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Английский с Эдгаром По. Падение дома Ашеров / Edgar Allan Poe. The Fall of the House of Usher

“Not hear it? – yes, I hear it, and have heard it. Long – long – long – many minutes, many hours, many days, have I heard it – yet I dared not – oh, pity me, miserable wretch that I am! – I dared not – I dared not speak! We have put her living in the tomb! Said I not that my senses were acute? I now tell you that I heard her first feeble movements in the hollow coffin. I heard them – many, many days ago – yet I dared not – I dared not speak! And now – tonight – Ethelred – ha! ha! – the breaking of the hermit’s door, and the death-cry of the dragon, and the clangour of the shield! – say, rather, the rending of her coffin, and the grating of the iron hinges of her prison, and her struggles within the coppered archway of the vault!

Oh whither shall I fly (о,

куда мне лететь)? Will she not be here anon (разве она не будет здесь скоро)? Is she not hurrying to upbraid me for my haste (не поспешает ли она, чтобы выбранить меня за мою спешку)? Have I not heard her footstep on the stair (не слышал ли я ее шага на ступеньке)? Do I not distinguish that heavy and horrible beating of her heart (не различаю ли я это тяжелое и ужасное биение ее сердца)? MADMAN!” here he sprang furiously to his feet, and shrieked out his syllables, as if in the effort he were giving up his soul (безумец! – здесь он вскочил яростно на ноги и выкрикнул свои слоги = слова, словно этим усилием он выплескивал свою душу; to spring – прыгать; to give up – отдавать) – “MADMAN! I TELL YOU THAT SHE NOW STANDS WITHOUT THE DOOR (безумец! я говорю вам, что она теперь стоит за дверью; without – без; снаружи)!”

Oh whither shall I fly? Will she not be here anon? Is she not hurrying to upbraid me for my haste? Have I not heard her footstep on the stair? Do I not distinguish that heavy and horrible beating of her heart? MADMAN!” here he sprang furiously to his feet, and shrieked out his syllables, as if in the effort he were giving up his soul – “MADMAN! I TELL YOU THAT SHE NOW STANDS WITHOUT THE DOOR!”

As if in the superhuman energy of his utterance there had been found the potency of a spell (словно в сверхчеловеческой энергии его речи нашлась сила заклинания: «была найдена») – the huge antique panels to which the speaker pointed, threw slowly back, upon the instant, ponderous and ebony jaws (огромные древние панели, на которые указывал говоривший, откинули медленно назад = распахнули в это самое мгновение тяжелые и эбеновые = черные челюсти; to throw – кидать). It was the work of the rushing gust (это была работа ворвавшегося шквала) – but then without those doors there did stand the lofty and enshrouded figure of the lady Madeline of Usher (но при этом за этими дверями действительно стояла: «делала стоять» высокая и закутанная в саван фигура леди Маделин Ашер). There was blood upon her white robes (на ее белых одеждах была кровь), and the evidence of some bitter struggle upon every portion of her emaciated frame (и следы какой-то горькой = отчаянной борьбы на каждом дюйме ее изнуренного тела; evidence – очевидность, свидетельство, следы, признаки; portion – порция, часть; frame – рама; тело, оболочка).

As if in the superhuman energy of his utterance there had been found the potency of a spell – the huge antique panels to which the speaker pointed, threw slowly back, upon the instant, ponderous and ebony jaws. It was the work of the rushing gust – but then without those doors there did stand the lofty and enshrouded figure of the lady Madeline of Usher. There was blood upon her white robes, and the evidence of some bitter struggle upon every portion of her emaciated frame.

For a moment she remained trembling and reeling to and fro upon the threshold (секунду она оставалась дрожащей и раскачивающейся взад-вперед на пороге), then, with a low moaning cry, fell heavily inward upon the person of her brother (затем, с тихим стенающим криком, тяжело упала внутрь прямо на своего брата: «на персону своего брата»), and in her violent and now final death-agonies, bore him to the floor a corpse (и в своих жестоких и теперь окончательных предсмертных агониях повалила его на пол трупом; to bear – нести), and a victim to the terrors he had anticipated

жертвой ужасов, которые он предвидел).

For a moment she remained trembling and reeling to and fro upon the threshold, then, with a low moaning cry, fell heavily inward upon the person of her brother, and in her violent and now final death-agonies, bore him to the floor a corpse, and a victim to the terrors he had anticipated.

From that chamber, and from that mansion, I fled aghast (из этой комнаты и из этого дома я бежал, объятый ужасом; to flee – спасаться бегством). The storm was still abroad in all its wrath as I found myself crossing the old causeway (буря все еще бушевала во всей своей ярости, когда я оказался: «нашел себя» пересекающим старую насыпную дорогу; abroad – зд.: повсеместно; to find – найти). Suddenly there shot along the path a wild light, and I turned to see whence a gleam so unusual could have issued (внезапно выпалил = ударил вдоль тропинки дикий = яркий, странный свет, и я повернулся, чтобы увидеть, откуда сияние столь необычное могло изойти); for the vast house and its shadows were alone behind me (ибо один только громадный дом и его тени были за мной; alone – один, только один). The radiance was that of the full, setting, and blood-red moon which now shone vividly through that once barely-discernible fissure (это свечение было свечением полной, садящейся, кроваво-красной луны, которая теперь живо сияла сквозь ту когда-то еле различимую трещину; to shine – светить, сиять) of which I have before spoken as extending from the roof of the building, in a zigzag direction, to the base (о которой я говорил раньше как о продолжающейся от крыши здания, зигзагом, до фундамента; direction – направление).

From that chamber, and from that mansion, I fled aghast. The storm was still abroad in all its wrath as I found myself crossing the old causeway. Suddenly there shot along the path a wild light, and I turned to see whence a gleam so unusual could have issued; for the vast house and its shadows were alone behind me. The radiance was that of the full, setting, and blood-red moon which now shone vividly through that once barely-discernible fissure of which I have before spoken as extending from the roof of the building, in a zigzag direction, to the base.

While I gazed, this fissure rapidly widened (пока я смотрел, эта трещина стремительно расширялась) – there came a fierce breath of the whirlwind (налетело яростное дыхание урагана: «пришло») – the entire orb of the satellite burst at once upon my sight (весь шар спутника = луна целиком своим шаром обрушилась на мое зрение; to burst – взрываться, прорываться) – my brain reeled as I saw the mighty walls rushing asunder (мой мозг пошатнулся = я почувствовал головокружение, когда я увидел, как могучие стены разваливаются на куски; to rush – стремительно бежать, нестись; asunder – на куски, на части, порознь) – there was a long tumultuous shouting sound like the voice of a thousand waters (был = раздался долгий буйный звук крика, как голос тысячи вод; to shout – кричать) – and the deep and dank tarn at my feet closed sullenly and silently over the fragments of the “HOUSE OF USHER (и глубокий и илистый пруд у моих ног сомкнулся зловеще и тихо над обломками Дома Ашеров).”

While I gazed, this fissure rapidly widened – there came a fierce breath of the whirlwind – the entire orb of the satellite burst at once upon my sight – my brain reeled as I saw the mighty walls rushing asunder – there was a long tumultuous shouting sound like the voice of a thousand waters – and the deep and dank tarn at my feet closed sullenly and silently over the fragments of the “HOUSE OF USHER.”

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