Убийство демократии: операции ЦРУ и Пентагона в период холодной войны
45. Сообщается во многих местах, см., например: Wall Street Journal, 14 January 1991. P. 14; журнал Fortune (New York), 11 February 1991. P. 46; Clark. P. 153–156; Washington Post,
30 January 1991. P. A30 (IMF and World Bank); Daniel Pipes. Is Damascus Ready for Peace? Foreign Affairs magazine (New York). Fall 1991. P. 41–42 (Syria); Los Angeles Times, 18 June 1992. P. 1 (Turkey); Elaine Sciolino. The Outlaw State: Saddam Hussein’s Quest for Power and the Gulf Crisis (John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1991). P. 237–239 (China, Russia).
46. Sciolino. P. 237–238.
47. Los Angeles Times, 4 May 1991. P. 8.
48. The Guardian (London), 9 January 1991.
49. Предлагается для анализа методов ведения переговоров администрацией Буша, см.: John Е. Mack and Jeffrey Z. Rubin, Is This Any Way to Wage Peace? Los Angeles Times, 31 January 1991, op. ed.; также см.: Там же. 1 October 1990. P. 1, and 2 November 1990. P. 18.
50. New York Times, 9 August 1990. P. 15.
51. Los Angeles Times, 6 November 1990. P. 4.
52. August: Robert Parry. The Peace Feeler That Was. The Nation, 15 April 1991. P. 480–482; Newsweek, 10 September 1990. P. 17; October: Los Angeles Times, 20 October 1990. P. 6.
53. Новые границы: Wall Street Journal, 11 December 1990. P. 3.
54. Newsweek, 10 September 1990. P. 17.
55. Parry, цитируемый ранее источник.
56. Washington Post, 25 November 1990. P. C4.
57. Fortune, цитируемый ранее источник.
58. Там же.
59. The Guardian (London), 12 January 1991. P. 2.
60. Theodore Draper. The True History of the Gulf War. The New York Review of Books, 30 January 1992. P. 41.
61. Там же.
62. Wall Street Journal, 21 November 1990. P. 16.
63. New York Times, 3 August 1990. P. 9; 12 August. P. 1; Los Angeles Times, 17 November
1990. P. 14; Wall Street Journal, 3 December 1990. P. 3.
64. The Observer (London), 21 October 1990.
65. Webster, 23 January 1990. P. 60, and Schwarzkopf, 8 February 1990. P. 586, 594 of Threat Assessment; Military Strategy; and Operational Requirements, показания перед сенатской комиссией по делам ВС (Senate Armed Services Committee).
66. Basic Petroleum Data Book (American Petroleum Institute, Washington), September 1990, Section II, Таблица la, показатели 1989 г.: Ближний Восток – 572 млрд баррелей резерва, «свободный мир» – 824 млрд, СССР – 84 млрд.
67. Threat Assessment; Military Strategy; and Operational Requirements, цитируемый ранее источник. P. 600, for 1989 Figures.
68. Говоря о Макнейле: Lehrer NewsHour, 11 September 1990.
69. Draper; цитируемый ранее источник. P. 41.
70. Judith Miller and Laurie Mylroie. Saddam Hussein and the Crisis in the Gulf (Times Books, New York, 1990). P. 192.
71. Bob Woodward. The Commanders (Simon & Schuster, New York, 1991). P. 263–273.
72. Los Angeles Times, 17 October 1990 (hecklers); 17 November. P. 14; 1 December. P. 5.
73. The Guardian (London), 12 September 1990. P. 7.
75. Saudi Arabia: Religious intolerance: The arrest, detention and torture of Christian worshippers and Shi’a Muslims (доклад «Международной амнистии», New York, 14 September 1993).
76. Miller and Mylroie. P. 220, 225; Denis MacShane. Working in Virtual Slavery. The Nation, 18 March 1991.
77. Draper, цитируемый ранее источник. P. 38, содержится подробная информация.
78. См. небольшой отрывок: Los Angeles Times, 7, 13, and 17 March 1991, 12 June 1991, and 10 July 1992 (Amnesty).
79. Все три цитаты: Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. White Slaves in the Persian Gulf. Wall Street Journal, 7 January 1991. P. 14.
80. New York Times, 18 November 1990. P. 1.
81. Sciolino. P. 139–140.
82. Los Angeles Times, 7 May 1991. P. 16; 6 September 1991. P. 17; Clark. P. 92, перечисляются восемь стран, с которыми Вашингтон заключил такие договоренности.
83. Threat Assessment; Military Strategy; and Operational Requirements, цитируемый ранее источник. P. 589–590.
84. Scott Armstrong. Eye of the Storm. Mother Jones magazine, November – December 1991. P. 30–35, 75–76.
85. Los Angeles Times, 1 December 1990. P. 1.
86. Там же. 7 June 1991. P 1, 30.
87. Los Angeles Times, 12 September 1991. P. 1; Washington Post, 13 September 1991. P. 21; это произошло 24–25 февраля 1991 г.
88. Los Angeles Times, 12 June 1991. P. 1; 26 September. P. 16; произошло 18января 1991 г.
89. Резолюция ГА ООН: Establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the region of the Middle East, 4 December 1990, Item № 45/52.
90. New York Times, 24 January 1991. P. 11; 31 January. P. 12; Los Angeles Times, 26 January
1991. P. 6.
91. Clark. P. 97–98; Комиссия Сената по делам ветеранов, Is Military Research Hazardous to Veterans’ Health? Lessons from the Persian Gulf, 6 May 1994. P. 5–6.
92. Журнал Peacelink (Hamilton, New Zealand), March 1991. P. 19; Washington Post, 8 February 1991. P. 1.
93. Clark. P. 98–99. Доклад UKAEA был получен и опубликован лондонской газетой The Independent.
94. Needless Deaths in the Gulf War: Civilian Casualties During the Air Campaign and Violations of the Laws of War, отчет Middle East Watch/Human Rights Watch (US and London), November 1991. P. 95–111, 248–272.