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Binary code Mystery number three

According to the legend in this operation, Sergei was a radical oppositionist, a nationalist, so he very quickly introduced Rutra to "his own" as an ardent anti-Semite. According to the rules of the secret organization – no one in the subsequent chain of contacts should have known the real data of the new associate. He had to be introduced to his superiors by an active member of the brigade who had the right to recruit. This was done without the knowledge of the person being checked. After the new member was verified by his superiors, if he was approved as a member of the team, he was given a secret name, a legend of origin and activity. Rutra learned from Sergei that the "bosses" were interested in influential personalities, preferably connected with the special services or the military-industrial complex. Rutra was presented to them as an employee of the Foreign Intelligence Service, who, because of his patriotic and world outlook views, had fallen into disfavor with the command and was ready to support and help true patriots in saving the Motherland for the sake of liberating Russia from the "yoke of invaders". For this Rutre was invented a wonderful legend, which was not particularly different from the true one, as in post-Soviet Russia there were more than half of them. Namely – labor and political activity of his parents, associated with the Communist Party, the military past of his grandparents, and his Komsomol past. Since the past of the Zero employees was simply "erased" from history and another one was invented instead, Rutra was not afraid of being exposed: the past matched. According to legend – Rutra was given a secret name: Yuri Gagarin (or Cosmonaut).

After the third meeting with the "like-minded" Sergei set them a task: they needed to find out – who was secretly meeting behind their backs and where. Sergei's specialization was a bit off, as he was only doing this domestically to improve his skills for such events abroad, so Rutra started meeting with "his friends" without him. He soon found out that the "especially literate", as they put it, and financially able were going to another convention. Rutra asked to meet with them, to which he was told that he needed a recommendation from "someone close to him." When asked if Sergei's recommendation was not enough, he was explicitly told that it would be a good idea to back up this recommendation financially. Rutra agreed, with a counter-condition: to help him to play a play to borrow money at interest from a Jew with the Ukrainian surname Andreenko, whom they were to "screw". This was an excellent way of showing them a positive side.

Rutra "agreed" with Andreenko under pressure from an acquaintance in the Prosecutor General's Office in advance. Soon the necessary sum was given to his new "friends" and in return they received the consent of the "older brothers" to attend their meeting. From the leader of the group, nicknamed Akella, Rutra learned that the leader was Professor Muromov, who wished to meet with him. Rutra agreed and went to the meeting a day later.

Muromov himself was unable to meet him, so Rutra had to impress his close comrade in the community. He was a long-retired scholar, a dry, thin, tall grandfather with a clear expression. They talked, and Rutra was well versed in history, though in some places he had to secretly use Isa's help. Ruthra had a very favorable impression of the man, and he said nothing vile. He was a true patriot, though a bit nationalistic; he explained that all nationalistic and anti-Semitic manifestations had grown out of the opposition to the Zionist worldview. The goal was achieved, and four days later Rutra attended their meeting in Protvino.

Nothing particularly "grandiose" or secret was going on there. The conversation was mostly about Russia's "traitors and invaders," as one might hear at a market, a parade, a party of law enforcers, or a meeting of bankers and ministers. Rutra realized he was being tested, and that pleased him. Their conspiracy system was professionally practiced.

Six months later, when Ruthra had had enough of these meetings and had begun to be distracted from other points of the test, he was unexpectedly invited to a small talk. The meeting was to take place in Protvino, in an underground tunnel. Kola was "scanned through", nothing important was going on there, though Rutra "smelled" something wrong, suspicious individuals did visit the place, but only alone. They were retired intelligence officers. His intuition told him that something important was going on, though it could have been a diversionary maneuver to catch the tail.

Rutra went to Protvino. In a dark room he was "interrogated" and "examined" by persons, some of whom were scientists, humanitarians, and artists, but the rest were clearly from the security services. And many of them, judging by their behavior, manner of conversation, and thinking, were or were members of secret and power structures. What kind of "hypnosis" they possessed, what secret equipment they used, Rutra could not determine precisely. But what they used, he calculated and passed the test perfectly. After another "interrogation" and interview, he was given "documents" that he was a member of an amateur amateur art group and a participant in the annual fair. Thus, observing complete secrecy, not sleeping at home, disconnecting the telephone, which, of course, he had warned in advance, Rutra found himself on Kolskaya. Namely, in a reorganized room at the Kola ultra-deep.

It was a gathering of seemingly quite literate people, mostly middle-aged and elderly, although there were also many young people. On the stage, at the table sat seven people, one of whom stood out because he was leading the process. It was Professor Muromov, just as he was described; tall, with a scruffy head of hair and small eyes, wearing glasses with large translucent glasses, a little heavy, but with a military bearing. When everyone was seated, he began the meeting by greeting the audience.

– Good afternoon, dear friends. I congratulate you – in spite of everything, we have managed to convene our congress. On it we should adopt our further strategy of action, but in the meantime I and our guests will give some lectures. I hope there are no objections to the organizational issues of the board and the protocol, which you should have read in the hall?

Approving voices were heard in the hall.

– I remind everyone to be extremely careful. According to information received from our security service and like-minded people from the authorities, we are being hunted, the chain dogs of the "Jewmassons" are on the trail, so everyone must act like Matrosov in case of failure. So, I will speak first. First, I will cite a famous statement of Pastor Martin Niemoller: "When they came for the Communists, I did not care, I am not a Communist. When they came for the Social Revolutionaries, I didn't care, I'm not a Socialist. When they came for the trade unions, I did not protest, for I am not a trade unionist. When they came for the Jews, I kept silent, I'm not a Jew. And when they came for me, there was no one else to protest." Notice that they came for the Jews last, even though they shouted all over the world that Hitler destroyed them first! What, were they sitting around waiting to be killed? Didn't he offer them to leave first? This is the great Jewish scam to justify the creation of Israel. Now let's understand who is in charge in the US and NATO, and at the same time other countries that the US has colonized in various forms to date? Who is responsible for all the major atrocities of the 20th century? Who profited from wars, coups and crises?

"Well, yes, now I see why Alexander Ivanovich said they didn't have a single party man, that you can't serve two gods," Ruthra thought.

– Who is to blame for all the troubles of mankind, who serves Satan, who pushes people and nations together, who organizes wars? The answer is known – a number of clans or clubs of Jews: Rockefellers, Morgans, Rothschilds, Kuhns, Loebs, Goldmans, Mellons, Saxons, Dupons, Lehmans and others. These are the ones who have determined the course of humanity's development in the last 150 years.

"Here we go," Ruthra thought. He had an idea of the contingent that had gathered, and he had an idea of what topics were relevant to them. They weren't the only ones, though; they hadn't changed in well over a hundred and fifty years. So Rutra didn't really delve into it, his thoughts were occupied with the general factors that lead people to such conclusions. In this context, he began to detect a more momentous meaning in some of Mithra's statements or sayings. At times his hearing returned to the hall. Finding no new food for thought. the mind drifted off into other reflections.

– …It used to be believed that to control global financial flows, one had to have a controlling "stake" or blocking stake in it, which is physically impossible. A mathematical study by Swiss scientists has shown that for global influence it is enough to control 2-3 percent of the world financial web. And this is quite real, you just need to know how to do it. That's all for now.

The speaker finished his speech, the presenter thanked him, switched the microphone to himself and introduced the next speaker.

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