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The Great Secret of Holy Death

Oh, my Lady, by your divine powers and your infinite power I ask you to free me from all the material and spiritual dangers of (say the name of the person), so I can always arrive safe and sound to this your altar, since we admire your power and for this we ask you to never leave us. So be it.

Place the rest of the ingredients, little by little, and at the end put the bread and the coins on the white plate. Change all the ingredients when you think it is necessary and change the glass of water every week.

For fortune


– 1 gold statue of the Most Holy Death

– 1 gold candle

– 1 shelf

– 1 yellow tablecloth

– beer

– 1 piece of omelette

– 3 red roses

– 1 clay plate

– 1 jet stone

– 1 small stone (at the entrance of your business)

– 1 piece of chocolate

– 12 coins and 1 banknote

– 1 magnet stone

– 1 cigar

– 1 piece of Road Opener stick

– Lotion of the Holy Death


Find a place to set up your altar, put the shelf, place the tablecloth on top and your Most Holy Death in the middle. Clean the statue with the lotion. Place the candle in front of it and light it up with your right hand. Say the following prayer:

Most Holy Death

I call you, I implore you

so that fortune,

wealth and success come to me,

so that sustenance,

harmony and peace

never lack in this business,

so that through this light you illuminate

all the members of this business,

remove envy; hate in this your home.

Thank you, my Lady

for the favours received.

Place the flowers and all the other ingredients next to the Holy Death, as you wish. However, the banknote, the coins, the stones, the omelette and the piece of Road Opener stick should be placed on the clay plate. Light the cigar every day for a while. Keep the altar spotless, and render it with well-being, harmony and success. Visualise yourself with success and prosperity. Flowers and light must always be present on the altar.

Against salation


– 1 gold statue of the Most Holy Death

– 1 gold candle for Fortune

– 1 glass of brandy

– 2 cigars

– 6 white carnations

– 1 jet stone

– golden thread

– 1 banknote

– 12 small coins

– 1 piece of I Can More Than You stick

– 1 glass of melao

– 1 shelf

– 1 yellow tablecloth

– 1 small bottle of essence for Success

– some roasted corn


Find a proper place to set up your altar. Put the shelf and cover it with the yellow tablecloth.

Clean your statue of the Holy Death with the essence and place it in the middle of the altar. Place the candle in front of the statue and say the following prayer:

Oh, miraculous Most Holy Death,

I come prostrated before you to ask and beg you

to cover this your house with your holy hand

so that salation and curses,

envy and hate never enter in this your house;

welcome you, my Lady,

I leave you all my faith,

my thoughts and my deeds

in this your altar and in your honour

I offer you this light and this money

so that me or my people never lack it.

Thank you, my Lady,

for the favours received.

So be it.

Put the glass of brandy, the carnations and the melao wherever you want. On top of the banknote put the jet stone, the coins and the piece of stick.

Wrap it all together and tie it with the golden yarn, concentrate and ask that everything goes ok, that you find no obstacles and that all the roads open for you. Then, place the wrapped package on the plate next to the corn. Light two cigars: one for you to smoke and the other one unlit for your Holy Death.

Work or projects:


– 1 white statue of the Most Holy Death

– 1 big paraffin candle for finding a job

– 1 clay plate

– 1 glass of sherry

– 1 white tablecloth

– 1 cigar

– 1 shelf

– 6 red carnations

– 1 piece of Chain Breaker stick

– 3 sweets

– 1 banknote and 3 coins

– 1 metre of ribbon

– 1 handful of sunflowers seeds

– 1 used key (a key that is no longer useful)

– 1 piece of brown paper

– 1 bottle of lotion of the Holy Death


Find a place to set up your altar. Put the shelf, cover it with the tablecloth and put the image of the Holy Death in the middle. Clean the image with the lotion. Place the candle in front and say the following prayer:

Oh, Most Holy Death,

bless this candle to light my path,

may all my projects be granted

without any difficulty,

and prostrated I come to you

so that you fulfil my needs.

May the eyes of men see me with good will,

and let their trust deposit in me.

Thank you, my Lady,

for the favours received.

On the brown paper, write your full name and the name of the person who can help you to find a job, your future boss or the name of the company you would like to work in. Wrap together the piece of paper, the coins, the piece of Chain Breaker stick, the key and the banknote, and tie them with the strip. Place the sunflower seeds on the clay plate and on top of the seeds, the package you have prepared. Place all the ingredients on the altar, one by one, but not the cigar. Light the cigar and leave it beside the Most Holy Death. When your wish has been fulfilled, make a small offering, such as a candle, a cigar, a bottle of wine, some flowers, etc. Leave the wrapped package in that same place for some time. If anybody has a similar problem, repeat the whole procedure. Try to keep your altar clean and full of light to obtain results.

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