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Unexpected the bell. Play for 2 people

Alena: I do not understand, I wait for you at all, or not?

Andrew (in confusion): Wait…

Alyona: I Wait another ten minutes and then I leave. Forever (hangs up)!

Andrew: Strange citizen. He knows my name. Where is she waiting for me?

(Andrew hangs up, walks around the apartment in thought).

Andrey: there would be a determinant of the number… So I would call back to clarify. But nothing. And the sad thing is, she'll be gone in ten minutes. Forever! (adds mockingly) from someone… (he pauses.) I wonder from whom? (He goes to the window, looks there, turns to the auditorium.) Did she have the wrong number or not? Could this be a prank? If so, she's a professional actress. What if it's not a hoax? No, I don't remember negotiating anything like that with anyone. But what if it was fate? What if this is my last chance? (Adds) was.

(Andrew wakes up from the fact that chatted on the phone. Remembers that shirt urgently needs to be faded until the stain is thoroughly soaked, take it off).

Andrey: will the stranger Call again? I wish she'd call again. Whatever the turmoil, it has a pleasant aroma, a fragrance I haven't felt in a long time… (leave the stage.)


On stage under the sad music comes out of Alan. Enters, drooping, in its apartment, weary is abandoning a bag, throws off cloak. He goes to the bed and falls on it without taking off his shoes, uttering several tearful exclamations. Andrey in a t-shirt comes back from a bathroom to the apartment, having put a basin with the soaked shirt in a visibility zone of the spectator.

Andrew: but it was my best birthday! It would seem – why? But the answer is simple enough. Emotions. These few calls created a storm of emotions in me, a forty-year-old man, and made it clear that I am still able to live, feel, love, and even foolishly youthful hope for something (addresses the hall). Jesus was right when he said, "Be like children," right. Because it is the children's spontaneity, purity and unambiguity, the truthfulness of all its essence breaks all the boundaries of the barricades so diligently erected by adults that do not allow not only to act, but even just breathe freely! Breathe… how long had it been since I'd breathed so easily? I forgot what it's like to breathe. Inhale the scent of happiness in the air… and they say that all this love is an illusion… noooooooo, illusion as times around the the rest of the.

(Andrew takes off his pants, trying to wash off the soaked stain on his shirt. He goes into the shower. Alena rises on the bed in her apartment. He wipes his tears, takes off his boots. Looking into the hall, thinking. He picks up the phone, not the first time, but still decides to dial the number).

In apartment Andrei is dealt telephone phone call.

(Andrew, wiping his head with a towel, runs to the phone).

Alena (trying to hold back crying): You didn't come… you never came!

(Andrey listens to the long-awaited voice with emotion).

Alyona: Andrei?

Andrew (not knowing how to behave and what to answer): Yes!

Alena (whispering through tears): You don't love me anymore, right?

(Andrew rushes, gestures and does not know what to say).

Alena: I've been waiting for. The party was so-so. Friends asked about you. I said you were busy, that you couldn't come, even though you wanted to. Andrew?

Andrew: Yes…

Alena: I do not interesting to you?

Andrew (sincerely): You have no idea how interesting I am, I really could not come, but I really wanted it. And it's not even about the party or the friends… I'd love to spend time with you… just to be with you… talk… feel you near, to hear and breathe you…

Alyona: is it true, Andrei?

Andrew: it's true.

Alyona: my God, what a fool I am, I have already decided so much for myself. Then I'll call you tomorrow night okay? Now terribly tired, exhausted, I will sleep off. And when I Wake up, I'll do my business – I'll call you, okay? Can you pick up the phone?

Andrew: Of course, honey, I'll wait.

Alena: I Love you.

Andrew (completely lost in reality): and I…

Alena hangs up. Lights go out. End of scene.


The stage lights up again, a new day dawns. Andrew does the cleaning in his apartment. Alena is not in her apartment.

Andrew (playfully enthusiastic): She promised to call. Yes!!! The day passed in some emotional experiences, waiting for the call, but it was worth it (addresses the hall). Who was she? Who's calling? What was going on in her life? A lot of questions. And suddenly it so happens that she's coming here? No, really, what if? Now I will disassemble all corners, I will bring unprecedented order, what this apartment did not remember for three years, since the second wife left.

Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.

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