.
Kobus (i.e., J. H.) Petzer, Die teks van die Nuwe Testament (Hervormde Teolo- giese Studies, Supplementum 2), Pretoria, 1990, xviii + 353 pp.
Wilson Paroschi, Critica Textual do Novo Testamento, Sao Paulo, 1993, 248 pp.
David Alan Black, New Testament Textual Criticism, a Concise Guide, Grand Rapids, MI, 1994, 79 pp.
Keith Elliott and Ian Moir, Manuscripts and the Text of the New Testament, An Introduction for English Readers, Edinburgh, 1995, x + 111 pp.