Английский язык с Р. Киплингом. Истории просто так
There was never a King like Solomon, Not since the world began; But Solomon talked to a butterfly As a man would talk to a man.
She was Queen of Saboea — And he was Asia’s Lord — But they both of ‘em talked to butterflies When they took their walks abroad!
Не было цариц, как Балкис
В этом мире никогда.
С Бабочкой она болтала,
Как с подругой иногда.
Не было царей подобных
Соломону никогда.
С Мотыльком он вел беседу
По-мужски кое-когда.
Оба — Савская Царица,
Азиатский Властелин —
С бабочками веселиться
Обожали средь маслин.
THIS is the picture of the Animal that came out of the sea and ate up all the food (это
untie ['An'taI], hurt [hWt], string [strIN]
THIS Is the picture of the Animal that came out of the sea and ate up all the food that Suleiman-bin-Daoud had made ready for all the animals in all the world. He was really quite a nice Animal, and his Mummy was very fond of him and of his twenty-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine other brothers that lived at the bottom of the sea. You know that he was the smallest of them all, and so his name was Small Porgies. He ate up all those boxes and packets and bales and things that had been got ready for all the animals, without ever once taking off the lids or untying the strings, and it did not hurt him at all.
The sticky-up masts behind the boxes of food belong to Suleiman-bin-Daoud’s ships (торчащие мачты за ящиками с едой принадлежат кораблям Сулеймана-ибн-Дауда). They were busy bringing more food when Small Porgies came ashore (они были заняты тем, что везли еще еду, когда Карасик вышел на берег). He did not eat the ships (он не съел корабли). They stopped unloading the foods and instantly sailed away to sea (они прекратили разгружать еду и тотчас ушли в море) till Small Porgies had quite finished eating (пока Карасик полностью не закончил есть). You can see some of the ships beginning to sail away by Small Porgie’s shoulder (вы видите некоторые из кораблей, начинающие отплывать, у плеча Карасика). I have not drawn Suleiman-bin-Daoud (я не нарисовал Сулеймана-ибн-Дауда), but he is just outside the picture, very much astonished (но он, чрезвычайно изумленный, находится как раз за пределами картинки). The bundle hanging from the mast of the ship in the corner is really a package of wet dates for parrots to eat (сверток, свисающий с мачты корабля в углу — на самом деле пакет консервированных фиников для корма попугаям). I don’t know the names of the ships (я не знаю названий кораблей). That is all there is in that picture (это все, что есть на этой картине).
mast [mRst], ashore [q'SL], package ['pxkIG]
The sticky-up masts behind the boxes of food belong to Suleiman-bin-Daoud’s ships. They were busy bringing more food when Small Porgies came ashore. He did not eat the ships. They stopped unloading the foods and instantly sailed away to sea till Small Porgies had quite finished eating. You can see some of the ships beginning to sail away by Small Porgie’s shoulder. I have not drawn Suleiman-bin-Daoud, but he is just outside the picture, very much astonished. The bundle hanging from the mast of the ship in the corner is really a package of wet dates for parrots to eat. I don’t know the names of the ships. That is all there is in that picture.
THIS is the picture of the four gull-winged Djinns (это изображение четырех Джиннов с крыльями, как у чаек) lifting up Suleiman-bin-Daoud’s Palace the very minute after the Butterfly had stamped (поднимающих
board [bLd], lion ['laIqn], change [CeInG]
THIS is the picture of the four gull-winged Djinns lifting up Suleiman-bin-Daoud’s Palace the very minute after the Butterfly had stamped. The Palace and the gardens and everything came up in one piece like a board, and they left a big hole in the ground all full of dust and smoke. If you look in the corner, close to the thing that looks like a lion, you will see Suleiman-bin-Daoud with his magic stick and the two Butterflies behind him. The thing that looks like a lion is really a lion carved in stone, and the thing that looks like a milk-can is really a piece of a temple or a house or something. Suleiman-bin-Daoud stood there so as to be out of the way of the dust and the smoke when the Djinns lifted up the Palace. I don’t know the Djinn’s names. They were servants of Suleiman-bin-Daoud’s magic ring, and they changed about every day. They were just common gull-winged Djinns.
The thing at the bottom is a picture of a very friendly Djinn called Akraig (существо в нижней части картинки — изображение очень дружелюбного Джинна, которого зовут Акрейг). He used to feed the little fishes in the sea three times a day (раньше он кормил маленьких рыбок в море три раза в день), and his wings were made of pure copper (а его крылья были сделаны из чистой меди). I put him in to show you what a nice Djinn is like (я вставил его, чтобы показать вам, каков /из себя/ хороший Джинн). He did not help to lift the Palace (он не помогал поднимать Дворец). He was busy feeding little fishes in the Arabian Sea when it happened (он был занят кормлением маленьких рыбок в Аравийском море, когда это случилось).
friendly ['frendlI], pure [pjuq], copper ['kOpq]
The thing at the bottom is a picture of a very friendly Djinn called Akraig. He used to feed the little fishes in the sea three times a day, and his wings were made of pure copper. I put him in to show you what a nice Djinn is like. He did not help to lift the Palace. He was busy feeding little fishes in the Arabian Sea when it happened.
Вот и рассказана последняя история. Спать пора, а глазки не хотят закрываться. Уж очень хочется услышать еще что-нибудь интересненькое. Я вас очень понимаю, Мои Самые Любименькие.
Не скрою, что у Редьярда Киплинга есть и другие сказки, например, о храбром мангусте Рикки-Тики-Тави и о человеческом детеныше Маугли, взятом на воспитание в волчью стаю. Есть у него и произведения для взрослых и для любителей поэзии. Но это уже другие книги. А наши «Истории просто так» уже закончились. Да и мне, вашему спутнику и пере-рассказчику, тоже пора отдохнуть. Хоть чуть-чуть. А вы тем временем можете еще раз пролистать книгу и посмотреть картинки.
Если вам захочется что-нибудь перечитать, милости просим. Конечно, Картинки были бы гораздо красивее, если бы я их раскрасил. Однако ни Киплингу, ни мне не разрешили этого делать. Но можете раскрасить их сами. У вас это здорово получится.