My daughter Liza has got many soft toys. Some of them are her favourite toys. Liza plays and sleeps with them, goes for a walk, takes care of them. The best Liza's toy friend is Sonya. Sonya travels to the seaside or countryside with my daughter. Sonya is a soft toy hare. She is fair and honest and she is friendly to everybody. Sonya has got many toy friends. This book is about Sonya and her friends.
soft [‘sft] –
favourite ['fevrt] – любимый
to go for a walk [ fr wk] – пойти гулять
to take care [tek ke] – заботиться, ухаживать
to travel ['traevl] – путешествовать
a seaside ['sisad] – морское побережье
a countryside ['kntrsad] – загородное жилье
fair and honest [fe] ['nst] – справедливый и честный
friendly ['frendl] – дружелюбный
everybody ['evrbd] – каждый
Read and mark (+) the correct sentences (Прочитай и отметь плюсиком правильные предложения):
1. Liza hasn’t got many toys.___
2. Sonya is the best Liza's toy friend.___
3. Sonya is a soft toy bear.___
Order the words and make sentences. (Поставь слова в правильном порядке и сделай предложения):
1. daughter, My, has got, Liza, toys, soft, many.
2. favourite, Some, toys, her, are, of them.
3. book, This, Sonya, is about, friends, and, her.
Chapter 1. Sonya tells about her friends.
– Hi! My name is Sonya. I live in children’s room with my friends. I'm grey and hairy. I like my big ears, they look like fantastic wings . I have got many friends!
Look! This is Clara. She is a mouse. She is grey too, but not hairy. Clara has got lovely silky fur. Clara is very noisy and playful. She lives near the bookcase with Peanut.
Peanut is a kitten. He is joyful and very kind. He has got white and orange fur, a big head and a tiny tale. He can meow and he is very cute!
My best friend is a Teddy bear. What is his name? His name is Mikhail, Misha for shot. He is totally brown, even his nose is brown. Misha likes to eat milk chocolates. When he eats chocolates, nobody can notice it because chocolate is also brown!
Two of my friends can woof! Who are they? They are dogs – Chick and Olivia. Chick is chihuahua, he is small, but brave and scrappy.
Olivia is a poodle, she likes to sing songs and to dream. She wears bows on her ears.
Just imagine! I've got a friend who can bleat. It's a lamb. He is very shy, so we call him Shy. He has got big beautiful eyes and twisted horns. He is white and curly, and looks like a little cloud.
hairy ['her] –
fantastic [faen'taestk] – фантастический
a wing [w] – крыло
silky ['slk] – шелковистый
fur [f] – мех
noisy ['nz] – шумный
playful ['plefl] – игривый
quiet ['kwat] – тихий
tiny ['tan] – крошечный
cute [kjut] – милый
totally ['ttl] – полностью
because [b'kz] – потому что
even ['ivn] – даже
to notice ['nts] – заметить
woof [wuf] – лаять
brave [brev] – храбрый
scrappy ['skraep] – задиристый
a poodle ['pudl] – пудель
to dream [drim] – мечтать
a bow [ba] – бант
just imagine [dst 'maedn] – только представь
shy [a] – стеснительный, скромный
twisted ['twstd] – закрученный
a horn [hn] – рог
curly ['kl] – кудрявый
a cloud [klad] – облако
Answer the questions. (Ответь на вопросы):
What’s her name? Her name is Sonya.
What’s her name?______________________.
What’s his name?_______________________.
What’s his name?_______________________.
What’s his name?______________________.
What’s her name?______________________.
What’s his name?______________________.
Choose the correct words or word combinations. (Выбери правильные слова или словосочетания):
1. Sonya likes her ______________________. (black eyes / big ears / pink dress)
2. Clara is _______________________. (shy and quiet / noisy and playful)