Большой космический клуб. Часть 2
26. Baker, D. The Rocket. — Crown Publishers Inc., 1978.
27. Gatland, K. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Space Technology. — Salamander Books, 1989 (2nd Edition).
28. Hagen, J.P. The Viking and the Vanguard // Wayne State University Press, 1964.
29. von Braun, W. and Ordway III, Fr. I. History of Rocketry & Space Travel. — Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1966.
30. Powell, J.W. NOTS Air-Launched Satellites // Spaceflight, Vol. 36, November 1994.
31. Pesavento, P. U.S. Navy in Space // Spacefligth, Vol. 38, July 1996.
32. Vanguard. A History Source // NASA Historical Reference Collection, NASA History Office, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC.
33. The Race To Valhalla, Launching the First Earth Satellite / Bille, M. with Lichock, E. // Quest, Vol. 8, No. 1,2000.
34. The Vanguard Satellite Launching Vehicle, An Engineering Summary — The Martin Company, April 1960.
35. Vanguard: A History / Green, C. M. and Lomask, M. — Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1971.
36. Project SCORE: The First Words From Space / Sweetsir, R. — Space World, January 1984.
37. Dommett, R. The Blue Streak Weapon. // Prospero: Proceedings from the British Rocket Oral History Conferences at Charterhouse, No.2, Spring 2005.
38. Minimum Satellite Vehicles / Gatland, K.W., Kunesch, A.M. and Dixon, A.E. // JBIS, Vol.56, Suppl. 1,2003.
39. Derivatives of the Black Knight Technology / Hill, N. and Wright, D. // JBIS, Vol.53, No. 9-10, 2000.
40. Sanders B. The French Diamant Rockets // Quest, Vol.7, No.l, Spring 1999.
41. The French National Space Programme 1950–1975 / Gire, B. and Schibler, J. //JBIS, Vol.40, No.2, 1987.
42. Clark, Phillip S. The Development of China's Piloted Space Prohramme: From Sounding Rockets to Shen Zhou 5 //JBIS, Vol.57, No. 11–12, 2004.
43. Clark, Phillip S. The Feng Bao-1 Launch Vehicle Programme //JBIS, Vol.55, № 7–8, 2000.
44. Юй
45. South Africa — New life for local space programme // CBN Archive, Sept. 1997.
46. Bermudez Jr., Joseph S. A History of Ballistic Missile Development in the DPRK. Occasional Paper No. 2. — Center for Nonproliferation Studies.
47. Рожен А. «Эксплорейшн», или Новый взгляд на то, что нужно делать в космосе. // Зеркало недели: Международный общественно-политический еженедельник, № 21 (549), 4-10 июня 2005 г.
Кроме того, использованы отдельные статьи из журналов «Новости космонавтики», Spaceflight, Air et Cosmos, Air and Space Magazine, Aviation Week and Space Technology, Flight International, Flueger Revue и материалы с сайтов
www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/, www.astronautix.com, www.capcomespace.net, www.skyrocket.de/space/space.html, www.planet4589.org, www.isas.jaxa.jp, www.sinidefence.com/missile, www.bernd-leitenberger.de/traegerraketen.html, www.globalsecurity.org, www.fas.org