Учебное пособие по курсу «Нейроинформатика»
324. Lee H.-L., Suzuki S., Adachi Y. et al. Fuzzy Theory in Traditional Chinese Pulse Diagnosis // Proceedings of 1993 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Nagoya, Japan, October 25-29, 1993.- Nagoya, 1993.- V.1.- P.774-777.
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327. Maclin P.S., Dempsey J. Using an artificial neural network to diagnose hepatic masses // J. Med. Syst.- 1992.- V.16, N.5.- P.215-225.
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331. Modha D.S., Heht-Nielsen R. Multilayer Functionals. Mathematical Approaches to Neural Networks. J.G.Taylor (Ed.). Elsevier, 1993. PP. 235–260.
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340. Prechelt L. Comparing Adaptive and Non-Adaptive Connection Pruning With Pure Early Stopping // Progress in Neural Information Processing (Hong Kong, September 24-27, 1996), Springer, Vol. 1 pp. 46-52.
341. Real Brains, Artificial Minds/Ed. by J.L. Casti, A. Karlqvist. Norton-Holland, 1987. 226 p.
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344. Rossiev D.A., Golovenkin S.E., Shulman V.A., Matyushin G.V. Forecasting of myocardial infarction complications with the help of neural networks // Proceedings of the WCNN'95 (World Congress on Neural Networks'95, Washington DC, July 1995). PP. 185-188.
345. Rossiev D.A., Golovenkin S.E., Shulman V.A., Matyushin G.V. Neural networks for forecasting of myocardial infarction complications // Proceedings of the Second IEEE RNNS International Symposium on Neuroinformatics and Neurocomputers, September 20-23, 1995, Rostov-on-Don.
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346. Rossiev D.A., Golovenkin S.E., Shulman V.A., Matyushin G.V. The employment of neural networks to model implantation of pacemaker in patients with arrhythmias and heart blocks // Modelling, Measurument & Control, C, 1995. Vol. 48, № 2. PP. 39-46.
347. Rossiev D.A., Golovenkin S.E., Shulman V.A., Matyushin G.V. The employment of neural networks to model implantation of pacemaker in patients with arrhythmias and heart blocks // Proceedings of International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Oct. 17-20, 1994, Seoul, Korea.V.1.- PP.537-542.
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353. Sandberg I.W. Approximation for Nonlinear Functionals.
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