Autism as a malicious generic program. Causes of its occurrence. Successful experience of the experimental group

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Autism as a malicious generic program. Causes of its occurrence. Successful experience of the experimental group



The first of May in Tuapse was very windy, very sunny and very hot. My husband and I got wet while dragging our belongings into a huge hotel; on top of that my hair turned into a crow's nest. I was just about to find a quiet corner to pin up my hair as a woman with wide open eyes ran up to me:

“You are Liana Dimitrokshina, aren’t you?”

“Yes, I am. Good morning”, I answered politely, hastily grabbing the most rebellious curl.

And suddenly the young woman burst into tears.

“I'm studying your program MАu-Therapy for the second month, Liana Ivanovna. My son had compulsive movements just like many other autistic kids, he pulled out his hair and his head was like a big open sore! And now it is getting soft. It all stopped! Such a pity that I did not take pictures, you would have feedback with results, documented in square centimeters. Thank you so much. I’ve tried everything! Oh God we had gone through it all!”

The hairpin fell down on the floor and the curl dropped over my eyes. The students of the coaching school gathered around rushing to get the keys to their rooms. The final two-week training of the coaching school started the next day and I was teaching the Systemic Family Constellations course. My husband was filling in the hotel check-in form; I left him my passport and suggested to the young woman:

“Let's step aside. What is your name?”

“I’m Helena. Liana Ivanovna, we tried family constellations, and gestalt therapy, ericksonian hypnosis, theta healing, authorial psychological programs. We consulted healers, went to Matrona and other holy places.”

We sat down on the round armchairs at the back of the hotel lobby. Students of different ages were bustling all around, the huge windows were flooded with sunlight, people were chatting and laughing – after months of online training people recognized each other, hugged, exchanged their phone numbers.

“I love Matrona so much. I fly to Moscow or through Moscow for my studies about two times a month. And every time I go to visit her. I believe you came on our course not without her blessing.”

“You know, my husband and I reached such a level of hopelessness, despair, tiredness and frustration. We believed in nothing. But we decided to try your course, too, out of stubbornness. Despite the fact that it is for mothers.”

“It's very reasonable. As a wise man once said, out of 10 surrenders there is only one loser. I do not like giving up either. I fight to the end. I’m a chess player, and in the past that lengthened my parties significantly. I managed to win many times, even when it appeared like a hopeless situation.”

“So we decided – let's try! And can you believe it! It has not even been two months and there is already such progress! Your course is unique!! So many insights, so much internal work, the transformation system is perfectly set up. And on top of it there is daily feedback which increases the efficiency significantly. Now that I am two steps away from a psychologist's degree myself I understand when you say that autism is not a disease of the child but of a whole family”

“Yes, that's why it is impossible to help a child by just treating the child. But, if you work on the malicious generic programs, the first results come very soon.”

“And most importantly, they do not diminish.”

“Yes, it's a great consolation. When malicious generic programs are worked out, they stop having an effect and children actually recover. Although all classes are online, with mothers…”

How the MАu-Therapy program was born

At present I am a member of the professional psychotherapeutic league, the author of nearly 30 books on the psychology of family relationships, the founder of three huge projects for women.

But back in 91, I worked as the deputy director of a small company. The night before my husband and I had a big quarrel and in the morning we had breakfast in silence after which each went about his own business. I made my way to the fourth floor, unlocked the door and… dropped the bread and potatoes. Some papers were scattered on the trampled floor, the TV-videocassette recorder- the microwave vanished into thin air, closets wide open. The first thought was – we were robbed!!! Even my daughter’s cartoons had disappeared. But then I noticed that my skirts were still there. My second husband left me, and took everything that was not nailed.

I sobbed for three days, feeling bankrupt and like a complete failure. How is it that, I'm so successful in my job, I'm already a deputy director, the company is growing exponentially, I own an apartment, a car, gold and diamonds, furs… But when it comes to men nothing is working out. Another husband, another asshole.

And then I figured it out.

If two men are so bad, maybe I'm not that good either. Maybe I'm also an asshole.

That's when I began to study the psychology of family relationships. I have learned so much! Now I have more than 30 professional skills: I'm a Gestalt psychologist, a specialist in family constellations by Bert Hellinger and Idris Lahore, a student of Coline d’Aubret, a Chairwoman of the Federation of Constellation Facilitators of France. My expertise includes art therapy, narrative therapy, I'm a certified RPT processor, EMOS, kinesiology in psychology as well as dozens of other certificates and licenses. Several student psychologists and coaches from Konstantin Dovlatov's coaching school have been studying my lectures. But most important are my own results.

My third husband and I have been happily married for more than 20 years, and our relationship is going from strength to strength, year after year. A big house, grandchildren, a cat, a dog…

And over the years I began teaching women how to become happy. My School of Woman's Happinesswelcomed more than two thousand students. There are hundreds of women studying at the Institute of Family HappinessAnd now dozens of women are on the MAU-Therapy program– a program for mothers of autistic children. The program itself came about following extensive analysis of the statistics provided by my students based on their results. It turned out that some of them had managed to remove 'autism' and 'neurodevelopmental delay' as a diagnosis. In fact, many managed to do that. My projects contain tens of thousands of final feedback reports and more than 300 thousand reports on task completion. Even big institutions don't have such extensive statistics. Here is screenshot of the Statistics Center of one of my projects, the School of Woman's Happiness.

In the autumn of 2016, I reported the results of the MAu-Therapy program test group at the Psychotherapists' Congress of Russia. You can imagine how important it is today. The number of autistic children grows exponentially, and, by the way, you will understand why this happens after reading this book. I handed out all my business cards, and next time I'll bring another package. My colleagues agreed with one voice that it is a new dawn, which requires the most extensive statistics. That’s what I'm doing now, and the pilot program has started.

Of course, I'm a little afraid, an experiment is an experiment, and I'm not even a professor. To comfort me, my coach sent me a table which showed Einstein, Rutherford, Fleming – none of them even had a PhD. Inventors rarely have doctorate degrees. I once studied the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving in my distant engineering past; my first education is in system engineering. I actually developed an entire program made-up of 400 assignments, lasting just over a year.

The program which gets rid of Malicious Generic Programs, one of which is autism.

So, those who have just met me can conclude that I am neither a newcomer, nor a dreamer who came up with this the day before and came to show off. I am working and this book is about my experiments and my work. I have something to show the world.

Please, find 8 minutes to watch a video review.

«My son socialized within 2 months»

Marina Vendelovskaya talks about her son’s situation and the beginning of her journey in our project.


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