Владимир Набоков: pro et contra. Том 1
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Garfinkel Nancy.The Intimacy of Imagination: A Study of the Self in Nabokov's English Novels. Ph. D., 1981.
Garner Clifford Lloyd.Art and Ardor in the Poetry and Prose of Vladimir Nabokov. Ph. D., 1990.
Gezari Janet Krasny.Game Fiction: The World of Play and the Novels of Vladimir Nabokov. Ph. D. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University, 1971.
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Hof Renate.Das Spiel des Unreliable Narrator: Aspekte Unglaubw"urdigen Erzehlens im Work von Vladimir Nabokov. Ph. D. Universit"at M"unchen, 1982. M"unchen: Fink, 1984.
Hollen Christopher.Dor Tod im Werk Vladimir Nabokovs: Terra Incognita. Ph. D. Universitet Kein, 1990. M"unchen, Germany: Sagner, 1990.
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