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The Great Secret of Holy Death

It is important that when you have finished cleaning yourself in the inside, you visualise that all this negative energy burns and disappears.

Bless the water, salt and incense (you may also use holy water), and add a pinch of salt to the water. Then, go around the corners of all the rooms in the house with the censer. Stop at every corner and let some smoke out. Visualise a light that expands and starts to wrap the whole house.

Stop at each door and each window, doing the same thing and saying the following: I bless this… (door, window, room, house).

When you finish, take the glass with salt and water and walk around the house making a cross with the glass on all the walls of the house. Finally, go back to the place where you want to put the altar and mentally check if there was any place or dark space in which there could be negativity or you noticed it somewhere.

Cleansing the Altar

To carry out the spiritual cleansing you must do a rite and a petition to the Most Holy Death. These are the ingredients you need:


– incense (any you like)

– liquors: spirits, mescal, tequila etc.

– 3 white candles

– flowers and vases

– 1 cigarette or cigar

– wooden matches

Use any flowers you can buy: if possible, it is better that someone gives them to you or that you cut them from your own flowerpots.

First, take a sip of the drink you have chosen. Then, take another sip and spray the drink that is in your mouth all over your site of worship. It is important that you only spread the contents of one sip, and make sure that the altar is in a well-ventilated place and without any flame lit to avoid accidents. Then, pray 3 Lord’s Prayers and 3 Hail Marys.

Fill the glass of the Holy Death with the drink. Then, light the cigarette or cigar with a wooden match and blow the smoke of the cigar on the altar and the image. You must do this nine times and then say the following prayer:

In the name of the Father,

the Son, and the Holy Spirit,

immaculate being of divine light,

I beg you to grant me the favours I ask,

until the last day, hour and moment

in which your Divine Majesty

commands to take me

before your presence.

Death dear to my heart,

do not forsake me of your protection.

So be it.

While praying, light the candles and the incense, and put the flowers in the vases. It takes 9 weeks to enshrine the altar; every Friday from the first Friday, you will say nine times this prayer or novena, with the candles lit and the incense burning, and changing the flowers when they begin to wilt because they must always look good.

The prayer for the enshrinement must not be interrupted, but if for any reason this happens, you must start again from the beginning; this might be a sign that you are not ready yet, or convinced to start the worship and handle such powerful energies.

In order to begin, the altar must be set up in this order: first the altar, and then the prayer to the Most Holy and some Lord’s Prayers. Once the tablecloth is placed, light a white candle dedicated to the Holy Death and pray again. Light the candle with your right hand. Once the candle is lit, place the image you have chosen on the altar. The image must have been washed one day before and left to dry in the open on the previous afternoon. To enhance her power, you may impregnate the image with the perfume you use. It is important not to do all this in front of people who are not from the house, so they do not disturb the Holy Death’s energies.

It is advised to cleanse the altar every 9, 18 or 27 days. If you miss the date, you can cleanse it on a Tuesday, preferably at noon; never in the early morning, afternoon or evening, or when there is bad weather.

Wash the tablecloth, the plates, glasses, incense-burners and other elements. Except the tablecloth, the objects are cleaned with a damp cloth or are shaken, but they are never washed because the essence of the offerings must be preserved. These objects are cleaned and then put back in their place. All the good and bad energy of the altar goes to the tablecloth; and that is why you must wash it to keep it always pure.

If you do a job for another person, all the objects must be thrown once the worship has been finished. The objects cannot be left on the altar unless the work is for you or for a close relative.

Offerings must be thrown away; you must not drink, eat or smoke them. In theory, their essence has been lost because the Holy Death has taken it.

You must throw away the withered flowers and water, because they absorb the bad energy of the environment. The candles, when burnt out, must be thrown away, especially those that are special offerings.

The Holy Death is asked for special favours in times of need: she protects you and your family. To get good results, personal rituals must be done with a lot of faith, devotion and confidence in what you are doing. It must be something necessary or considered fair. Everything has a price and satisfying a whim can be very expensive.

Do not be in a hurry, it is important to devote as much time as necessary to do the rituals, look for hours. You must also be in the best possible physical conditions and take care that your health is optimal at the time of doing the rituals, including not being sleepy, drunk or drugged.

If another person asks you for a petition, remember that you will need twice as much faith, devotion and confidence in doing the ritual. To help others you need to have the vocation and the gift to do so, there are people who were born for it. You should not do it for money, or for any personal interest.

You cannot do two rituals at the same time. If you work with a single energy you will get better results.

You must fulfil all the promises you make to the Holy Death. Wash your hands before and after doing a ritual. If you do not know the prayers, you can read them.

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